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"In the Church, some have demanded communion on the tongue because their piety demands it without consideration that their saliva, on the fingers of the priest, may endanger the next person in the communion procession."
' ... communion on the tongue'. Note the lower case (small 'c') for Holy Communion with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Yes, you guessed it, this is the innovative Fr Joe Grayland at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Palmerston North, Our Lady of Lourdes and Foxton, offering parishioners his reflections 'on the journey of 2020 as a year of Grace'.
'Reflections' are always popular in Novus Ordo circles. But a child of God lives in the present moment, abandoned to the Divine Will. Father Grayland is reputed to be very well-read. I wonder if he's tried Fr Jean-Pierre de Caussade's classic Self-Abandonment to Divine Providence, which elevates the present moment to the status of 'Sacrament'? The only reflections (navel-gazing) which will direct us to the union with God which is His design for every single one of us are the reflections we make before Confession, in examining our conscience - which in turn are based on our nightly reflections of the day just gone, and what 'bad choices' (to revert to NO language) we might have made, i.e. what sins we have committed, or what imperfections?
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What's going on here, at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit? |
"2020", says Father Grayland, was an unusual year because we could not fully celebrate Lent and could not celebrate Easter and Eastertide at all" ...
Father, there was no real reason why we didn't celebrate Lent and Easter. We certainly could have done so. It was the NZ Bishops' Conference who ruined Lent and Eastertide by complying with the Labour Coalition's unjust lockdown laws when they should have insisted on our right to religious freedom.
... "It is a sober reflection" ...
and a waste of time, when instead we could be praying
..."to look beyond the safety of our borders'...
our borders are built-in, designed by God Himself; they are the shores of these islands, far, far away from what Fr Grayland calls
"the pandemic world beyond, where many still suffer from the effects of Covid-19."
No, Father, they are suffering - and New Zealand is suffering - not from the effects of Covid-19 but from the unsafe, unwise, unjust measures of leaders like Jacinda Ardern.
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The latest from the pen of Jorge Bergoglio |
'In his new book Let Us Dream, Pope Francis recognises the success of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in managing the COVID-19 pandemic,'Cathnews tells us today.
Did no one at the Vatican advise Jorge Bergoglio that it might be a teensy bit tactless for a 'Pope' to praise a baby-killer who has stage-managed the slaughter of thousands of God's most innocent children?
“The countries with women as presidents or prime ministers have on the whole reacted better and more quickly than others, making decisions swiftly and communicating them with empathy,” he says.
By way of example, Francis cites the success in New Zealand, Germany, Iceland, Taiwan and Finland.
This observation has led him to increase the number of women in decision making roles in the Vatican. Women are “much better administrators than men,” he writes.
In his new book, Francis suggests “the perspective women bring is what the world needs at this time.”
“Allowing women’s perspectives to challenge existing assumptions” in the Church, is something he has tried to focus on as Pope, he writes.
Throughout his pontificate, Francis says he has sought to appoint women to leadership positions – in the Roman Curia and in advisory, board level positions on Vatican bodies.
“I chose these particular women because of their qualifications but also because I believe women in general are much better administrators than men,” he says.
“They understand processes better, how to take projects forward."
Yes. That's because God designed women to be wives and mothers - by far and away the most challenging role on offer. But now the world and women's role in it have become perverted to such an extent that a very senior cleric of the PN Diocese can bruit it abroad that he "can't wait for women priests" - and surely it's only a matter of time before Bergoglio grants his wish.
But to return to the senior cleric's confrere, Fr Grayland:
Fr Grayland, priest incognito |
"In this world, social distancing and masks play an important part. Too easily we can forget that our safety is relative and not absolute."
Oh, spare us, Father. As a pastor you know 'our safety' - by which you misguidedly refer here to our physical safety - is relative to, and very inferior in importance to, our spiritual safety. But we'll get to that in a moment.
On the subject of the Wuhan virus, I refer you to Christopher Ferrara who you surely know (but readers may not) is an American Catholic attorney, pro-life activist, and journalist. He is the founder and current president of the American Catholic Lawyers and writes for The Remnant magazine which you, Father, may not enjoy but I'm sure many readers of this blog would. On the Wuhan virus, Ferrara has this to say:
"We have been well and truly had. And the COVID con has been the means by which, almost overnight, pop-up dictatorships have taken possession of our rights, banned our worship, and ordered us to live in six-foot bubble zones behind useless “face coverings.”
