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“Homosexuals have a right to be a part of the family. They’re children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable because of it. What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered. I stood up for that.”
That’s the so-called Bishop of Rome, the Vicar of Christ, the Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church, speaking.
Welcome to the new Global Church of Jorge Bergoglio! And not only has he come out in support of civil unions for same-sex couples: he has also confirmed old rumors that he did so in his native Argentina as early as 2010. For at least a decade, Francis has quietly but actively dissented from Church teaching on human sexuality
Lest there be any doubt, in 2003 the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith — then led by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, who was appointed by John Paul II — declared:
There are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God's plan for marriage and family. Marriage is holy, while homosexual acts go against the natural moral law. Homosexual acts “close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved”.(4)
Sacred Scripture condemns homosexual acts “as a serious depravity... (cf. Rom 1:24-27; 1 Cor 6:10; 1 Tim 1:10). This judgment of Scripture does not of course permit us to conclude that all those who suffer from this anomaly are personally responsible for it, but it does attest to the fact that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered”.(5) This same moral judgment is found in many Christian writers of the first centuries(6) and is unanimously accepted by Catholic Tradition.Moral conscience requires that, in every occasion, Christians give witness to the whole moral truth, which is contradicted both by approval of homosexual acts and unjust discrimination against homosexual persons. stating clearly the immoral nature of these unions;
the approval or legalization of evil is something far different from the toleration of evil.Laws in favour of homosexual unions are contrary to right reason because they confer legal guarantees, analogous to those granted to marriage, to unions between persons of the same sex.
Legal recognition of homosexual unions would obscure certain basic moral values and cause a devaluation of the institution of marriage.
the absence of sexual complementarity in these unions creates obstacles in the normal development of children who would be placed in the care of such persons. They would be deprived of the experience of either fatherhood or motherhood. Allowing children to be adopted by persons living in such unions would actually mean doing violence to these children, in the sense that their condition of dependency would be used to place them in an environment that is not conducive to their full human development. This is gravely immoral and in open contradiction to the principle, recognized also in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, that the best interests of the child, as the weaker and more vulnerable party, are to be the paramount consideration in every case.
The denial of the social and legal status of marriage to forms of cohabitation that are not and cannot be marital is not opposed to justice; on the contrary, justice requires it.
such unions are harmful to the proper development of human society, especially if their impact on society were to increase.
The Church teaches that respect for homosexual persons cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behaviour or to legal recognition of homosexual unions.
Legal recognition of homosexual unions or placing them on the same level as marriage would mean not only the approval of deviant behaviour, with the consequence of making it a model in present-day society, but would also obscure basic values which belong to the common inheritance of humanity. The Church cannot fail to defend these values, for the good of men and women and for the good of society itself.
Offices of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, June 3, 2003, Memorial of Saint Charles Lwanga and his Companions, Martyrs.
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger.
Some readers will accept that implicitly. Others will not. So, let’s be very clear: One of the first principles of Catholic social teaching is that immoral acts must not be given legal sanction. That’s why the Church plainly teaches that abortion (CCC, 2273) and pornography (CCC, 2354) should be prohibited by law. We as Catholics believe that civil authorities must not condone vice, even implicitly.
For the Pope — or any Catholic — to endorse same-sex civil unions is wicked. It follows the exact same logic that Joe Biden uses to justify his support for abortion: “I’m personally opposed to killing babies in the womb, but I wouldn’t impose that view on women who want to kill their babies.” The Pope has just made that exact same argument for homosexual acts.
* * *
This may be the most significant moment in papal history since Paul VI published Humanae Vitae. In fact, Francis’s comments are a kind of diabolical inversion of Humanae Vitae.
When he ruled that artificial contraception was always and everywhere immoral, Paul VI was addressing a live debate in the Church that had never been definitively resolved. And not only did he go against popular opinion: he contradicted many of his own leading theologians, including many “conservatives.”
As for Francis, nobody was expecting him to weigh in on this matter. This was a spontaneous remark, and on a matter that has long been settled by Church authorities. Only a small handful of “mainstream” theologians and bishops have ever signaled their support for civil unions.
