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Abolish abortion! Lose the law! Sign the petition!
On Wednesday night I was at a demo at Parliament. Again. Talk about déjà vu.
Voice for Life's 'Call for Justice' was a something of a fiasco. The line-up of speakers were what you'd loosely term Pentecostal pastors, except for lay Catholic Brendan Malone, Agnes Guevara who sang her own beautiful song, and a very eloquent teenage Abby Lim and Dr Ate Moala - who both sounded like Pentecostal pastors too.
A hundred people turned up.
Louisa Walls, Terry Bellamak and the rest of the baby-killing coven would have been crowing. And the Catholic bishops of what they themselves (and the aforementioned) like to call Aotearoa should have hung their heads in shame. A well-known commentator, who shall remain nameless, said it was appalling: "There should have been thousands."
The demo marked the first anniversary of the most evil law ever in New Zealand history: the iniquitous Abortion Legislation Act, manufactured by Ardern, Little&Co, Death Dealers to the Nation.
The ALA (short, incidentally, also for alas and alack) was smuggled past the overwhelming majority of voters in the Trojan horse of 'Lockdown'. Literally scared witless at the time, by the panic whipped up by Ardern, Little &Co over the bogy of COVID-19, they never even noticed.
And because Ardern, Little&Co have paid the mainstream media $50 million in subsidies, ostensibly 'to help them survive COVID' but in fact to survive the con job Ardern, Little&Co manufactured out of COVID, the msm have obliged this miserable MsGovernment by keeping their mouths shut. So that the overwhelming majority of voters still know almost nothing about it.
Last night I was with a bunch of NO Catholics, celebrating St Joseph's Day with Mass followed by dinner at a local cafe. (Many Catholics I hope, would have celebrated with Stations of the Cross followed by Mass, but in this parish the Stations came to a standstill years ago.) The women I spoke to either knew next to nothing about the ALA, or they weren't going to admit to knowing.
They're following the lead of priests and bishops who've stayed shtum on abortion, refusing to preach on its moral, mental and emotional after-effects because it's Not Nice, condemning by their ignorance many more women to the abortion mills, and many more babies to landfills: to wit, a nine percent increase in abortion in the first four months after ALA's passing!
Public statements made by NZ's bishops on the subject have been so weak they could hardly stagger onto the internet. A notable exception is Bishop Stephen Lowe, who last Sunday made the powerful physical statement of marching for Life in Hamilton. What a tremendous fillip to pro-lifers and Catholics generally, in the Waikato, to see their bishop stand and march for what their Church believes and teaches.
"Call for Justice", marking ALA's first anniversary, should have been advertised in every Christian church newsletter in the country, and preached by every priest and pastor. Incredibly, right next door to the scene of the crime at Parliament is Sacred Heart Cathedral, whose website had nothing to say about it.
On Cardinal Call Me John's facebook page - nothing. But waiit on - his last entry before March 17, the demo day, featured this pic:
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Cardinal Dew says "take my churches for your jabs, Jacinda" |
"When Dew offered his churches (Christ's churches!?) for vaccinations, I wonder if the power end of the table thought 'we will use them for abortions if we so choose'."
Since the passing (virtually unseen) of the Abortion Legislation Act not only has there been a 9% increase in abortions but midwives are now being trained in 2nd- and 3rd-trimester abortions.
In other words, instead of bringing babies to birth, as midwives do and always have done, as their raison d'etre, now they're being taught to bring them to death. What type of girl or woman will want to commit murder by midwifery? In at least one District Health Board area all nurses are now being offered training in second-trimester abortions, the inference being that because of a predictable shortage of midwives, the catchment area has to be extended.
Under the tutelage of Death-Dealer Andrew Little masquerading as Minister of Health, his Associate Minister Dr Ayesha Verrall is zeroing in on 'accessible abortion services' (read 'more abortions') for Māori, Pacific and disabled people. Doesn't this smack ever-so-slightly of the Third Reich and Dr Mengele? Potential providers of such dubious 'services', says Dr Verrall, will be evaluated on their ability to partner with Māori/iwi, youth, community and school-based workers and groups.
Whoever said Black Lives Matter?
The babykillers, led by US import idealogue Terry Bellamak of the Abortion Law Reform Association in an unholy alliance with Ardern&Little's attack cat Louisa Walls, are trying their damnedest to take away Kiwis' right to stand on a public footpath and speak in kindness to sad and desperate pregnant women, to offer them practical alternatives such as adoption.
