Thursday 18 May 2023


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'Trans' is violence. You had only to be at Albert Park for Posie Parker to know that

What will you do, you good Catholic women, if you find yourself in the ladies' with a gent? Are you prepared for that? 

Maybe you know nothing about the phenomenon of 'trans'. And you'd know nothing of the protestations from New Zealand's Catholic Bishops against taxpayer funding for the self-mutilation by surgery for 'trans'. Because the bishops have said nothing.

To speak woke, it's 'gender-affirming surgery' we're talking about, and back in 2018 it was already costing us $53,382 for guys who'd like to be girls, and $218,892 for the other way round. Anyway, when they tried it on in Spain the Church made known her teaching on this ultimate in self-abuse - and God abuse - very clearly.

Our Catholic bishops have neglected to inform their flocks of the fact that 'trans' is actually violence, on a grand scale - violence done to oneself and to one's community which can never be undone. Such is the scope afforded Satan by the silence of the clergy that while the bishops were otherwise occupied with cancelling churches and parishes, the wait list for 'gender-affirming surgery' has increased to hundreds.

In the US homosexually-inclined priests are encouraged by the likes of Cardinal Tim Dolan to indulge themselves and their seriously sinful inclinations:

A prestigious Manhattan church, notorious for pushing pro-LGBT propaganda divided parishioners earlier this month after it displayed a "God Is Trans" exhibit next to the high altar. 

In defiance of the Vatican's rulings against gender ideology, the parish of St. Paul the Apostle is showcasing Adah Unachukwu's blasphemous exhibit titled "God Is Trans: A Queer Spiritual Journey." 


Not just seriously sinful but seriously ugly

The high-profile parish in the archdiocese of New York is the mother church of the Paulist Fathers — the first order of Catholic priests founded in the United States. The church advertises a gay-friendly 5 p.m. Sunday Mass and an "Out at St. Paul" LGBT ministry. 

The "God Is Trans" installation "maps the queer spiritual journey by three significant points: sacrifice, identity and communion," a description for Unachukwu's artwork reads. 

"In sacrifice, parishioners are asked to 'shed an old life and personhood in order to be able to focus on your spiritual need," it adds.

"There is no devil, just past selves," Unachukwu explains. 

"Identity is the most impactful part of the exhibition," the display states. "What does holiness look like? What does your god look like? Are those two portrayals that can be merged?"

"Communion rounds out the spiritual journey, by placing God and the mortal on the same plane to speak to one another. This part of the installation is about a spiritual home and the ways we can achieve this home in our everyday lives," the description concludes. 

"You can't put this out on the altar and then hide," an angry parishioner told the New York Post. "Also, when a friend asked a priest about this, they didn't answer. I pray for all people, but enough is enough."

"I understand there are transgender people," but "the church should not be promoting this," the parishioner said. "It seems like they are trying to force the agenda on others. That's what gets the church in trouble."

But 80-year-old Cherri Ghosh defended the display: "I don't understand the art, but this church is very liberal, which is why I love this church." 

In July 2020 the parish's pastor, Fr. Rick Walsh, preached that Christ is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer — and that all Christians are LGBT in Christ, Church Militant reported


Fr Rick Walsh  

Walsh, who promotes the writings of homosexualist Jesuit Fr. James Martin, reflected: 

Are they not aware ... Christ is a woman ... Christ is Black. In Christ, I am also Black. Once you belong to Christ, you belong to all others who belong to Christ as well. Some say that those of us who are LGBTQ members of Christ's body do not belong to the body of Christ, totally denying our baptism.

Of course it is LGBTQ who are denying their baptism, denying Christ by their serious sin.  

Are they not aware that we who are LGBTQ are also living now in Christ — that we are Christ. Christ is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer? In Christ, I am lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer. Once you belong to Christ, you belong to all others who belong to Christ as well.


These middle-aged men LARP'ing as women post so many bathroom selfies because it's their triumph; their way of planting their flag and show the world their dominance of women's spaces, as a proxy of their dominance of the female body (post on Twitter).



In April, the parish celebrated International Lesbian Visibility Day by announcing this on the Facebook page of Out at St. Paul: "As an inclusive, joyful and beloved community, full of people who empower and support one another, we strive to live out this mission. To our lesbian siblings, please join us!"

In March, the parish marked the International Transgender Day of Visibility, declaring, "To the transgender community, we see you, we stand with you and we demand that you be treated with dignity and respect."