Paul defended the Magisterium against vast legions of Sexual Revolutionaries outside the Vatican walls and their many fifth-columnists within. Francis has raised the white flag to the Sexual Revolution without their firing so much as a peashooter in his direction.
Some Catholics will take this as proof that Francis is consciously working to subvert traditional Church teaching. Others will assume he’s just theologically illiterate and, frankly, not very bright. Still others will conclude that he’s prone to spouting off on topics he neither understands nor really cares to understand. Many think he’s going senile, which might be the most charitable view. But I’ll leave that for the reader to decide.
At some level, it doesn’t matter. Whether the Pope is consciously or accidentally dissenting from the Church, he is dissenting from the Church. There’s no question about that. Little wonder that progressive Catholics are thrilled by the Pope’s comments.
Fr James Martin S J |
Father James Martin, who has long worked to undermine the Church’s teachings on homosexuality, tweeted: “This is a major step forward in the church’s support for LGBTQ people.” His colleague at the Jesuit-run America Magazine, Michael J. O’Loughlin, likewise wrote: “People downplaying the Pope’s words, on camera, endorsing civil unions for gay couples should ask LGBT Catholics how the remarks make them feel…. I assure you this is big news.” Indeed, it is.
Of course, the Catholic Left will weaponize the Pope’s comments against orthodox believers. Father Daniel Horan, the wayward Franciscan, wonders “what bigoted church leaders who have been firing Catholic school teachers and parish ministers for entering into same-sex unions are thinking right now. Maybe they’re thinking about what their own resignation letters might look like.” No doubt. Progressive bishops and diocesan bureaucrats will use Francis’s endorsement as a cudgel against orthodox Catholics in our schools, colleges, and chanceries.
What’s astonishing is how many “conservative” Catholics can’t see that. Ryan T. Anderson, who gained prominence as a critic of Big Trans and now teaches at the University of Dallas, also took to Twitter in support of Francis. Dr Anderson noted that he himself had also “proposed something like ‘civil unions’ for non-married people.” Again, one tries to give Francis the benefit of the doubt. But that clearly crosses the line into cognitive dissonance.
* * *
Francis may be one of those fifth-columnists that Paul VI opposed. Or maybe he’s one of their useful idiots. But this much is perfectly clear: Pope Francis doesn’t think of himself as pope. Whatever his idea of the papacy is, he’s dead wrong.
The duty of the pope is to safeguard and clarify the Sacred Deposit of the Faith. He’s supposed to think with the mind of the Church and follow the Magisterium; instead, he speaks whatever happens to be on his mind and expects the Magisterium to follow. The papacy hasn’t humbled him, as it did his predecessor. It has emboldened him.
Francis embraces the worst Protestant caricature of his office. He sees himself as a man with universal competence, one given to him directly by God Himself. That competence allows him to opine authoritatively on any matter, sacred or secular, that happens to tickle his fancy. That’s not what a pope is, by any stretch of the Catholic imagination.
But we know that. We also know that, when the Pope flatly contradicts the Magisterium, we may ignore him. Better yet, we can — and we must — contradict him loudly, for the sake of those who might otherwise follow the Holy Father into error. “This isn’t what the Church teaches,” we say. “This isn’t what Catholics believe.”
What a horrible burden this pope has put on the faithful. A good Catholic wants nothing more than to respect, trust, and obey the Successor of Saint Peter. Francis has made that impossible for so many. If he were really as wise and compassionate as he believes himself to be, he would recognize how many of his poor children he’s leading into scandal and disbelief.
Yet sometimes a dutiful son can do nothing but resolve to be a bigger man than his father. And that’s the sad situation we now find ourselves in. Pope Francis is leading our family down a dangerous path, and we can’t “accompany” him on that journey. We have to plant our feet firmly in the Church’s sacred traditions, and encourage our brothers and sisters to do the same.
Pray for our Holy Father, who needs our prayers now more than ever. If you love him, stand your ground. Please God, he’ll turn away from his error someday. Then we, the faithful remnant, may lead him back home.
