To comment scroll down. You will be asked to open your gmail account but if that doesn't work email me at or use Facebook Messenger or Twitter. I apologise for this computer which for reasons known only to itself yesterday posted an early edit, a shambles, of this post.
"We are not saved
as individuals. We are saved as a community.”
This is the latest heretical statement from Father Joe Grayland, preached in his homily last Tuesday at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Palmerston North, where he is
parish priest.
Father Grayland has earned a considerable reputation as an apprentice apostate, but in this he excels himself. The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church teaches that Jesus Christ would have become incarnate, suffered for 33 years and died that agonizing death on the Cross to save just one soul. He suffered for all of us individually, for each sin we commit, not as a community but as individuals.
The entire body of the Mystical Doctrine of St John of the Cross,
Doctor of the Church, and many other mystics, affirms that God’s perfect design
for each individual soul is union with Christ: the mystical marriage of the
human will with the Divine Will, of God with each individual soul.
Union with Christ for each individual soul is the theme of Fr Thomas Dubay’s Fire Within, a book handed to me years ago as I lay sunbathing under a taupata tree at Pourerere Beach, which suddenly, on page one, gave my life direction and purpose: union with Christ.
Venerable Bishop Fulton Sheen has stated that "You can't have the community without the individual, on earth or in heaven."
The instruction of St John of the Cross to religious – who experience community more intensely than most – is to “live in this world as if there be only God and thy soul!” Father
Grayland is putting the cart before the horse: being saved as an individual is
foundational to the community being saved.
Father, were you not baptised as an individual? And you will die as an individual and be judged as an individual. Your community will not be there to defend you against God’s charges of heresy.
At the cathedral the day after Fr Grayland's latest aberration, I noticed a woman tending the arrangements of beautiful, expensive fresh flowers on the empty altar. I say 'empty' because the high altar at the cathedral now serves only as interior decoration, a shelf for flowers and candles and an empty tabernacle. The Blessed Sacrament resides in a fancy cupboard off-stage.
That set-up - replicated in
churches throughout what was was once Godzone - is a symbol, a metaphor for the
stealthy, sinister, silent subtraction of the First Commandment from our Catholic
Bishops' teaching in New Zealand and their promotion of the Second Commandment
to replace it. In other words, worship of the community has
supplanted the worship of God.
If the Blessed Sacrament's not
there in that tabernacle on that high altar, who are the flowers for? That
question had never occurred to me before. The answer is obvious: the
flowers are intended for the enjoyment of 'the community'.
Quite likely, being more lavish and expensive than usual, they'd been placed there for a Requiem Mass. Of course, everyone wants to honour their dead (I refuse to employ Evelyn Waugh's expression, its satire having evaded probably 99 per cent of its users), but my point is, the Blessed Sacrament is more worthy of honour than any departed, no matter how dear. But the Real Presence in Its cupboard is accorded only plastic flowers.
Above the empty tabernacle in the cathedral there is no crucifix to speak, so eloquently, of Christ's bloody agony and death, re-presented in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The cathedral Mass, however, is still valid, even when if the celebrant is in a state of unconfessed mortal sin, such as heresy. Father Grayland's community can take comfort in that.
Or instead, and infinitely better if they want to save their souls, they can take refuge in the Traditional Latin Mass celebrated at St Columba's Ashhurst 12 midday, every Sunday.
Take the tabernacle and crucifix off the altar, and you remove the Head of the Church from the Body (the community). Post-Vatican II, the Church has beheaded Herself and like a chook with its head cut off has run around in circles ever since.
In the cathedral entry there are no holy water fonts.The cathedral community, schooled by Father Grayland, evidently prefers to place its faith in plastic bottles of 'hand sanitiser', that is, in science rather than sacramental and the grace it confers.
