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Monday, 10 February 2020
To comment, please open your gmail account, email me, or use Facebook, Messenger or Twitter. Scroll down for other comments. "Many of the shepherds of the Church have turned their backs on their first duty: they have turned their backs on prayer and the proclamation of Christ." In his absorbing book, Christus Vincit, +Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of Kazakhstan, reproves our liberal shepherds (surely none more than New Zealand's) by quoting the prophet Jeremiah: "They have turned their back to me and not their face" (Jer 32:33). Straight away, that verse speaks to us of the celebration of Holy Mass since Vatican II, versus populum (towards the people instead of God). Bishop Schneider goes on to say that the Church today is suffering from "cardiac asthenia - a sickly, weak heart. The Church is the Mystical Body of Christ and the Eucharist is the heart. ... The new form of the Mass ... opened the door to a variety of subjectivist celebrations, and particularly with the practice of Communion in the hand we are suffering a kind of spiritual heart disease in the Church. "Never in the bimillenial history of the Church were there perpetrated such horrible offenses against the Blessed Sacrament, so many trivialisations of the Sacrifice of the Mass on the part of the clergy and on the part of the faithful as in our time" - like yesterday, when a priest was reported here in NZ as "waltzing up and down the aisle with a long feather duster, waving it like a conductor's baton, inducing the congregation to sing up". " ... The practice of the reception of Holy Communion in the hand and standing ... reveals the deepest wound and disease in the life of the Church today. ... The Church ... especially in her hierarchy is weak, she has no energy, because her heart, the Eucharistic cult, is weak. Instead, she engages in frenetic external activities, as for instance synods, crisis and emergency meetings, addressing issues on climate change and migration, etc." To hasten the death-throes of the Church, her enemies under this pope are suppressing the contemplative orders. Even as our Holy Trinity Parish newsletter this week reprints the dodgy Association of Catholic Priests (the Irish equivalent of NZ's), quoting the Carmelite St Therese as being "the heart of the Church", another Carmelite nun publishes "Stopping the Heartbeat of the Church":
- The Push for Euthanasia of Contemplative Life-
"FOR CENTURIES", this Carmelite nun says, "contemplative religious have been recognised as the ‘heartbeat of the Church’. Even the 2018 Vatican document, “Cor Orans”, calls contemplative nuns the “praying heart” of the Catholic Church. However, this document is a massive push for the extinction of such powerhouses of prayer.
"Pope Francis has approved Vatican documents which work for the demise of contemplative life. Many religious communities (have been) divided, amalgamated, or disbanded completely. The Vatican sees contemplative religious – especially “conservative” ones attached to the charism received from their founders – as a hindrance rather than a help to their plans for the Church.
"Despite the many attempts throughout the centuries to suppress monasteries (all at the instigation of Satan, who hates such powerhouses of prayer), not once have they ever come so close to success.
"If the heartbeat of the Church is stopped, the Mystical Body of Christ will inevitably be unable to survive. Those working for the destruction of Contemplative Religious Life cannot be working for the good of the Mystical Body of Christ.
"Poor misguided individuals, who value money more than prayer! The time will come when they will realise that in pursuing the one at the cost of the other they have lost everything, including their souls.
"Jesus said:-
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit shall be cut down and shall be cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.” (Matt.7:19-20)
"The fruits of Vatican II and its aftermath of modernism are bad fruits. And since a good tree cannot produce bad fruit, it is logical to conclude that wolves have entered the flock to scatter and destroy. Chaos, confusion and destruction are the work of the devil. God’s work brings peace and unity.
"Jesus tells us clearly:
No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one and love the other: or he will sustain the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matt.6:24)
"Unfortunately, ever since the Second Vatican Council, Church leaders have been openly seeking to unite the Church and the world; not in the Catholic way by promoting and adhering to the Gospel teachings, but by adapting the Church to fit in with the world.