Walls' bill, a private member's bill in name but in reality operating as a government bill, as described in my post on this blog - -seeks to make it illegal to offer women any alternative - but only at certain times and in certain places. Like 150 metres from any so-called hospital, clinic or any abortion mill (this MsGovernment is creating more babykilling spaces), during the hours of babies' brutal dismembered or injection with poison (as in the photo above) with no anaesthetic and no treatment required if they survive the murder attempt.
But, ahem, this is the thing: how is an innocent, law-abiding citizen strolling down the street expected to know just when and where they'd be breaking the law if they happened to 'communicate' an opinion about abortion?
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Hospital Boards will need these |
Baby-killing days and hours vary. So the onus will have to be on the district council - or whoever it is that erects the 50k signs - to put up notices indicating just where the 150 metres demanded by Walls for her so-called 'safe zones' (actually lethal zones of course, for the babies) start and finish, and just when the dirty work of abortion starts and finishes.
Prayer vigil people could display signs like the one pictured, and if the poor old cops are called, point out that they're simply warning people to obey the law.
I'm indebted to a couple of wits among the PN Diocese Rad Trads for this brilliant lateral thinking - which could be taken up by way of amendments to ruin Wall's unsafe 'safe zones' proposal.
Other signs might be DON'T MENTION ABORTION! Or DON'T MENTION ADOPTION! (in the eyes of Ardern&Co, Dealers in Death, Derogation and Discrimination, 'adoption' could legally be construed in these circumstances as an opinion on abortion, surely.) And any signs would have to stipulate the hours and days when abortion and adoption are not to be mentioned.
You can't be prosecuted for speeding if there's no sign telling you what's the speed limit. So how can anyone be prosecuted for 'communicating an opinion about abortion' on a public footpath if there's no indication of the risk? How can law-abiding citizens 'stay safe', Jacinda Stalinda, in this hazardous situation if there's nothing to warn them of the danger of criminal convictions for shooting their mouths off inadvertently?
Perhaps we can look forward to the equivalent of road cones (just what we need, more road cones) being put out on killing days to demarcate the no-free-speech zones, and put away again after. But blood-red would be more appropriate than rescue orange.
Preposterous as it sounds, this is the New Zealand that Ardern&Little, Death Dealers to the Nation, are designing for us to live in.
And 100 people turned up to object to all of this murder and mayhem. 100.
Was that because it was Pentecostals, by and large, who figured in the Voice for Life 'Call for Justice' line-up that night? Voice for Life isn't Pentecostal. It's pro-life and largely Christian, but you don't have to be a Christian to see what's wrong with killing babies, legally, at a rate in New Zealand currently of 35 per day. 35 long-stemmed red roses were proffered by a pre-selected 35 of the 100 attending, with beautifully inscribed notes attached such as 'not forgotten' and 'treasure', and laid on the steps of Parliament.
You don't have to be Christian to defend the right to life; pro-lifers may be Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, agnostic or even atheistic. A prayer meeting of Pentecostals is super for Pentecostals but it's not going to pull in the punters. It might even cause Voice for Life to lose members.
ABOLISH ABORTION, LOSE THE LAW is a big, big, clarion call. A call for conversion of the whole nation; a call basically to the Churches, especially the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church to mind their own business of preaching the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, the Gospel, "in season and out of season, whether the time is right or not" - of saving souls, especially by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Rosary.
The Catholic Church post-Vat2 has bored its people to tears with 'social justice' seminars but seems not to realise that as St Augustine, St Thomas Aquinas and Martin Luther King have all insisted, "an unjust law is no law at all".
The Church should promote Voice for Life's petition - - for repeal of this infamous law with all her might. In fact if our bishops and priests wish to undo the harm to which they have contributed by their silence, and improve their chances of eternal life, they MUST promote it.
It's not generally recognised that an orphan need lack only one parent. It would seem that many, if not most, of the babies slaughtered by legal abortion lack a father, or at least lack a father in the proper, moral sense of the word.
This morning's Divine Office brings to our attention a favorite reading for the social justice promoters, one which would reward re-reading in the light of that injustice so scrupulously avoided by the aforementioned - the hideous injustice done to these little orphans of God:
Wash yourselves, be clean, take away the evil of your devices from my eyes: cease to do perversely,
Learn to do well: seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge for the fatherless, defend the widow.
