Sunday 22 October 2023


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Yeah yeah yeah, it's Monday and going fast, but for the important part of the world it'll be Monday for a while yet. 

So much going on, should be covering World War III and all that, but the memes are too good to miss. 

Some are more sombre than formerly and others went out of date with the passing of time and the late, unlamented, lamentable Labour Government of Hipkins&Robertson, Profligates Inc - but the latter did give rise to many of the following: 

in the "Oh dear, how sad, never mind" category

pre-election, posted just for your delectation and delight

a word to the wise

in an Auckland, NZ, street this morning 

hugely ironic but tragically true

not so new, perhaps

Hamas have some strange bedfellows

 dear little Greta, in bed with Hamas and Maori 

pre-election, posted to keep NZ CEO Luxon focused 

If they were, the world wouldn't be in this mess 

Our Lady of the Rosary, please pray for the world

1 comment:

  1. The documentary program Sunday yesterday had a section on lithium batteries and their risks, worth finding on demand
