Sunday 7 May 2023


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102,000,000 ordinary people watched the coronation of the woke King Charles III by a fake archbishop in an abbey stolen from the Catholic Church. 

Very many of those millions whose eyes were all on this royal carry-on are shutting their peepers tight to the rate at which they're dying - to the facts of excess deaths worldwide since that infamous so-called  preventative treatment for a specially-bred disease, Covid-19, started to take effect.

The $64,000 question is: when will some pollie in Parliament get some guts, open their eyes to the facts (as C S Lewis would say), and bring these staggering statistics to the attention of the nation? 

Or are they going to wait till New Zealand has its very own celebrity sports person, like the United States' Tori Bowie (pic below) "die suddenly"? Huh? Are they gonna wait for that to happen before they do their job, that they're paid for, and speak for the people? The people who've been defrauded by Jacinda Ardern and Sir (!) Ashley Bloomfield - both of whom have sloped off, note, to "fresh fields and pastures green", though anyone greener than the Kiwis who fell for them brainwashing is hard to conjure - and associated 'experts'? 

Four leading reasons why Parliament shuts its eyes to facts

Tom Woods is an American author, podcast host, and libertarian commentator who is currently a senior fellow at the Mises Institute. He's author of a dozen books, most recently Real Dissent: A Libertarian Sets Fire to the Index Card of Allowable Opinion

His other books include the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History and Meltdown (on the financial crisis, featuring a foreword by Ron Paul). His book The Church and the Market: A Catholic Defense of the Free Economy, won the $50,000 first prize in the Templeton Enterprise Awards.

Woods tells us that:

During the week ending April 21, 2023, the number of deaths registered in England is 22.9 percent higher than the five-year average.

These numbers keep coming out, and our wise experts keep pretending they aren't there.

You may have heard of Ed Dowd, author of Cause Unknown, who's been breaking down the data. When asked about what pieces of data are the most compelling, he offers these:

Two data sets. The Society of Actuaries, which are group life policies at the elite, elite corporations across the U.S., Fortune 500 mid-sized. Their excess mortality in 2021 was 40%. The general U.S. population was 32%. Typically, this group is much healthier than the general U.S. population. The Society of Actuaries has shown that in prior studies. It's in my book, it's QR coded.

And they said that in any given year, group life policyholders die at one third the mortality rate of the general U.S. population. So that inverted in 2021 and continues to this day. I blame the (unmentionable pharmaceutical products) and mandates.

The second piece of data: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics disability data. The disability numbers are around 29 to 30 million for the prior five years going into 2021. Then they exploded in February from about 29 to 30 to 33.2 million. That was a three standard deviation event, which in geek-speak happens 0.03% of the time.


Of those 3.2 million people that were added, 1.7 million are employed. When you look at the disability rate increases, employed went up 31%, the general U.S. population went up 9%. And what's even worse is, those not in the labor force -- people who could work and are willing to work -- their disability rate only went up 4%. Those are the people who got fired for not taking the jab or refused to take the jab and quit.

Typically speaking, the employed of the country, by the very nature of going to work, aren't as disabled as the general U.S. population. And this has never happened in the history of our country.



'Sudden deaths' which the msm 'explains'

Those two pieces of data are, for me, a mic drop. That's what I presented to Senator Ron Johnson in December. And that's it. That's all we need to know. We're done here.

In other words, why would the disability trends be so divergent, and especially in the wrong direction? The working population is generally healthier than the non-working, and yet we had this massive reversal of that normal situation.


Given how many people working were required to get the jab, and that plenty of the non-working didn't get it, and disability among the working exploded but it didn't among the non-working, is it all right with the police if we at least consider that the j*b could have had something to do with it?

To people who say "correlation doesn't equal causation," Dowd replies: "So did the virus mutate in '21 and '22 to only affect younger-aged working people but somehow avoids those who are not employed? Unless we have a new virus that knows you're working, there's no explanation for it."

(Please don't write to me saying you don't believe in viruses, because that's not the point here.)

I personally believe there is deep skepticism about the shots across the political spectrum, even if Democrats are afraid to express it. That's one reason the RFK Jr., candidacy is welcome: he is showing them that it's all right to say these things, just as Ron Paul showed Republicans that it was all right to oppose ridiculous wars.


And when He is come, He will convince the world of sin and of justice and of judgment

-Gospel, Fourth Sunday after Easter


  1. Steve Attwood7 May 2023 at 17:10

    My laughing emoji is not aimed at the post but at the four village idiots pictured in it.

    1. Steve Attwood that's being generous.

  2. Craig Robertson7 May 2023 at 17:12

    If their brains were dynamite they wouldn't blow their hats off.

  3. Those ex teachers obviously hated teaching. Probably hated kids too.
    And as for all those BA's, there is also another very apt meaning to the term BA.

  4. It seems the truth about the considerable dangers of the Covid vaccine keeps creeping out of the woodwork, however hard governments keep trying to hide the facts. The governments promoted the vaccine because it was good politically for them, it made them look good because they could offer the public salvation from this terrible disease called Covid. It seems natural human immune systems solved the crisis, not the dangerous vaccine. In the west, virtually only Sweden figured this out.

    The Catholic Church jumped on the Covid vaccine bandwagon as well. They should have known where salvation really comes from - God!
