Sunday, 15 November 2020


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Faithful Catholics will be sickened by Jorge Bergoglio's congratulatory chat on the phone the other day with the media-announced winner of the US election, Babykiller Biden. If you ask me, it's one wolf in clerical clothing cosying up to another one in civvies (and of course, a mask).

Joe Biden - contemplating, we hope, his final end which will never end

"I hope and pray that, as a result of a just legal process, Trump proves to be the true winner in this month’s U.S. presidential election. However, the disaster of a Biden/Harris presidency for the world will be a mere tea-party in comparison with the eclipse of the Catholic Church, taking place today – as evidenced by the disgraceful and dishonest statement from the USCCB regarding Joe Biden and his running mate for the U.S. presidency.

..."in Westminster, the Mother of Parliaments, parliamentarians, including notable Catholics, voted to suppress public religious services including the suppression of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the first time since the Catholic Relief Act (1829 - ed).

"It’s a dark moment in world history, made all the darker by the welcome given to the apparent result of the U.S. election by so many people who should know better – including our friends, family members, and fellow church-goers ... 

"Pro-lifers, Catholics, and all people of good will are feeling deeply disturbed by the celebration by fellow citizens and church leaders of the apparent ascent to the world’s most powerful political office of a man who, by reason of his unequivocal, unapologetic support for abortion alone, is totally unfitted for this role. ...

"In Britain, nothing’s worse than the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales and their repeated expressions of support for the British government’s legislation which makes “relationships education” compulsory at primary school and Relationships and Sex Education compulsory at Secondary School.

In New Zealand, school children are now likely to have their last years of childhood stolen by the Ministry of 'Education' which ran an 'InsideOUT Schools Pride Week' in August, and which introduces kids aged 10-13 to 'gender identity and diversity' (LGBTQIA+) at age 10-13, with programmes supplied free by Rainbow Youth. 

'NZ schools urged to use students preferred names, genders and pronouns' - The Guardian

Not only have the bishops welcomed LGBT-inclusive Relationships and Sex Education in schools in England, they have said, on the subject of homosexuality, that an “exalted form of love exists just as powerfully in relationships between people of the same sex as it does in heterosexual relationships”; and they have welcomed as “compatible with the Catholic model curriculum” the government’s Final draft guidance on relationships education, relationships and sex education and health education (February 2019) which reaffirms in an intimidatory way the obligation of schools to teach LGBT content; and in which abortion is presented as one of the available options during pregnancy to which pupils must be signposted without any reference to parents. 

"The scandal of the U.S. bishops’ statement on Biden, the scandal of the CBCEW, and all the scandalous statements of so many bishops throughout the world, including the Bishop of Rome, which are currently eclipsing the glorious teaching of the Church on life and the family must not cause faithful Catholics and tireless pro-life campaigners to despair.

"On the contrary. As Professor de Mattei, the church historian, has said, there has never been a better time for the lay faithful to preach the Gospel, the whole of the Gospel, from the rooftops – encouraged by the rare exceptional bishops who, as faithful successors of the apostles, sacrifice the respect of their peers by courageously handing on the teaching of Christ.

"Now is the time for Catholics and pro-life people of all faiths and none to break their misplaced tactical silence on the fatal damage being done to marriage, to the family and to the protection of human life before birth by legal recognition of same-sex unions; and to turn their backs on compromise unethical political deals on abortion which sacrifice babies in cases of rape, or disability, or before the baby’s heart begins to beat, and to begin fearlessly to proclaim the whole truth about the sanctity of human life, marriage, and the family" - John Smeaton.e Chief executive officer of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) 
Is There a Right to Resist a Pope Who Abandons the Christian West? 

"Until Pope Francis, the Sovereign Pontiffs recognized Western Christian civilization as the Church’s firstborn child and sought to defend it. The alternative is a Church acting like a false shepherd who turns the flock over to the voracious wolves wanting to devour it. However, this is the attitude shown by many of our highest ecclesiastical authorities.

 "We do not fear assuming the state of RESISTANCE because its moral legitimacy was acknowledged by the silence of Pope Paul VI and numerous other ecclesiastical authorities in respect to Professor Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira's statement of 1974 on the Vatican’s policy of détente with communist regimes, signed and published by all Traditional  Family Property nations then in existence.

"St Peter teaches us that it is necessary “to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). The limits of this declaration do not permit us to list all the Church Fathers, Doctors, moralists, and canonists — many of them raised to the honor of the altar — who have affirmed the legitimacy of resistance. This genre of resistance is not separation, it is not revolt, it is not acrimony, it is not irreverence. On the contrary, it is fidelity, it is union, it is love, it is submission.

"To resist means that we will encourage Catholics to reaffirm their love for Western Christian civilization and their willingness to defend its remnants and culture. Furthermore, we will promote their restoration with greater brilliance and solidity, so the West regains the world leadership it deserves not because it is Western but because it is Catholic.