A spokesman for the archdiocese of New York declined to comment.

New York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan, a pro-LGBT advocate, welcomed the move to permit homosexuals and lesbians to march under their own banner in the 2015 St. Patrick's Day parade. Dolan served as grand marshal in the march.

While Pope Francis has met regularly with individuals who identify as transgender, the pontiff condemned gender ideology as "ideological colonization" on several occasions, most recently during his trip to Hungary in April.

In 2019, the Vatican's Congregation for Catholic Education condemned transgenderism in a document titled "Male and Female He Created Them: Towards a Path of Dialogue on the Question of Gender Theory in Education."   

The document dismissed transgenderism as a "fictitious construct" which "has the effect of obscuring the fact that a person's sex is a structural determinant of male or female identity." 



Coming to a pre-school near you

Just before Christmas, while shopping for outdoor decorations, I unwittingly encountered the transgender delusion. 

I had summoned a member of the staff for help.

He was a young man made up to look like a woman. He had the broad shoulders and slim hips of a man but padded himself with large prosthetic breasts — a parody of a woman's form. His hair was dyed with two phosphorescent colors.

He called another employee for help. This one was also masquerading as a woman. His hair was dyed a brilliant blue and, although his chest was less exaggerated, his appearance caricatured a woman. 

The normally mundane experience of shopping for Christmas decorations had begun to feel like something from the Twilight Zone. For those too young to remember, it was a TV show from the early 1960s that took viewers into strange situations that stretch the imagination. If my excursion were an episode, it could have been called "Priest Enters a Trans Universe." 

Another Strange Encounter

This experience brought to mind yet another strange situation I experienced about 12 years ago. I was asked to pick up at the airport a priest flying in from Europe so I could take him to a Chicago parish.

I had to wait for him outside the terminal. A group of men posing as women sat alongside me. Having just arrived from Barcelona, they, too, were awaiting their ride into town. 

To put it plainly, these Spanish men — with their fake breasts and heavy makeup — looked like circus freaks. From their banter, I gathered they were in town to have their male parts surgically removed at one of Chicago's big hospitals. No doubt they had traveled from Europe to Chicago because Spain, at that time, did not allow surgeries like that — or should I say, mutilations — to happen. 

They pretty much ignored the Catholic priest clothed in black sitting at their side. Perhaps they assumed I couldn't understand their thick Catalan accent. But I had no problem following their conversation in its gory detail and noting their animated excitement about the prospect of eliminating their male parts. 

Deeply disturbed, I took out my Rosary and started praying it aloud in Spanish. The men moved quickly away from me and my ave Marias.

In my youth, I never could have imagined a scene like this occurring anywhere other than on the Twilight Zone. But there it was — a modern reality. At the time this happened, Spain's public health system neither condoned nor paid for people to have so-called sex change surgery. But in 2013, Spain's Supreme Court ruled that the country's public health system must pay for such procedures. This court decision was made despite protestations by the Church and the public at large. Other countries are now making provisions to follow Spain's example. 

This group of medical procedures, both surgical and pharmacological, have been deceptively rebranded "sex reassignment surgery" (SRS), a somewhat innocuous-sounding term.

The name belies what really takes place when men or women subject themselves to a series of surgical procedures to have their reproductive organs mutilated or removed. It's not just a simple matter of snip, snip, but rather a matter of mangling and removing healthy organs. 

Church Teaching on Mutilation

So far, the Vatican has remained largely silent on the horror of these procedures and how gravely sinful they are. But Church teaching offers insights that the faithful will find instructive. 

One of the oldest prohibitions against the faithful being castrated can be found in the Council of Nicaea. The first canon of this council states plainly:

If anyone due to sickness has undergone a surgical operation, or if he has been castrated by barbarians, he is allowed to remain among the clergy. But if anyone enrolled among the clergy has castrated himself when in perfect health, it is good for him to leave the ministry. From now on, no such person should be promoted to the clergy. But since this applies only to those who willfully castrate themselves, if anyone has been made an eunuch by barbarians, or by his master, and is otherwise fit for office, church law admits him to the clergy.

Since the fourth century, this prohibition against the castration and mutilation of clerics has been understood to apply to all the faithful, both men and women.

This prohibition against castration and sterilization is still plainly stated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Paragraph 2297 states"Except when performed for strictly therapeutic medical reasons, directly intended amputations, mutilations, and sterilizations performed on innocent persons are against the moral law."

