Saturday 28 April 2018


Hospices will not euthanise (April 27) is like headlining that the Pope is a Catholic. Care of their patients, not killing, is the raison d’etre of hospices, the same as for all the medical profession.

Of course hospices oppose the End of Life Choice Bill. They point out that it’s people they never get to see, people with heart problems, respiratory disease and dementia, who’d be most vulnerable to family pressure to assent to euthanasia.

David Seymour states the obvious too, saying “there certainly will be doctors who are conscientious objectors”. Does Seymour know what’s happened to some would-be marriage celebrants since the same-sex marriage bill, when Labour MP Louisa Wall vowed and declared no one would be required to perform marriage ceremonies if they didn’t fit with their personal beliefs?

Since then 50 people who applied for licences as marriage celebrants have been turned down, simply because they didn’t want to officiate at same-sex weddings.

If this odious Bill is passed, how long before palliative care specialists are required, against all their belief and practice, to euthanise their patients?

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