"To resist means to respectfully publish our analysis and judgment in regard to situations such as the encyclical Fratelli Tutti or Pope Francis’s endorsement of the legal recognition of homosexual unions—a death blow to what remains of Western Christian Civilization.

 " To resist means to denounce with filial and respectful frankness the dangerous contradiction between the privileged treatment accorded by the Holy See to Red China (whose Communist regime it does not condemn) and Pope Francis’s disdain for the great countries of Europe and the Americas, for he mercilessly attacks their sovereignties and economic system based on free enterprise and private property.

 "To resist means to proclaim with indomitable confidence that beyond the spiritual storms, material challenges, and every attack by their enemies, the West and Christian civilization will rise again, fulfilling Our Lady’s prophetic words in Fatima, “finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!” -Tradition Family Property NZ.                                         

... unfortunately 

Yesterday, at the Central Hawke's Bay A&P Show, I introduced myself to Mr Kieran McAnulty MP for Wairarapa ( my electorate) as he basked, in his Labour tent with his cronies, in the glory of his ascent to Parliament. 

"I have something for Kieran McAnulty," I said. 

"I'm Kieran McAnulty," he announced proudly, getting to his feet. I shook his hand and gave him a flyer for the March for Life. We had a chat. I don't think he enjoyed it. 

He said yes, he's a Catholic. I think I said something like "not really". I also said that because he voted for the Abortion Legislation Bill, for euthanasia and 'recreational' cannabis he should not present himself at Mass for Holy Communion.  

The mutual blessings of the so-called pope and the so-called president-elect - birds of a feather - came just days after the former endorsed same-sex civil unions, and the latter emerged from his basement hideaway to claim victory in a shockingly fraudulent election, in which he is harnessed to a woman - Kamala Harris - even more emphatically pro-babykilling than himself, who is set unfair to replace him as soon as is indecently possible.

It's no wonder then that children at 'Catholic' schools like St Joseph's Waipukurau, and adults at Requiems run by Marists at St Patrick's Napier, are told "Please be seated" for the most solemn moment of Holy Mass, when the Lord of all creation comes down from heaven at the bidding of a mere mortal, to become Flesh and Blood on our altars. As the beautiful old French carol sings, "Christ our God to earth descendeth/ Our full homage to demand". Yep. Sitting on their fannies. Even the altar servers.

It's no wonder that priests like Fr Joe Grayland, Palmerston North cathedral parish priest, can invite children to stand around the 'altar' at Holy Mass, 'concelebrating'.

St Mary's Foxton (or St Joseph's Shannon) children dragooned into 'concelebrating' with Fr Joe Grayland

It's no wonder that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops can rush to congratulate a so-called Catholic who promotes killing babies any old time up to birth on being "the second US president to profess the Catholic faith" when he does not profess it, and even before he becomes president, and if he does it'll be by hook or by crook.

It's no wonder, because the so-called Vicar of the One, true Church has revealed himself quite clearly, finally, to be a wolf in shepherd's clothing who is intent on dividing the Catholic Church into two factions: a faction loyal to 'Pope Francis', and those who obey God, not man. 

Thank God, there are individual bishops like +Joseph Strickland of Tyler Texas who stay loyal to Christ, who denounce the US Bishops' Conference for joining with those baby-massacre makers, Planned Parenthood, in congratulating 'Creepy Joe' Biden for his 'win'.

There aren't any such bishops in New Zealand. Our bishops made it quite clear, at a priests' convocation in Christchurch in 2018, by the standing ovation they accorded Parramatta's +Vincent Long Van Nguyen, that they like Bishop Long are calling for abandonment of the Petrine model of the Catholic Church, the dissolution of the priestly office, and the wholesale turnover of the Church to the laity.

"Thousands of Catholics have signed two petitions demanding the removal of Parramatta’s Bp. Vincent Long Van Nguyen for imposing a radical sex education program on Catholic schools in the diocese.

According to Sydney’s The Daily Telegraph, “instead of being taught to know God in their religion classes, or even how to pray or live their faith, Parramatta’s Catholic students will be taught ‘to recognize sexuality as an exploration in forming personal identity.'”

“For some inexplicable reason, Catholic schools in Parramatta have chosen to go down the woke path to oblivion, with a new religious studies curriculum that is just a Trojan horse to smuggle in a leftist political agenda,” the newspaper commented Wednesday. Catholic faithful are sick and tired of politically correct agendas being thrown at the innocence of their children," he said.

Parramatta's media slammed the curriculum as "dumbed-down, sex-obsessed, sociology mumbo jumbo disguised in the language of the Church" that "advances an identity politics agenda, which is poisonous to faith and reason, for the sole purpose of pandering to the Zeitgeist."  