And then come, and accuse me, saith the Lord: if your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made as white as snow: and if they be red as crimson, they shall be white as wool: Is 1:16-18.
Mandy Turner says:
ReplyDeleteThats because they're all given over to the prince of darkness! I'm surprised the Iman from al nor mosque's not there!
Sally Anne Hall says:
All Traitors, Liars & sellouts to their God of Evil 💯😈😈😈🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
Anne Greef says:
ReplyDeleteWell written Julia. The people who stand up for our Lord and Saviour are the church. We are His voice to spread the good news of his return & to stand by the truth. Amen.
Great ideas if ever the satanic safe areas bill gets passed.
ReplyDeleteFerosha Worn says:
ReplyDeleteCan you name all of these pastors and priests, vicars in that pic ? Would be good to know and spread the word - so at least know who we can now trust when it comes to churches
Anne Greeff says:
Ferosha, trust in the Lord, he will be your guide
Ferosha Worn says:
Anne, I know that and you dont need to preach that, we are talking churches here.
Anne Greeff says:
Ferosha Worn apologies I am not a preacher, I am a practising Christian.
Justine Vollert says:
Whats ALA?
I say:
Abortion Legislation Act. Please read the whole post on my blog.
Mitchell Maxberry says:
#1 no Muslims ,, humm... #2 men of the cloth sitting at a table with the of the table who is a unmarried mother and a tyrant of a country
Jeanette Hancock says:
It's easy to blame clergy and the leadership, and there's plenty of blame to be shared amongst them, but the people have to take ownership of their sins as well.
It's not the priests and bishops fornicating, contracepting, co-habitating, aborting, divorcing & remarrying at the same rate as the seculars. It's not the priests and bishops whinging to school boards about Catholic teaching being taught.
Now, say you claim the label catholic, and you willingly commit all manner of sins that you don't think are sins, you're not going to want to sit in church on Sunday listening to a priest tell you that fornication, et cetera is naughty. So you have a whinge to the Bishop, the Bishop worries about loss of funds, and so tells the priest to tone it down. I've heard the argument made plenty of times, that they want to soften the message in order to keep people in the pews, and hope that the Holy Spirit touches them enough to want to change. There's some truth to that, and the Church isn't just a hotel for saints, but a hospital for sinners, but so much beauty and Truth is being denied to these folk.
With that said, the internet is freely available to most people. There's a lot of libraries in Parishes that have solid books on exegesis and Church teaching. People have to take ownership of their own faith journey as well.
Long and short of it, we're all to blame!
Anne Greeff says:
The long & the short of it if that we are all individually Responsible for ourselves as we are all individually answerable to our Lord one day.
Mitchell Maxberry says:
ReplyDeleteThat's strange, Jeanette, I said nothing about any Christian group nor did infer or say the Catholic name . Your a liberal trying to make a storm in a tea cup !
I say:
I think Jeanette might have been directing her comment at me, not you.
Mitchell Maxberry says:
ReplyDeleteIncluding allowing the country to be corrupted by a drug using unwed mother !
Anne Greef says:
ReplyDeleteShe has a lot to answer for. She is also going to be made accountable for her actions. We can pray & spread the good news about our Lord' return.
Catherine Gillies says:
Mitchell Maxberry you are awfully judgemental. Would you have preferred her to abort the child than be an unwed mother?
I say:
I think he was just stating the fact of her status in regard to marriage. Suggesting perhaps that she should marry her child's father but not - as I read him- suggesting she should have killed her child.
Justine Vollert says:
Of course we are. We need to stand up to our church leaders with love of course
Philippa O'Neill
The old saying goes... the devil sups with a long spoon.. sadly he only needs a short one now.
Jeanette Hancock says:
ReplyDeleteI was replying to Julia.
Also, there's a saying, "if liberals think you're too conservative, and conservatives think you're too liberal, you might just be Catholic".
Philippa O'Neill says:
Jeanette, I'm with Fr Mark Goring in this... call them out.
The old saying goes... the devil sups with a long spoon.. sadly he only needs a short one now.
Anne Perratt says:
" goddess and Godless"
I say:
A well-known commentator described that pic of Ardern etc at the cardinal's table as "damning. A king hit".
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