Published with permission from Crisis.
Teresa Coles says:
ReplyDeleteI am always asking myself why I am living in these troubling end of times when the church and its people need to respect and obey the Pope in all he does and says.Pope Francis is causing a lot of pain within the church,as he makes error after error. Christ was trying to tell us when Francis was elected with the lightning strike over the Vatican.All we can do now is to keep praying for all Cardinals,Bishops ,Priests and yes Pope Francis.
I say:
ReplyDeleteFor faithful Catholics it's a great privilege and opportunity to live in this end of the end of end times. Prompted by such evil in the hierarchy to pray and sacrifice ourselves for Christ and His Church, the potential for sainthood is immense. If only we can rise to this challenge - as we must!
Mandy Turner says:
ReplyDeleteMore like repent and except Jesus into your life
Mark Gasparini says:
Yes you are correct. The graces that come from God are never wasted, so if God sends a soul graces and that soul rejects them then God will give those same graces to other souls who are disposed to receive them, over and above what God has already given them. In some ways it is easier today for those destined for sainthood to become a saint than it was in the past. Being part of the Church Militant, it gives greater glory to God and is more meritorious for those who faithfully struggle and succeed in more challenging times like now than through the more religious times of the past. Remember we were chosen to be here now, at this time, so this is where we make our stand.
Mandy Turner says:
Julia, no all God wants us to do is repent and accept Jesus as Lord into our lives, that's it! Its not hard
I say:
Mandy, Jesus Himself said, "If you would follow Me, deny yourself." Denying yourself is very hard. In the world as it is now, harder than ever, as Christians must constantly, day by day, swim against the currrent of paganism. "How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!" 'Strait' in this sense means difficult and dangerous.
Cec Michael says:
Anti pope. See - Most Holy Family Monastery
Anne Gioia says:
Cec Michael and you dear traveller are a minion of the red horned one.
The Holy Father is “Peter the rock”. Shame on you.
Cec Michael says:
Explain yourself
I say:
Cec, not anti-pope. Anti-Bergoglio, whose election to the papacy was fraudulent. Benedict XVI is Pope.
Janferie Kelekolio says:
This is where our faith in JESUS comes into play, where we rely on the Holy spirit to guide us... we do what JESUS commanded and that is to love the Lord our God with all our minds hearts and strength an love our neighbours as ourselves. Jesus is who we focus on. We pray for the Pope that God will guide him. He is still just a man. Just as all the clergy are. Let's join in prayer and get the saints and our Holy lady into the same prayer so when we pray it will rise as incense to Gods throne and his will will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Kathy Clarke says:
Satan in full view - what’s really in the catacombs you toxic beast
Anne Gioia says:
Julia how disappointed snd sad I am with your comments You have no understanding of his papacy at all.
Youve simply followed an unruly mob.
So sad and awful. Anne L.
Mandy Turner says:
No one should be called Father, except your Father in heaven, and the only way to the Father is through Jesus Christ.
Noels Famularo says:
ReplyDeleteI have not lost my Catholic faith. Rather, I do not have any confidence in Francis whatsoever. I've been to Buenos Aires and seen where his former rooms are located. they are diagonally across from the Government in the same square. 3 or 4 kms out from the City it's chaos and danger. I've seen how socialism works over there. Shame on Francis for pretending that he is a man of the people. He is not.
Justine Vollert says:
The problem is he doesnt know Jesus and his saving grace and the power of the cross. He need to repent of his sin accept Jesus as his Lord and saviour be Baptised in the Holy spirit.
Tom Kubala says:
DeleteThis is one reason I am an ex Catholic. The pope is not infallible, but the truth of scripture is. Popes may change but God's word never does
Justine Vollert says:
Tom Kubala me too.i am an ex catholic.
Tom Kubala says:
Justine Vollert that's awesome I converted reading the bible
Justine Vollert says:
Tom Kubala i went to a Jesus crusade in Auckland in the 70s was converted there..
I say:
Tom, popes are infallible only when they speak 'ex cathedra' which is very, very rarely. Bergoglio has never even pretended to speak 'ex cathedra', that is, infallibly.
