Friday 23 March 2018

WHY THE GOOD OLD DAYS ARE GONE (Letter to Dom Post, March 24)

Remember the good old days when your baby was delivered by the GP you’d known for years? By comparison, maternity care now (Overcrowding puts vulnerable babies at risk, March 23) seems an even sorrier mess.
How come? The answer lies in the apparently anodyne line, “increasing complexities in the mother, including age and obesity”, and its subtext.
The good old days came to an end when abortion was legalised. Since then women have been able to delay giving birth by aborting unwanted pregnancies, increasing the chance of prematurity and its risks to mother and child in subsequent pregnancies. Waiting for their babies, many pass the optimum age for child-bearing and by abortion let themselves in for eating disorders.
Babies are not merchandise, to be ordered and delivered at a time that suits, or consigned to the rubbish bin if they’re not when or what you wanted. Born or unborn, babies are human beings and must be treated as such.
Otherwise we invite the consequences of “overcrowding, expensive transfers and worn-out staff”.

While our so-called Health Boards continue to kill unborn children, they will have to cope with ever-increasing difficulties in caring for the babies who escape their mothers’ wombs alive.

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