Does anyone detect the distinct odor of sulfur in all of this? I do, and I have a lousy sense of smell."
Father Grayland is now getting into his stride:
"Too often individuals have put their wants before the common good when they have demanded their rights over the safety of others. In the Church, some have demanded communion on the tongue because their piety demands it without consideration that their saliva, on the fingers of the priest, may endanger the next person in the communion procession" ...
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PN's Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: that tabernacle is empty |
'Procession'. That's a nice way of putting it. And even better, Father Grayland admits that Communion on the tongue is a right. Does Father not know how to give Communion on the tongue without touching the tongue? Of course he's out of practice or maybe he never learned to do it the way thousands of priests have done it for hundreds of years, in the Church. Until Vatican II. Father Grayland could ask the SSPX priests at St Anthony's Whanganui for a demo.
"The language of hatred and violence is still prevalent in our world. It is obvious at all levels of society and sadly within the church too. The level of violence directed at Pope Francis by self-proclaimed catholic apologetics" (sic) ...
I think Fr Grayland means 'apologists'. Like moi.
... "and prophets of orthodoxy is staggering. Evil takes many guises. Its most seductive is the one that argues for purity of religion through the exclusion of another, or the sinner. The Gospel confronts this lie through the repeated reminder that Jesus sat, talked, and ate with sinners."
That's okay, Father. We 'self-proclaimed catholic apologetics (sic) and prophets of orthodoxy' can choose to sit, kneel, and receive Communion with the sinners at the Traditional Latin Mass, whether indult or SSPX. If we can find a TLM.
In the Land of Mordor (Wellington) the high proportion of 'catholic apologetics and prophets of orthodoxy' who'll turn up to the March for Life on December 5 can forsake St Mary of the Angels just up the street, and all the other churches in and around Wellington under the sway of Cardinal John Dew where Communion on the tongue is denied, and repair to St Michael the Archangel Chapel, 32 Beauchamp Street, Tawa.
Saturday December 5 isn't just the March for Life, it's a First Saturday. Has Cardinal Dew, NZ's pre-eminent pastor of souls, given thought to those who, wishing to avoid the sufferings of Purgatory, are trying to make the Five First Saturdays, and how much more difficult he and his priests are making that time-honoured devotion for people who continue to believe, as the Church has believed and taught for 2000 years, that Communion on the hand is sacrilege?
At St Michael the Archangel Chapel, Tawa, you can go to Confession at 10.30 and attend the Latin Mass at 11 a m that day, and still turn up to the March to mix it with the Satanists and Freethinkers at 2 pm. The more converts to the Latin Mass, the more Our Lord will be pleased.
"The language of violence is based on an “original sacred violence” that becomes the “sacred grievance” justifying an individual’s, or a community’s continual acts of hatred or their demand to be a victim. Often one hears: “I can’t help it; this was how I was brought up”, or “our people suffered this way, so we continue to hate those who did this to us”."
Really, Father? You've actually heard would-be on-the-tongue communicants say they hate those who did this to them (I assume you mean, prelates like Cardinal Dew who forbid this ancient and hallowed practice of the Church?)
... "Such a “sacred violence” is not a holy thing, it is a violence that is essentially evil, but over time it is cloaked in the language of meaning (hero, patriotic, freedom) thus making it sacred, or sacralised.
Wrapped in the language of sacrifice, an experience that is essentially evil" ...
So it's 'evil' for would-be communicants to wait while the rest of the congregation files up - quite possibly, given the rarity of Novus Ordo confessions, in a state of serious sin - and to have the Lord of the universe administered by a hand that has rested on the shoulder or worse, on the head, of any number of Massgoers, only to be denied the Body and Blood of Christ, and abandoned by the priest to the gaze of all and sundry?
Having a chat in the Communion 'procession' |
Is it not 'evil' and in fact clerical abuse, not only of the communicant but infinitely more importantly, of Our Lord, to administer Holy Communion with a profane hand, or to deny It to anyone in a state of grace?
... "is memorialized as meaningful, necessary, and glorious when in fact it was a meaningless, senseless act in a fight for property, power or prestige."
Just where is the 'property, power or prestige' in being publicly humiliated by denial of the Sacrament? Although I didn't find it humiliating. Had it not been a Requiem Mass, I'd have remained there kneeling after the priest turned his back and walked away, but I couldn't embarrass the mourners. So I returned to my pew and made a spiritual Communion. And I felt very sorry for the priest - who had apologised, and who I'm sure had acted out of obedience to his Marist superior.