Justine, tragically, the casualties of Vatican II and the Novus Ordo are as many as the grains of sand on the seashore. Did you convert by reading the bible as it was read, by your spiritual ancestors, for over 1500 years, or the bible as summarily abbreviated by Luther because he disagreed with the word of God?
And remember that conversion is - or should be - a life-long process. You may well return to the One True Church founded by Christ on His Apostles, I pray so.
Tim Jones says:
Justine I believe in the Eucharist, that it is the body, blood, soul and divinity (There wouldn't be so many proven Eucharistic miracles if it wasn't). Where else can you receive that? I see plenty of Judas' wherever i go, but why turn from truth, because of a Judas? The disciples didnt? In John 6 Jesus is quite explicit in how his body is the bread of life.
Tom Kubala says:
do you actually read church history? Because I do and the Catholic Church looks nothing like the early church did. Did you know the early church baptised people naked. They certainly never believed in papal infallibility and transubstantiation until 1300s. The trouble is you love the church more than the truth and the church more than Christ. I have read the early Church fathers and augustine of hippo and they never appealed to church authority but always the scriptures.
It's the lie that the Catholic Church can do what it wants and be the one true Church. I use to make the same arguments so I am not being horrible when I say this. Read the scriptures for yourself ask God to show you the truth. If you can honestly measure your Catholic faith, with the book of galatians and romans and Hebrews.
Look up some of James Whites debates with catholics on YouTube.
Justine Vollert says:
Tom, I totally agree with you
Tim Jones says:
Tom, that's not true, very early on it was the belief. The breaking for the bread was the Eucharistic celebration too.
Culliton argues that Ignatius and other Church Fathers had a merely symbolic view of the Eucharist and that their words should be understood figuratively. Culliton does acknowledge the classic passage that Catholics cite to argue that Ignatius believed in the Real Presence:
They [the Docetists, early Christological heretics] abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, flesh which suffered for our sins and which that Father, in his goodness, raised up again. They who deny the gift of God are perishing in their disputes (Letter to the Smyrnaeans 6:2–7:1 [A.D. 110]).
The Early Church Believed in the Eucharist
The Early Church Believed in the Eucharist
The Early Church Believed in the Eucharist
Justine, read John 6. Did Jesus say to the disciples, he was speaking figuratively when they decided to leave Him, because it's not what he meant, in Jesus being the bread of life? No Jesus was willing for all of them to leave to emphasise that, this is My body, my flesh is real food and if you do not 'chew' (This is the literal translation) on the flesh of the Son of Man, you have no life in you. Jesus doubles down explicitly in this, the Eucharist is the summit of our life here on earth, and no man could ever make me leave him. I can receive him no other way here on earth.
I say:
ReplyDeleteMandy, yes Christ is the only Way - a narrow, strait Way! But you probably refer to your biological father as 'father', don't you? The precedent for having spiritual 'fathers' is set by St Paul when he refers to the converted slave Onesimus as his own true son, whom he begot. He was a spiritual father to Onesimus, in the same way that priests are spiritual fathers - or should be! - to their people. So it's only right that the Pope, spiritual father to the whole Church as he should be, is called 'Holy Father'. Jesus often used hyperbole, as the Jews all did. In the same way, He also said no man should be called 'teacher'.
Anne Gioia says:
ReplyDeleteBXVI QUIT!!!! He returned the cross to Jesus and said its too heavy.
His place give to another for leadership. Acts 1:20.
“Bergoglio “ how disrespectful! The Vicar of Christ to be spoken of in such a manner.
But this we blame Vigano. A judas.
You can’t have anti Bergoglio without calling him anti pope as you and y tribe have done
Noels Famularo says:
Anne, perhaps you don't know that Bergoglio relinquished the title of Vicar of Christ some time ago. Why do you think that Archbishop Vigano is in hiding for his life?
Anne Gioia says:
Noels wow!! New information daily. I suppose an impersonator is now muddling his way through papacy .
Jesus certainly has not kept his word has he.? Jesus and holy Spirit lost control.
