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"Politicians don't have the right to forbid the Holy Mass and celebration of the sacraments,” says Cardinal Gerhard Muller, a prince of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Politician Jacinda Ardern, before you inflict any further unjust (because unjustified) lockdowns, please take note. Bishops of New Zealand, please do likewise.
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Cardinal Gerhard Muller - no pushover prince |
Cardinal Muller was head of the Vatican's powerful Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith until ousted by Pope Francis, who replaced him with the Jesuit Archbishop Luis Ladaria (thus ridding himself of the last of Benedict's big boys.)
While the cardinal did say that the Church willingly accepts some security measures to guard against the coronavirus, he noted that some governments and politicians are taking this as an “opportunity to suppress the Catholic Church.
Cardinal Muller may never have heard of Jacinda Ardern (we may feebly hope that he has been spared) but certainly as a onetime leader of Socialist Youth and now leader of a socialist Government, Ardern et al are only too pleased to suppress the Catholic Church in New Zealand.
And she (the Church) didn't take much suppressing, did she? The moment Ardern crooked her little finger, she rolled over and played dead, with Masses cancelled and churches locked and Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament abandoned at the PM's good pleasure.
”The cardinal criticized the approach of various governments as “incoherent” since while allowing mass gatherings and tightly-packed public transit, they are forbidding Masses in large churches.
'Incoherent' is a kind way of putting it, your Eminence.
“We must fight for our basic rights, the rights of freedom of religion in order to practice our religion,” he said. “We must be very firm to give priority to the worship to God and to come together as the members of the body of Jesus Christ which is the Church.”
As Father Celatus (the name means 'hidden') wrote, in June: "As was the case with the ancient Jews, a majority of the Catholic faithful have been misled by corrupt religious leaders,whose behavior includes sexual perversity, apostasy, heresy and idolatry all the way to the top of the hierarchical ladder. And like the ancient Jews, whose worship ceased with the destruction of the Temple, so now, much of Catholic worship has ceased with the closing of churches worldwide, often with the capitulation and complicity of corrupt Catholic clergy.
"But God always preserves a remnant of the faithful few who refuse to compromise true religion."
Father Celatus reminds us of the king of the Persians, Cyrus, who was raised up by God as a chosen instrument to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem, and likens him to President Donald Trump.
"So it was decreed and so it happened. Similarly did an American president ... decree that all churches should open immediately and worship should resume. Sadly, just as many religious leaders had ignored the example of the faithful prelates (in Minnesota),so too they ignored and even criticized the decree of the President, who sought to crush the wicked blue-state (Governors) and override their unjust statutes.
... "one thing is sure: our religious leaders, who brought this misery on the Church in the first place, will not be the ones who will rescue us."
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The original 'Parking Lot Priest', St Paul, Mn |
To return to Cardinal Muller:
And in response to politicians who would counsel Catholics to just “pray at home,” the former Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith said that Christ Himself called on the Church to come together in memory of Him.
In New Zealand, your Eminence, the work of the politicians was largely done for them by the bishops and priests who saw all kinds of spiritual beneficence in their flocks being denied Holy Mass and the Sacraments.
Online Masses quickly became de rigueur, although as time went on, some priests were piqued to find that their performance was being critiqued as lacking somehow in personality, in pewside manner, in pithy witticism - which would have been impossible with the Traditional Latin Mass. One wonders whether prelates and priests who doubt their own charisma might consider taking flight into the TLM, where it is the Personality of God Almighty which matters, and that of the priest entirely subsumed.
“We are not a spiritualistic religion,” (Cardinal Muller) said.
“The Word became Flesh, and we are beings of flesh and blood and soul. We are living in the reality of the material world – also created by God – and therefore we need this corporal visible mediation by the sacraments within the community of the believers.”
Adoration of the Magi by Leonardo da Vinci
Paul Young says:
ReplyDeleteThis is all just a large serving of candy floss ... no substance about anything other than what is maken up in your people's minds ...
Sharon Crooks says:
Why don't you take the candy floss to some other amusement park then Paul - fill your mind with something that interests it - this stuff doesn't seem to compute with you...just a thought!
Teresa Coles says:
I hope Covid does not come back into our country..Cardinal Muller is so right, we should never have closed our churches. Our Bishops and Priests went along with this ruling from our Socialist leader..
Paul Young says (apropos of the pic of the Parking Lot Priest):
ReplyDeleteTee hee ... a circus is in town ...
Bob Gill says:
But which clown would even think this was a circus?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePaul Young says:
ReplyDeleteSharon Crooks ... I thought Christians were supposed to turn the other cheek ... be mild of character ... reach out to redeem me and show me the truth and the light ... you are showing signs of anger and rejection Sharon ... hardly Christianly behaviou (sic)…
Sharon Crooks says:
Paul I would be lacking in charity if I didn’t point out your errors too, so I took a harder line with you - you need it 😂🙃😇
Paul Young replies:
Sharon Crooks ... you're not a Nun are you ...?
Sharon Crooks says:
DeleteI would like to be one sometimes 😂 they chose the ‘better part’ - Luke 10:42.
Hi Paul.. Plse buy some books by Aquinas, Augustine, Ambrose, Fulton Sheen etc. Love and logic walk together. Amazon. Com stock most of these tomes. Many blessings.
ReplyDeleteI say:
ReplyDeletePaul, why should Sharon be a nun? She was simply responding to your comments as any really committed Christian would.
Paul Young says:
She sounded like she was getting a bit gnarly as many of the old nuns used to be ...
Sharon Crooks says:
Paul, perhaps you haven’t changed all these years - they too may have been acting in charity, but meeting with a hardened heart! If you really want to be redeemed and be shown the truth and the light, then pray to ‘see’ and pray for some crack to open in your mind so that the light could enter! Let your heart soften up a bit! Many a time Jesus pointed out the hardness of the Pharisees’ heart, but they didn’t change and he called them blind fools. The fact you are here, suggests hope...we could assist with prayer and fasting - that’d mean no candy floss for us!
Paul Young says:
Sharon ... I am clearly not worthy of your high beliefs and principles ... however in saying that ... I am extremely happy with my life and the world around ... so how am I in this lovely place without God in my life? I happen to know many believers who are having tortured lifes ... so why is that so ..?