"Sadly, many who experience this sort of violence find they live more securely in their victimhood than in the struggle for reconciliation; the sacred violence becomes so internalized it becomes their primary identity. In this way the violence they suffer becomes the violence that shapes their life and their response to the world from which they often do not want to be freed, and sadly no amount of counseling or confessional forgiveness will free them."
'Sadly', and with respect for your priestly office, Father, I think you're getting carried away.
"Violence can only be cast out through love and love needs to find expression in justice."
I presume the 'love' you mean, Father, is the Love of Christ - which is Justice, as it is every perfection.
"Without question, justice needs to be experienced by those who have been sinned against, because without justice there can be no peace, no freedom" ...
Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage (“To Althea: From Prison,” by the seventeenth-century English poet Richard Lovelace). To put that in a Scriptural context, when unjustly imprisoned Ss Peter and Paul enjoyed perfect peace and freedom of spirit.
... "and no reconciliation.
"Perpetrators need to kneel before their victims and ask forgiveness" ...
Father, who are the 'victims' that Catholics who ask for Communion on the tongue need to kneel before? The rest of the congregation? But they've already received, and are back in their pews, safe from any horrid contamination. Or the priest who denies them Communion, because perhaps they've 'made him feel' bad", or who? Or are you writing figuratively? Even then, you're drawing a very long bow.
... "victims need to be prepared to become a minister of reconciliation. Where the perpetrator lives on in a denial of justice, and the victim lives in a sacralized victimhood, authentic freedom will not be possible for either ...
"As women and men of Gospel truth, we hold firmly to the belief that forgiveness and reconciliation need to be experienced and are possible. The Eucharist is the memorial to this truth. In the Cross, Jesus is subjected to the sacred violence of the religious elite as a blasphemer and the political elite as an insurgent. He is subjected to violence so that the gods of the powerful who hold their power through violence would be appeased, the irony being that the true God is killed in order to defend and protect their false gods.
"The redemption of this “game of violence” is given in the death of Jesus on the Cross when God accepts the violence of “those who do not know what they are doing” and transforms it through love: “Father, forgive them BECAUSE they don’t know what they’re doing”. Love puts an end to violence" ...
Tell that to the Marines.
..."through the one sacrifice given for all people and all time. It is the love within God that achieves redemption and without this divine love reconciliation is impossible. Such redeeming love will never be outdone by human violence because it is the free, self-giving of God that finds communion in Resurrection.
"In the event of the Cross and Resurrection human existence is freed of the demand to sacralize violence" ...
If we're freed of it, why are you so bothered about it? Violence will be 'sacralized' for as long as Satan's still around, but asking for Communion on the tongue is not 'violence'.
Father Grayland, your 'sacred violence' is a straw man.
"Pray very much for the Pope, Bishops, and Priests."
Krauss Miles says:
ReplyDeleteShe "staged managed" the election.
Helen Carver says:
She has saved the lives of thousands of New Zealanders thank you Jacinda Ardern you are a wonderful leader who has never 'killed' a baby
Bob Gill says:
Cat Kynoch says:
Did Hitler "kill" a Jew?
Kasey O'Brien says:
Helen no, she's killed hundreds of thousands of them. Dont be so ignorant
Adelie Reid says:
As Ardern has a communications degree and speaks well and fronted up to speak to NZ people credit her with lockdown and saving us from Corona ... but any sensible government would have done that or implemented safe measures as Taiwan did based on evidence or resources available.....
but the media forgets to show us other info... our national MP was calling for action before JaCinda acted.. but the media is not unbiased in what it tells people
I say:
Adelie, you're very kind. And let's not forget that Ardern's degree in comms was paid for by those arch-enemies of Christ, the Freemasons.
Bernie Walker says:
You are so right. The go hard go early (yet another slogan) was a myth. National were calling for this two weeks before Jac acted. Samoa had ring fenced itself a month before. In fact I believe a significant number of countries had closed their borders before NZ did.