The gates of hell have mightily prevailed.
As for me. Let me have Peter. (Bergoglio) any day. A beautiful and magnificent Vicar of Christ for our time.
Noels Famularo says:
Anne, you're welcome. Oh and if you're familiar with Our Lady of Fatima then you should know that the great warnings have been about Rome falling. Why do you think that Our Lady asked for Russia to be consecrated to Her Sacred Heart?
https://ww… See More
Pope Francis drops ‘Vicar of Christ’ title in Vatican yearbook
Anne Gioia says:
Noels, whst drama Queen and Moels you believe that crock!!!
Have lifesite news been so successful?
Try reading the site Where Peter Is” and not the trash on lifesite, and other similar trashy places.
Noels Famularo says:
ReplyDeleteSo, it's not true then? I'll pray for you.
I say:
Cec, sorry, I took you to mean that I am anti-pope.
Noels Famularo says:
ReplyDeleteMandy, I don't know how old you are but I grew up in the Catholic faith in the 1950s and Father is a reverential term given to Priests who are given special graces to act as disciples of Christ and through the confessional may forgive sins in Jesus' name. The Priest doesn't forgive sins, he's the instrument of Christ.
The Supreme Pontiff or Pope is the anointed Vicar of Christ as Peter's successor. It is his duty to lead the flock as a true shepherd. Sadly the Church has been infiltrated over many years and now it's at crisis point.
Anne Gioia says:
ReplyDeleteNoels thank you i always need prayers.
Mandy Turner says:
ReplyDeleteYes but as long as we trust in Him, we will be saved
Mark Gasparini says:
Mandy, yes Jesus wants more than just acceptance. We have all been given the Divine Commission to bring as many people to Christ as we can. Remember the parable of the talents. The one who buried the one talent was rejected because he did nothing for the Kingdom.
Catherine Gillies says:
Mark well said.
I say:
Oh no Catherine, , you and Mark have got it wrong : my parish priest declared this morning that the reason why he was deprived of his talent was that he was 'afraid'.
My PP would like to abolish the first Reading - the 'faithful wife - and also the Psalm response, "happy are they who fear the Lord".
And our Prayers of the 'Faithful' (so-called) were simply a blueprint for use in Bergoglio's New Global Church.
Tom Kubala says:
ReplyDeleteThis is one reason I am an ex Catholic. The pope is not infallible, but the truth of scripture is. Popes may change but God's word never does
Justine Vollert says:
Tom, me too.i am an ex catholic.
Chester Borrows says:
I think he is fantastically relevant, confrontational, questioning, and mist of al R E A L .... dragged the papacy into the 21st century. So egalitarian, not egotistical in any way at all.
I say:
DeleteYes, Bergoglio is a real man of the world.
Very critical of other Catholics who don't follow his modernist interpretation of theology. Boorish and not entirely honest and very personal. Just Google his quotes.
ReplyDeleteJeanette Hancock says:
ReplyDeleteTom, what have you been reading that you came to that conclusion? And how were you interpreting it? The Early Church was well and truly Catholic.
Scripture as we know it, didn't exist till 390AD, and you can thank the Catholic Church for that.
We don't just rely on scripture, we rely on Sacred Tradition as well as the Magistrium to interpret Christian theology.
Yeah, the Catholic Church has it's dirty quirks, and far too much fluff around the edges, but it is still the Church founded by Christ and the only one Christ promised would stand firm against the Gates of Hell.
And frankly, what else is there? Which one of the 38,000+ Protestant flavours are we supposed to embrace if not the Catholic Church?
I say:
ReplyDeleteChester, I might add, a real man of the world is the very opposite of what a pope should be - a priest of God and His Church.
Chester Borrows says:
Julia... uummmm Jesus upset everyone mostly the traditional church for being too aloof from the real world. Better watch out.
I say:
Chester, "I have given them thy word, and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world; as I also am not of the world"(Jn 17:14).
Chester says:
Being REAL does not mean WORLDLY as "of the world" does in that context. But, maybe we need to leave it there Julia. Good to engage with you.
Chester aka Kerry?