Tuesday 13 March 2018

I CAN'T WORK THIS OUT (Letter to Dom Post, March 14)

Teens who attend a Labour camp being more likely than most to have a victim mentality, (Labour gets it all wrong, March 14) Labour’s “victim-led” approach might have got it all right.

No. The Dominion Post is right to assert that “16 year-olds are in the eyes of many, still children” and “adults should have acknowledged their duty of care and informed the parents”.

But wait on. I can’t work this out.

A man puts his hand down a teen’s pants and it creates a furore because the Labour Party tried to hush it up.

But when a doctor ends the life of a teen’s unborn baby we're all okay with that, because the State says it's none of our business, and even her parents have no right to know.

Please explain?

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