Anonymous says:
ReplyDeleteI am shocked at the tone of the parish newsletter and the language used by Fr Grayland. We all know there is schism in the Church between those who seek a more traditional faith and those who seem to want to embrace the spirit of the age. We are already split into many groups, such as Novus Ordo, SSPX, TLM etc. But to see a parish priest express the divide so aggressively in a Sunday newsletter is surprising. Fr Grayland's swipe at those who seek communion on the tongue is based on public health arguments, the substantive spiritual reasons which I am sure he understands, he fails to mention.
His use of the 'violence' word repeatedly is distressing, it is a very extreme word. This word and the context is usually used by activists to amplify their political arguments by using the extremes of language. If one does not (in their opinion) pay enough tax one can be said to be committing 'economic violence', if one does not pronounce te reo correctly this can be said to be 'cultural violence'. Now we are told in our Church newsletter that questioning the various utterings of the pope is 'violence'. Under Church law criticism is allowed, therefore it is not violence.
If Fr Grayland is going to use the tactics and language of division, he is going to get a fight, and the Church will suffer for it.
Mike Kuipers von Lande says
ReplyDeleteNot according to Helen Carver. The guy was a saint.
Helen Carver says:
Bob Gill lots of love to you too
Helen Carver adds:
Mike Kuipers von Lande ?? Not sure what you are on about
Mike Kuipers von Lande says:
Helen, then there truly is no hope for you. Your inability to understand what you espouse is quite astounding. By your reasoning, Hitler never killed a Jew.
Helen Carver says:
Mike, wow!! You really need to bone up on your history
Helen Carver adds:
Mike, dictators don't actually kill people by their own hand they just get others to do it for them that way they can just wash their hands clean...until the dirty truth comes out
Cat Kynoch says:
Exactly! And that is Jacinda!
Mike Kuipers von Lande says:
ReplyDeletePrecisely! So why are you excusing Ardern from the consequences of the legislation she promoted and encouraged??
Helen Carver says:
Mike, still not sure why this is even relevant
Cat Kynoch says:
Mike Kuipers von Lande says:
Helen,here is your post:
"She has saved the lives of thousands of New Zealanders thank you Jacinda Ardern you are a wonderful leader who has never 'killed' a baby."
How do you reconcile that post with the fact that Ardern drafted, promoted and voted for the most horrific abortion law ever seen in this country?
Helen Carver says:
I am a registered midwife and it's not black and white I know that abortion is a serious issue there is no one who is pro abortion
Cat Kynoch says:
Too weird now!
Mike Kuipers von Lande says:
Helen, well it’s only not black and white if you think babies aren’t human and can be killed at will.
Helen says:
ReplyDeleteOf course a foetus is human but no woman actually wants to terminate a pregnancy perhaps if you were a woman in dire straits you would be more empathetic instead of being judgeMENTAL
Cat Kynoch says:
I am judging the actions of the lawmakers and abortionists...aka jacinda and her henchmen/women
Mike says:
Helen, Dire straits? The only person in dire straits is the baby being killed.
Helen says:
Mike, how about putting yourself in the position of a 13 year old who has been raped by her father? Sadly it does happen
Mike says:
Oh, okay Helen. I see you’ve fallen back on the classic ideologue’s position - attempt to use the 1% of extreme cases to justify the 99% of usual ones.
How about you agree that the 99% are stopped then? How about you agree that this appalling legislation that allows the wholesale slaughter of children is repealed. Then perhaps we can have a discussion on whether legislation that allows abortion for 13 year olds raped by their fathers is justified.
Regrettably, Mike, there is no real use in discussing topics of any sort with those who have closed their mind to truth and logic.
ReplyDeleteIs this the same Helen Carver who is a spokesman for the bishops ?
ReplyDeleteHelen says:
ReplyDeleteI am a Roman Catholic and so I would never contemplate having an abortion and I'm appalled that so many women make that choice when the morning after pill is available and sex education is taught in schools one of my nephews was aborted when my husband and I would have adopted him we never had children then I had my miracle baby at 36 what I'm saying is that as a midwife I can't be the judge and jury I have seen women who have been in terrible situations
Mike says:
ReplyDeleteI’m Roman Catholic too. I hear what you are saying, but, to be blunt, such reasons or excuses or whatever you choose to call them are the root cause of so much rot, confusion, hypocrisy and degeneration we see in morals, ethics and principles today. The foundational principle whenever such matters are looked at, must be the preservation of the innocent LIFE. As I say, repeal this terrible law and stop abortions done largely for convenience, and around 95% or more would go away. Then discussions can be done around pregnancies due to genuine rape and abuse. The use of such arguments to justify mass abortion is bogus.