The 'faith' that the cathedral scenario
expresses is as faux as those tawdry blooms in 'the Blessed Sacrament Chapel'. As faux as the faith professed by phony Catholic, self-proclaimed (no, make that media-proclaimed) Joe Biden, and Kieran McAnulty, 'Catholic' MP for Wairarapa. As fake as the 'faith' manifested in
the pic below of defrocked Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who in his promotion to the very top of the hierarchy of the Church destroyed the faith of
countless seminarians lured into his bed at his beach house, and who was known
by that same hierarchy to be doing what he was doing.
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The since-defrocked Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Who was he fooling? |
Such was the success of Satan in schemes such as infiltrating the American Church with Communists, as attested by Bella Dodd et al, that consensual sex between priests and seminarians was being taken as read. It was not until a former altar boy accused McCarrick of fondling him when he was a teenager during preparations for Christmas Mass in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in 1971 and 1972 that the proverbial hit the fan. The charming McCarrick was in for it, at last. The allegation was the first against McCarrick involving a minor, and that's what it took to trigger the investigation.
"The long-awaited 450-page document, which fails to mention the name of earliest named victim James Grein, was published by the Vatican Secretariat of State Tuesday afternoon, two hours after the release of a U.K. quasi-governmental report on child sex abuse slamming Pope Francis."
What a
"It also asserts that before the allegation made to the New York archdiocese in 2017, "the pope was never informed by anyone that McCarrick had sexually abused or assaulted any person, irrespective of age."
Bergoglio, who surrounds himself with homosexuals and promotes some to the cardinalate, was the last to hear of his chum McCarrick's wicked misdeeds Yeah, right..
"But the report is silent on James Grein, who alleges that McCarrick repeatedly abused him in the 1980s... Only once, in a single footnote, does the report mention Fr. Robert Ciolek who received an $80,000 settlement in 2005, partly over allegations that McCarrick, as a New Jersey bishop in the 1980s, had sexually abused him."
Well, in a 450-page report I guess there's only so much you can say.
" ... There is no record of Viganò's written communications in the Holy See files before, between or after the June and October 2013 meetings and no summary or memorandum of the one-on-one meetings between Pope Francis and Viganò.
Pop Francis.
The Holy See's files must be about as accurate and thorough as mine, then.
The Gran Logia proclaimed that, in the 300 years of modern Freemasonry, it has been based on a "universal fraternity of human beings who call each other brothers and sisters despite their respective creeds, ideologies, skin color, social background, language, culture or nationality." This principle, the statement read, clashed with "religious fundamentalism" on the part of the Catholic Church, which "issued severe texts condemning the toleration of Freemasonry in the 19th century."
The statement claimed that the pope's most recent encyclical "demonstrates how far away the present Catholic Church is from its former positions. In Fratelli Tutti, the pope embraces Universal Fraternity: the great principle of modern Freemasonry." The Catholic Church and Freemasonry have long been at odds, given their very distinct philosophical and theological differences.
The statement quoted a relevant passage by the pope in the encyclical: "It is my desire that, in this our time, by acknowledging the dignity of each human person, we can contribute to the rebirth of a universal aspiration to fraternity. Fraternity between all men and women."
Principal political leaders of the Spanish republic, including government cabinet members, were Freemasons who contributed to stripping Catholic religious orders of property and eliminating Catholic education in state schools, for example, during a period when anarchists, communists and others were murdering priests, as well as male and female religious.
It was Freemasons who tried to make life hell for the three little seers of Fatima, after the apparitions of Our Lady. But the Masons couldn't break those children. They'd seen hell in its reality and they stood fast in their determination to save souls from going there.
Historically, several popes have denounced Freemasonry as antithetical to the Faith. Since 1738 and the publication of In Eminenti Apostolatus, Catholics are prohibited from joining. Some confusion has clouded the minds of Catholics since then, however. While a 1983 change in canon law appeared to eliminate excommunication as a penalty for membership, Cdl. Joseph Ratzinger (the future Pope Benedict XVI) wrote that anyone who enrolls in Masonry is in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion.