Defending the new "exciting and evolving project," the diocese  argued that the syllabus is "based on contemporary research" and said "Pope Francis recently affirmed this method when he advised leaders in the Church not to simply continue answering 'questions people are no longer asking.'"

I was sickened myself this morning at St Joseph's Church Waipukurau, when Father Paul Kerridge - a Marriage Encounter aficionado! - deplored the first reading, "Who shall find a valiant woman? far and from the uttermost coasts is the price of her (Prov 31.10). Apparently there's no room in the Catholic Church for valiant women. But that's the Douay Rheims translation. In its post-Vat II dumbed-down version the Lectionary now calls her 'a faithful wife'. Father wants to do away with faithful wives too, it seems.

And then Father announced that the response to the Psalm - 'Happy are those who fear the Lord' (Ps 127) was "EVEN WORSE" (his emphasis). There is no fear in Fr Kerridge's Church - even though he told the class of First Holy Communicants that having seen, in his early days of priesthood, a boy's First Holy Communion candle set fire to a girl's veil, he is now "terrified" of it happening again. 

Quite likely his terror is fuelled by our dear PM's 'keep safe' mantra. But how does he reconcile that terror of a veil on fire with his belief, preached in his homily, that it's 'love' that matters, not 'fear', and if you 'love' you'll take risks with your talents, to use them to serve others?

To serve 'others', note, not to serve God. In Father Kerridge's Church, along with Proverbs 31.10 and Psalm 127, the First Commandment is, if not abolished, certainly supplanted by the Second.

And then the 'Prayers of the Faithful'. 'Faithful.' Hah. They were a blueprint for Jorge Bergoglio's New World Church.

"Yet, in the midst of this darkness, we find much light and hope in a statement Pope Benedict XVI made about episcopal conferences like the USCCB: “Bishops’ conferences . . . came into being as a practical application of the collegial affection of bishops in hierarchical communion with the successor of Peter.” 
He further pointed out something that is relevant to every conference of bishops, not merely the Brazilian bishops to whom he was writing: “The Bishops’ Conference therefore coordinates the Bishops’ efforts and intentions, becoming an instrument that enables each to share his burdens; but it must not become a parallel or substitute of the ministry of each one of the bishops. In other words it must neither change its relationship with the respective particular Church or with the Episcopal College nor make itself an intermediary between the bishop and the See of Peter.”
Now-retired Bishop Joseph Martino understood that all too well. In 2008, he told an audience: 

No USCCB document is relevant in this diocese. . . . The USCCB doesn’t speak for me. . . . The only relevant document . . . is my letter. There is one teacher in this diocese, and these points are not debatable.

Then, as now, every Catholic bishop is a shepherd to the people of his diocese, and no organization—including the USCCB bureaucracy—can take that teaching authority away from him. While it is evident that the USCCB loves to pretend that it can do that, such is not the case.

So, for the record, let us never forget the actions of heroic priests and bishops who, unlike the USCCB, have defended the Eucharist and made it clear that pro-abortion Catholics-in-name-only—like Biden—should not receive the Eucharist. 

So neither should pro-abortion Catholic-in-name-only Kieran McAnulty, MP for Wairarapa, receive the Eucharist. 

As Cardinal Raymond Burke said in an interview earlier this year, any pro-abortion public figure who claims to be Catholic, including Joe Biden,

and Kieran McAnulty, MP for Wairarapa

is not a Catholic in good standing and he should not approach to receive Holy Communion. 

(A) Catholic may not support abortion in any shape or form because it is one of the most grievous sins against human life, and has always been considered to be intrinsically evil and therefore to in any way support the act is a mortal sin.

That statement puts a fine point on the subject. Like many of his fellow bishops and priests, Burke defends Christ no matter what the cost. And frankly, so should each and every one of us.

"At this time, the powerful who govern the world are emerging; within each order that they put out, they are embedding the directives that are guiding this generation towards its encounter with pain, with the error that gives rise to pain, to chaos, to false religion that is not Mine, to a spirituality that is deliberately distorted so that you would lose your souls.  


NOVEMBER 7, 2020



My beloved People:





I call you to be My own Love: transparent, so that you would trust each other and mutually protect one another, as they will succeed in keeping My Churches closed and will distance you from Me. 

I come so that each person would examine themselves and examine whether their work and actions have remained attached to My Law or not. Every person will be their own judge, illuminated by My Holy Spirit so that they would not deceive themselves. 





Brothers and sisters:


This Word of our King and Lord Jesus Christ is a warning to humanity in all fields; it is a call to our conscience so that every human being would unmask their errors in advance and bring them before the Sacrament of Reconciliation, before the pain of looking inside oneself is such a shock that we have to feel the Divine absence until it becomes extremely painful."