Helen says:
Agree we need to have more societal support for women in trouble
Helen adds:
Cat Kynoch, the use of the word "henchmen/women" is inflammatory that's exactly the term that Gaddafi used to describe Bush G H W abd Thatcher when I was in Libya in 1991.
I say:
DeleteHelen, really? Does the fact that Gaddafi used a certain word define it as 'inflammatory'? The online dictionary defines "henchman" as "an unscrupulous and ruthless subordinate, especially a criminal". That's exactly what Jacinda Ardern's subordinates are: unscrupulous and ruthless, because like their leader they implement the slaying of thousands of innocent lives to attain their socialist utopia. Morally speaking, if not legally (and only because they themselves have legalised murder) they are also criminal.
Justine Vollert says:
ReplyDeleteJacinda is a mass murderer or an accessory to the fact. She saved know lives wasnt kind, and certainly didnt care about the elderly that diesd alone without their loved ones., you call that wonderful. Thats not wonderful thats down right evil
Di Barrowsays:
"how about putting yourself in the position of a 13 year old who has been raped by her father? Sadly it does happen"
An abortion does not change the fact that she has been raped.
An abortion does not change the fact that she was pregnant.… Does abortion, as the second violation, undo the first violation inflicted on the victim?
Abortion is not a magic cure.
Helen Carver says:
Julia du Fresne I'm sure it's water off a duck's back to Ms Ardern but I think it's offensive she has been widely praised. I am sick of having my buttons pressed by ignorant people over and out
Caroline Waite says:
Helen, you can't argue with some people. They refuse to see that others have valid opinions. Its simply not worth the hassle
Caroline, we all see that other people have opinions. That's obvious. When those opinions are on matters of life or death to the body or soul we need to judge whether or not they are valid; and so to discuss - rather than argue - those opinions is always worth the hassle.
DeleteRay McKendry says:
ReplyDeleteHelen, the real evil is the idea of extermination as you well know and the ones who order it are guilty as JA admitted she pushed hard for the present abortion law
The morning after pill is an abortion pill.
Angela Pearce says (apropos of Ardern's degree in comms):
ReplyDeleteShame she didn't learn diction. The woman mispronounces so many words.
I say:
Angela,best not listen ...
Ray McKendry says:
Don't care who paid for it. Freemasons or not she has destroyed our children! Angela, JA says 'ow' for 'our'!
I say:
I'd have thought you'd care that JA's degree was paid for by enemies of Christ. It's just logical that she'd employ that degree for killing His little ones.
Angela Pearce says:
ReplyDeleteRay, "communidy". That one gets me every time
Janet Curran says:
ReplyDeleteHelen,abortion in every case snuffs out the life of a baby. Nothing can ever justify that. As a midwife you should know better. Also, any Catholic who votes for a party knowing that they promote abortion is automatically excommunicated because they become complicit in the act of abortion by supporting those politicians who enable it. Catholics should do well to think where they put their vote. You should also know that the morning after pill is an abortificant
Helen Carver says:
Ray, no it's not as a registered midwife I can assure you that no implantation has taken place there is a small collection of cells this cannot be compared with a fully formed human being
Di Barrow says:
If it were merely a small collection of cells and not a human then why are people anxious to dispose of it?
Is it going to magically transform into a human at a later date?
A developing human is just as much a human as a fully developed one. My life began at conception. How about yours?
Karen Raglan says:
Di, abortion is often used to cover up incestuous relationships! Get rid of the " evidence", and the man can continue as before.
Di Barrow says:
Exactly. It's not to help the mother at all. 😡 So unjust to put her through that after what she's already suffered. Having the baby won't be easy but it will eventually open her life to more joy than an abortion ever could.
Catherine Gillies says:
Ray, she (Ardern) campaigned on it.
Kathy Clarke says:
ReplyDeleteHelen, biggest witch after Helen Clarke - Covid a scam - 99.7% recover from mild symptoms - Jackboot is a CCP puppet
Helen Carver says:
Kathy Clarke witch?? Such emotive language - really feel sorry for your deluded self - are you aware that America is rapidly running out of hospital beds due to Covid? Over a quarter of a million dead and counting Covid is 32 times more deadly than the flu..just saying - Registered Nurse 30 years experience - btw I hope for your sake you are a Kiwi