The Church has long taught that the integration of the body and soul is fundamental to the dignity of every person, and that this design is part of God's plan to help people realize His divine plan for their lives.

Explosion in Mutilations

Tragically, despite the clarity of the Church's teaching on this subject, castration and sterilization at large have increased dramatically in the last decade.

One reason is the full-court press of the LGBTQ mob to propagandize youth about how easy and exciting it is to change the sex God and their parents made them.

In the last five years alone, the number of children seeking puberty blockers and other procedures has exploded. A 2017 study documented that 15,172 young people (aged 6–17) in the United States reported issues with gender dysphoria, whereas in 2021, the number jumped to 42,167. That is a whopping 277% increase.

The entertainment industry and the Luciferian mainstream media have promoted sodomy in every way imaginable. Drag Queen Story Hours are also becoming commonplace.


Somewhere in the States probably: a guy beats the girls - who don't bother to show up on the podium 


The propaganda machines are in full swing, leading young and old alike to think everyone is getting a so-called sex change. Exaggerating numbers is part of the hype.

For example, in the United States in 2021, according to a study reported in Current Urology, 9,000 transgender surgeries were performed. This occurred in a country with an estimated 331.9 million people.

Dire Warnings

But more people, including those with influential platforms, are speaking out against the horrors of SRS. 

Dr. Jordan Peterson recently interviewed Chloe Cole, a woman who had undergone SRS in her youth and now regrets what she allowed surgeons to do to her healthy body. As a result of these surgeries, she will never be able to bear children or experience sexual intimacy in any normal way.

But she is just one of many casualties to come in this war for our children. We need to condemn the LGBTQ movement and its push to mutilate and sterilize the young.

The Church centuries ago recognized and condemned such evils and has reiterated them over the years. But we cannot wait for the Vatican to become the mouthpiece required to stop this madness.

We must make it clear that sex reassignment surgery is neither possible nor normal, either for children or adults. It amounts only to castration for males, the removal of breasts, ovaries and womb for females, and permanent sterilization for both. It is a point of no return. Say goodbye forever to naturally becoming a mom or dad.

Our job in 2023 is a straightforward one. Look this evil in the face, publicize the Church's teaching to a new generation and fight all those who oppose it! We must use every resource available to stamp out the fraud of transgenderism and gender ideology before it claims even more young victims. 

Pray and act, and with God on our side, we will spare ourselves and our children, like God spared Lot and his family from Sodom and Gomorrah.


The Ascension of Christ 
Rembrandt van Rjin

Lord, on the Solemnity of Your Ascension have mercy on us



  1. Ko Luke Toku Ingua18 May 2023 at 22:47

    It’s a global phenomenon

  2. Vanessa Beetson19 May 2023 at 00:12

    I don't see any trans, just some seriously mentally unwell men. Plus the blonde at the beginning of the fourth row, isn't that the lawyer from Canada that has had multiple failed court cases including one of trying to sue a gynecologist for not providing him with a smear? The gyne was professional when confronted with penis and testicles and said they could refer to a different specialist as was unable to provide the service, not refused or being phobic. Court threw it out thankfully.

  3. Nick van der Westhuizen19 May 2023 at 16:23

    D' evil does not sleep...

  4. Julia, you say "the bishops have said nothing". I wish that was true. They have said way, way too much.

    Every Catholic who wishes to protect their children and grandchildren from the massive ideological onslaught of the LGBT+ agenda needs to read the handiwork of our Catholic bishops in their recent publication "Aroha and Diversity in Catholic Schools'. It's a shocker, you will hardly believe your eyes. It's basically the bishops guidebook for the full acceptance of gay ideology in our Catholic schools. The language is often vague and confusing, but the overall message is clear. Parents are given virtually no priority by the bishops to protect their children. In preparing the document, parents were not even consulted, but teachers and gay activists were.

    Julia, you say "Our Catholic bishops have neglected to inform their flocks". In a way they have informed, but they have also totally misled.

    Pray for our children, or bishops and the Church.

    1. Yes, you are right. Thank you for the correction. One can bend over backward to be 'kind' to the bishops, hoping and praying for their repentance, conversion and healing, but parents' and childrens' need for the kindness of truth-telling absolutely trumps any hierarchical sensitivities here. In this case, Christ requires that we be cruel in order to be kind..
