Tuesday 6 August 2019


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36 hours have passed since Minister of 'Justice' Andrew Little  revealed his plan to legalise infanticide in New Zealand. In less than 48 hours Parliament will vote on the First Reading of this noxious Bill - and Cardinal John Dew and NZ's bishops are playing stumm. 

I use the word 'infanticide' because everyone really knows killing babies is infanticide. A recent op-ed piece in National Review was titled The Infanticide Craze; In New York where similar legislation was recently passed, babies who survive abortion are left to die; almost all Democratic senators have repeatedly voted against giving care to babies who survive abortion. It's infanticide and if we don't stop this legislation it's coming to a hospital near you.

If passed, this legislation will mean 'health' boards can sack doctors and nurses who object to killing unborn children.

And not only does this proposed bill effectively legalise infanticide, it means people would not be allowed to pray on the footpath near any 'hospital' which kill babies.

And Jacinda Ardern had the cheek tonight, on TVOne News, to promote the right to 'free speech', I think in relation to the demos in Hong Kong. Maybe Jacindarella doesn't think of praying as speech. Maybe she doesn't think of praying at all. Which means we must do her praying for her.

I call her Jacindarella because her fairy godmother Andrew Little (he looks more like a monkey than a fairy godmother) has waved his magic wand and delivered her wish, for a Bill allowing abortion  for any reason before the baby is 20 weeks old, and in effect after that up till birth. All a mother would need is a doctor who thinks it's 'appropriate' to kill her baby.

In an interview yesterday, Little-by-name and Little-by-nature had the gall to say that removing abortion from the Crimes Act would mean a mother having an abortion "wouldn't have to feel like a criminal". 

What dishonesty, and from a lawyer. The mother has never been a 'criminal'. It's the 'health' practitioner who kills the baby unlawfully who's been the criminal. What removing abortion from the Crimes Act really means is, an unborn child has the same status as a gallbladder or tonsil.

And today we have the unedifying but entirely predictable, spectacle of Winston Peters ducking the task of governance he was elected, and is paid handsomely, to do and handing it over to the hapless voter (and making the voter pay through the nose for doing Winsome's job for him) in a referendum. The only consolation in that is, apparently Jacindarella and Co didn't see that coming.   

So what's new? Nothing really. In effect we've had abortion on demand in New Zealand for years. But it represents a sea change in women's mentality. At a counter-protest in Sydney very recently, people opposing a pro-life demo held up sign reading THE ONLY GOOD BABY IS A DEAD BABY. And they were grinning.

Contact Family First (admin@familyfirst.org.nz() for all the information you need to email all or any Members of Parliament, begging them to vote NO on this evil Bill.

And then email all or any bishops and/or Cardinal John Dew, begging them to come out into the light and be the voice of Jesus Christ in the Church and in the nation, and defend these babies, "the least of His little ones".

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life, so that you and your descendants may live (Deut 30: 19).

Sharon Crooks says:

According to their Facebook update earlier today, Caritas Aotearoa NZ want us to spend our week contemplating endangered species - do babies count as endangered species? They don't specifically mention them. 
Their post says: "This week, we invite you to think of the small ways in which we can help to take care of the earth and its creatures. From learning about what species are endangered in our local area, to simply being mindful of the products that we purchase and consume - we can all do our part whether big or small."
Perhaps the NZ Bishops are following their international counterparts who, when considering the can of worms Theodore McCarrick's case opened, opted for illuminating ecological issues too, as promulgated in Laudato Si, just as Caritas have done for us.
It's all about getting your priorities right, right? Just a (provocative) thought Julia!

I say: 

Just don't get me started on Caritas. It would mean another post. A long one.

Monica Devine says:

I agree, Caritas should turn its attention back to human ecology. This is where the disorder in how we use creation stems from. 
Also I noticed that the Nathaniel Bioethics Centre is broadening its scope to include environmental issues when there are so many more qualified groups doing this work, but almost no one defending good ethical practices and guidelines. We are losing our way.

I say: 

"Curioser and curiouser": this very morning, for the first time ever I had reservations about the excellent weekly "Prolife Facts" bulletin published in many (should be all) NZ church newsletters. It was pulling its punches.

Forwarding this week's edition, which focusses on euthanasia, to our parish secretary, I said, "Euthanasia should be opposed, period. KILL THE BILL", and I forwarded that comment to the bulletin's editor (thanking her also for all she does to defend God's "little ones").

And what do you know, she replied instanter, saying: "Yes, I see your point. This material was supplied by Euthanasia Free NZ, which is totally opposed to euthanasia, and I think their point is that the suggestions for amendments would mitigate some of the risks, not that euthanasia is okay.

However, I can easily amend this to remove the paragraph and send this out again. " Which she did. Bless her.

If it's not stopped, rot spreads.

Philippa O'Neill says:

The best yet … Thanks Julia, you're a blessing.

I say:

Aw gee shucks.


  1. A great time for the bishops to match the pledge Bishop Pat Dunn made years ago to support any women facing abortion with material, financial help etc. This could be extended to the whole of the Bishop's Conference and every Diocese as it was a prophetic and visionary action.

  2. Absolutely! What's happened in the Church since then, to silence the hierarchy on the abortion issue? Years of bad liturgy, fatuous Protestant homilies and above all, many fewer Masses.

  3. Email the bishops ?!!
    Good grief, do you expect them to open such emails, let alone read them ?
    Mine get returned ""Deleted without being read". But perhaps that's only emails from me.

    1. It's our responsibility to make our views known to MPs and bishops. It's their responsibility to read them and reflect.

  4. I don't remember you asking my permission to publish my comments about Caritas and The Nathaniel Centre.

    1. I apologise. I think that when comments are published with the author's name on Facebook that it's already in the public domain. But in future I'll ask permission to transfer such public comments to my blog.