There's probably more than one parish in New Zealand where former popes and Cardinal Ratzinger are ignored in this particular, as under our bastard breed of bishops they often are, in general.
The encyclical refrains from mentioning "evangelization" or the "proclamation of the gospel" and instead brandishes its own breed of fanaticism — the Marxist Left's repeated pronouncements on migration, markets, populism, nationalism, redistribution of wealth, private property and the death penalty, among others. Globalists are also leveraging the encyclical with the help of Marxist clergy to push for women clergy — "structures" that they feel must be altered in step with its "teaching and morals" in pursuit of a "revolution." Already, feminists have attacked the encyclical for its "sexist" title.
So we see that the Masons, those 'nice people who do a lot of good in the 'community' ' are busily driving the Great Reset, straight towards Bergoglio's New Global Church.
And we hear good Catholic women in this country, misled by bishops and clergy - not all of them diocesan - demanding female priests as an option for the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Not for as long as the Church remains the Bride of Christ, with His priests acting for Christ in a spousal relationship with his Church.
Do these feminists realise that in calling for women priests they're advocating for women as spouses of the Bride of Christ, which would constitute a lesbian relationship? Are they really that mad?
And does the nominal Head of the Church, Jorge Bergoglio, realise that we are Fratelli Tutti - all brothers and sisters (pace, feminists!) only because firstly, we are all children of God? In other words, our relationship in community, with one another, is secondary to our relationship with God our Father. Just like the Second Commandment depends on the First.
So, Father Grayland and sundry dissident bishops and priests, could you please return the First Commandment to its rightful place, and thus restore equilibrium, sanity and "the fear of God (which) is the beginning of wisdom" to the Church?
St Faustina Kowalska, describes her experience of illumination of conscience and the Judgment which, we should remind ourselves and our community, awaits us all:
"I was summoned to the judgment (seat) of God. I stood alone ..."
(without her community, note)
"... before the Lord. Jesus appeared such as we know Him during His Passion. After a moment, His wounds disappeared, except for five: those in His hands, His feet and His side. Suddenly, I saw the complete condition of my soul as God sees it. I could clearly see all that is displeasing to God. I did not know that even the smallest transgressions will have to be accounted for.
What a moment! Who can describe it? To stand before the Thrice-Holy God!"
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Jesus, Divine Mercy, I trust in You |
Paul Young says:
ReplyDeleteTalk about worshipping spooks, idols, and plain silly s... the quicker you lot head off this mortal coil the better for you own souls ... you all sound really tortured ... of your own making ...
I say:
ReplyDeleteI publish this comment in the interest of exposing the depths of ignorance of God's plan for humanity, and the need to pray for such people, which was the insistent message of the three little seers of Fatima, whom Our Lady allowed a glimpse of hell.
Sharon Crooks says:
ReplyDeleteNot to mention where the crucifix of Our Lord is now hanging and it’s implicit relevance to the Mass as the Sacrifice of Calvary - out the proverbial back door! As you imply, the result is an architectural transformation to reflect the cultural milieu whereby we are to be interiorly transformed in order to ‘love thy neighbour’. “Be kind” Jacinda says, and Our Bishops and priests say ‘Amen, amen!’
At least that’s what I hear in most homilies in Palmerston North! Thus, there is no discordance between what we see and what we hear! Which raises the point as to what is Fr Joe doing about all this??
Fr Joe Grayland specialises in teaching courses on the exploration of the interior of religious spaces, which he calls the ‘God box’ - according to his online CV. There is so much going on in the cathedral ‘space’ that it’s a wonder someone with so much expertise can live out their vocation to the priesthood so willingly, when all is in disarray and disharmony. He must have the patience of a saint! We must hope snd pray that he will advocate for some changes to better reflect the truth of the Mass, as the Sacrifice of Calvary, where Our Lord is truly Present, Body, Soul, and Divinity, reminding us to whom we are to give all of our heart, mind, and soul to!