This is the task of the People of God: to pray for one another, calling out for immovable faith, that which does not lead you to abandon Christ in pain, in trials, in difficulties, in the midst of persecutions, of massacres, of famines ... faith, faith, faith! We the Heavenly Armies cry out in human ears: “faith in God!”


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  1. Paul Young says:
    What a judgemental women (sic) ... doesn't sound too Christian to me ...

    Adelie Reid says:
    Paul, being able to judge right from wrong is a blessing..

  2. Paulette Venables says:
    We are told to judge our brethren in righteousness.

    Terry Bowden says:
    What a discerning woman, you sure sound Christian to me.

    Monica Devine says:
    Paul Young why are you still here? There is a forum for you - The NZ Labour Party blind fan club.

    Anne Perratt
    Paul Young Christ had a spine.

    1. Janferie Kelekolio says:
      Do you love your kids?? Would you allow them to keep hurting others? If they didnt listen would you talk with them to get them back on track with a better focus?? It's the same for us... sometimes the hard word comes from alot of love x and its o.k to be reminded of what we are standing for , and who loves us.

      Paul Young says:
      Adelie Reid ... this wasn't about right or wrong ... it was about a person ...

      Adelie Reid says:
      Paul Young oh my misunderstanding... I dont come on here to comment about people only about the importance of adhering to the truth as established by Christ and held sacred for centuries by Holy Mother Church.

      Paul Young says:
      Adelie Reid ... well the poster was targeting a person and saying "he should not present himself at Mass for Holy Communion". Judgemental old bitch ...

      Adelie Reid says:
      Paul Young oh thats church teaching You can not receive communion while deliberately going against church teaching if anyone promotes abortion they should not present for communion.. to do do is wrong.... You may disagree but that is church teaching

      Justine Vollert says:
      Paul Young we are suppose to expose sin to hopefully bring people to repentance.

      Teresa Coles says:
      Adelie Reid I totally agree with your reply bless you.

      Jason Pearson says:
      Paul Young actually, his actions condemn him.
      The word of God calls for us to be discerning.
      I see you judge us by standards you yourself fail to keep.
      How hypercritical of you.!

      Paul Young says (deleted).

      I say:
      Paul, that's personal abuse, unwarranted and un-Christian. I don't publish any such comments on my blog unless they're aimed at me.

    2. Paulette Venables says
      However we do NOT get to judge the world. that's Gods job. Our brethren, those who have confessed Christ.. yep we hold them to account, in righteousness and in love.

  3. Mark Gasparini says:
    Good on you. Speaking the truth, particularly to correct error takes a tremendous amount of courage.

  4. Julia, you are part of the last line of defence against the landslide of souls into the abyss. If one's running blindly past and you grab him/her by the ear he/she will complain yes, but if he/she listens.. They won't complain for long once the Truth of eternity is revealed.

  5. We are free to judge people actions. That is called distinguishing right from wrong. Only God judges the soul.

  6. Helen Houghton says:
    The one and same MP who rejected my petition to stop children being indoctrinated with confusion over their identity. He is more than happy for children to learn false information about whether they are born in the correct body or not. I think he missed the scripture where God doesn't make mistakes when he created them male and female.

    Fuminori Timothy Watanabe says:
    Good on you. To instruct the ignorant and to admonish the sinners are two spiritual works of mercy.

    Philippa O'Neill says:
    Well said Julia shame the American bishops didn't do the same to Biden.

    1. Stephen Mayer says:
      Helen, he is a woke quisling who won't cross the road to save an innocent child.

  7. Hopefully Kieran McAnulty's parish priest and/or Cardinal John Dew has informed him also.

    1. Let's hope the same for Biden too. But after all conscience must prevail haha

  8. Janet Curran says:
    Philippa, three bishops have and Biden has been refused communion in some churches.

    Mandy Turner says:
    Biden walking through the dead center of town, thanking his voters!

    Bob Gill says:
    Couldn't stop laughing, Mandy!!

  9. Stella McLeod says:
    Who’s Biden likely to catch covid from in that setting? Maybe the masks mandates are really just a way to ensure his mental decline speeds up due to lack of oxygen!

  10. Stella McLeod adds:
    It’s a totally unnecessary and largely useless measure.
    I was watching EWTN the other night and there was a Mass starting at St Peter’s and everyone was wearing masks except Pope Francis, plus they were socially distanced. Sorry, but all this mask wearing does not send a message of caring, but of fear and ignorance and bring controlled. I’m sure there are people behind all this who are amused by how easy it is to dupe and control most world leaders and the masses. Do some research on whether masks actually prevent the spread of viruses.You probably have to look for studies earlier than 2020 because of course now apparently they do now but didn’t use to.

  11. Krauss Miles says:
    The lady has standards with which (Protestant) I agree.

  12. Piripi Thomas says:
    He who sups with the Devil needs bring a long spoon.
