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Cruel, evil Queen Jacinda |
Today the Catholic Church venerates as martyrs the Holy Innocents, massacred at the order of the cruel, evil King Herod. Bishops and priests throughout New Zealand would do well to offer Mass for the latter-day massacre of the innocent unborn at the order, in the Abortion Legislation Act passed in March, of the cruel, evil Queen Jacinda Ardern.
Are we astonished at the omission from his Christmas message Urbi et Orbi of any call for prayer from the Church by Jorge Mario Bergoglio for the vote pending tomorrow in his own country, Argentina, on the fate of unborn babies there? Not really.
In a text which resonates with John Lennon's Imagine and will, like his latest encyclical effusion Fratelli Tutti (Tutti Frutti) delight the Masons, Bergoglio contradicts Church doctrine once again (sigh) by claiming that hey, we're all brothers and sisters, man.
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Bergoglio and friends, obviously not in accord re masks |
Dear 'Pope', we are not all brothers and sisters. "But as many as received him, he gave them power to be made the sons of God, to them that believe in his name. Who are born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God" (Jn 1:12,13).
Once again, we see the foolishness at best, or wickedness at worst, of the architects of the Novus Ordo Missae in omitting, among so many beauties of the Immemorial Mass, the Last Gospel - which of course the congregation stood to hear read by the priest after the Ite Missa est, leaving the church with St John's words still ringing in their ears.
If Catholics were still familiar with that text, would Bergoglio have dared make such a glib and false assertion of international fraternity? Even the shepherds knew better, that first Christmas night when they heard the angels sing, "Peace on earth among men of good will" (Lk 2:14).
If Catholics were still attending the Mass of Ages, with all the wisdom its texts dispense, would Bergoglio get away with peddling mass vaccinations for COVID-19? If Catholics were still begging for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints in the Traditional Latin Mass, would he parade the false humility and putdown of capitalism implied in these words: "I cannot place myself ahead of others, letting the law of the marketplace and patents take precedence over the law of love and the health of humanity."
He asked "government leaders, businesses, international organizations" to provide "vaccines for all, especially for the most vulnerable and needy of all regions of the planet."
His insistence on jabs for 'the most vulnerable and needy', coupled with the strident advocacy of chums such as George Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates and Jeffrey Sachs for depopulation, is enough to make one wonder just what's in those vaccines - and how come they've been whipped up so speedily when usually the process takes 10-12 years?
The 'pope''s traditional message to the "city [Rome] and world" drew attention to matters of concern in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Lebanon, Ukraine, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Ethiopia, Mozambique, South Sudan, Nigeria, Cameroon, Chile, Venezuela, Philippines and Vietnam.
Bergoglio mentioned the Israelis and Palestinians as well as the persecuted Rohingya and Yazidi peoples. So far, so good.
But excuse me, what about China, where the Holy See's dealings with the Communist Party amount, in the words of Cardinal Joseph Zen, to "a total sell-out" and churches that registered with the CCP in the hope of peaceful worship now may endure more harassment than the hold-outs? And what about Christians increasingly persecuted and massacred for their belief, especially by Muslims, throughout the world?
Pray for Cardinal Joseph Zen, betrayed |
With such a 'pope' as this, we are easily persuaded by that darling of the sixties and swingers ever since, John Lennon, in his prophetic paean of praise to the 'Great Reset', to:
Imagine there's no heaven
Of course, Lennon enjoyed no possessions.