I say:
Sharon's comment was made on a brief Facebook post which gave no link to the blog post, which as you see does mention the absent crucifix etc.
Sharon Crooks adds:
Janferie Kelekolio says:
ReplyDeleteI've always seen it that when we recieve the body and blood of our saviour we then take it out into the communities by how we live our life, mass and church is a place where we come to recieve fellowship, teaching, and being stitched back together again, practices are still in place and it's always a place of worship ... worshiping together as the body of christ. There are lots of people healing in the church and the scripture that says where one or 2 are gathered in my name there I am in the midst of them. We had alot of masses at home watching on the screen, yet Jesus was still in the midst of us. The early church didnt have high altars they gathered together in homes or large buildings, and took teaching from the scriptures, some catholic churches are very old testament places where the people live the old covenant way, Jesus made a new covenant and we are to live by that standard. The greatest commandment we are to live by is Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your strength and to love your neighbour as yourself, we are making church open to all to come, gather, and be taught about Jesus and his saving grace. Dont forget Jesus hung in the cross for our sins, he was also taken down laid to rest AND rose Again from the cross, taking up his position at the right hand of the Father interceding for us. For he is no longer here is what the angel said to those at the tomb, this should be the message
Helen Carver says:
ReplyDeleteNot too happy with the old boys' network right now the sooner women are allowed to be priests the better as far as I'm concerned
Sharon Crooks says"
How could that work? When the institution of the priesthood occurred, there were no women present and no precedent that Our Lord could have drawn from even if he wanted to - He came to fulfil... Why would you want to abolish something when He wouldn't? Also the priest stands in for Our Lord as the groom to the bride, the Church. How therefore could women priests fulfil the role of the groom to the bride? It doesn't make theological sense.
I say:
Here too, Sharon was referring to the brief Facebook post. I did address this issue on this page, as you see above.
Philippa O'Neill says:
ReplyDeleteHelen, it would hardly he the Holy Roman Catholic Church then... it would be a completely different church and not instituted by God himself. Yes... there are many not so good men in Our Lord's church but that does not mean it is wrong... it is just awful formation that could be fixed. I know many good and faithful priests and it is our job to.pray for them.
Monica Devine says:
DeleteGod save us from bossy women running the show. We just need well-formed, holy and humble priests.
Piripi Thomas says:
ReplyDeleteKeep praying the Rosary. Keep building your ark. Keep a loaded gun under the bed. Dominus vobiscum.
Piripi Thomas adds:
Read "The Last Roman Catholic?" by James W Demers. It may be about Canada but transfers equally well to Hellenzone .
Karen Raglan says:
If possible , move to a place close to the SSPX! They will be the last ones saying Holy Mass.
Rudolf Suhr says:
DeleteProtestant Christianity is dying too.
Karen.. So true.. Sadly
ReplyDeleteBuild a 'priest hole', have a place ready for their refuge at any rate. We need our priests. Make sure good priests know they can rely on (select) faithful for help in times to come. Women priests are not of God. It is an illusion of pride sent by the father of lies.
ReplyDeleteThe True Church will persevere even if with only a small number of faithful priests. God will provide. Trust Him. It is a test of Faith.
Martin Ng says:
ReplyDeleteBeen there once... Took some time to find Him.
Yes. And that is so WRONG. The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments on March 25, 2004 stated -as do other documents - "that the tabernacle is to be placed in a part of the church that is noble, prominent, READILY VISIBLE, adorned in a dignified manner, and suitable for prayer" (added emphasis).
ReplyDeleteOther churches which offend against this Instruction of the Magisterium are:
Sacred Heart, Hastings
St Patrick's, Napier
St Joseph's, Mt Victoria, Wellington
Our Lady of Kapiti
St Mary's Taradale, Napier
And that's just off the top of my head.