"They have forsaken the Catholic view for the worldly view which is only concerned with man’s temporal welfare. St. James refers to those who attempt to unite the Church with the world by separating Her from Christ, Her Spouse, as:
Adulterers, know you not that the friendship of this world is the enemy of God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of this world becometh an enemy of God.” (James 4:4)
"The only hope for the survival of the“praying heart” of the Church is to recognise that as long as the Vatican is filled with men who are eager for the death of the Church, it is futile to hope that it will be beneficial to seek recognition and approval from it. In former times we could be guaranteed that the approval of Rome meant the approval of God. Now we are forced to choose between the two. It is a matter of life and death.
Consider that I have set before thee this day life and good, and on the other hand death and evil....I call heaven and earth to witness this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose therefore life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” (Deut.30:15,19)."
Not content, however, with abusing the Most Holy Eucharist directly, the Vatican is poised now to emasculate the priesthood, with Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation on the Amazon region due to be published tomorrow (Rome time).
We note that this week CathNews, the papolatrous organ of NZ's priests, publishes this pic of our pope at the opening Mass of the Synod rather than those which showed him smiling on as pagans and at least one Franciscan friar worshipped the idol 'Pachamama' at the Vatican.
CathNews continues, in its fawning way, "The document, which follows October’s Synod of Bishops on the Amazon, is highly anticipated for how the pope will respond to the recommendation to allow the ordination of married men to the priesthood for ministry in the region." The point is, it won't be just for "the region", will it? Nup.
"In this draft, which was leaked last week, a section on viri probati said “the competent authority should establish criteria and provisions to ordain” married men to the priesthood.
The leaked text is substantially identical to article 111 of the final document of the Amazon synod, which calls for the ordination of married men as priests.
The synod’s final document also called for women to be considered for diaconal ordination"... How nice. How Anglican ..."and contained strong appeals on environmental issues and the rights of indigenous peoples, which Francis’ letter is also expected to address." Precisely the sort of thing Bishop Schneider abhors.
Not just Bishop Schneider, but Cardinal Robert Sarah, and Pope Emeritus Benedict VI, whose unenviable position in the Vatican is described by CathNews as 'the shadow pontificate' which is 'drawing to a close'. Today Cardinal Sarah stated that, "I am convinced that (Pope Benedict) has told us the fundamentals, what nobody wants to hear: he has shown us that what really underlies the abuses committed by the clergy is a profound error in their formation. The priest is a man who is distinguished by his service to God and the Church. He is a consecrated person. His whole life is dedicated to God. And yet they want to desacralize the priestly life. They want to trivialize it, make it profane, secularize it. They want the priest to be a man like any other. Some priests were formed without putting God, prayer, the celebration of Mass and the fervent search for holiness at the center of their lives.
If by now you're feeling slightly queasy, here's an antidote: a true priest.
Ignacio María Doñoro, missionary priest in the Amazon: "I think that today, more than ever, in the Amazon and anywhere else in the world, what is needed is not the ordination of married people, but priests in love with Christ.
"To me personally I have been given a lot of light, from Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments:«I fear that some Westerners are using this assembly to advance their plans. I think in particular about the ordination of married men, the creation of women's ministries.
" I was surprised and outraged that the spiritual anguish of the poor in the Amazon was used as an excuse to support projects typical of bourgeois and mundane Christianity. It is abominable."
"I can't help thinking," says Father Donoro, "that my children in the Nazareth Home, who love Jesus and the Virgin Mary very much, would have felt as bad as those young people (who chucked the pachamamas in the Tiber), which would surely have led them to act in a manner similar to theirs. I cried when I saw those idols in the physical heart of our Holy Mother Church, above the holy remains of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. I was shocked and, like me, that scandalized millions of Catholics throughout the world.
"Somehow, the indigenous people of the Amazon Forest were used to attack the Catholic faith. The last of the earth, the smallest, the weakest, were used to show, in addition, a different reality from the one we live here.
"The Catholics of this region feel, a need to repair the Heart of Jesus. The only Queen of the Amazon is the Mother of God.
"The Amazon, like the Church around the world, needs holy and learned priests, humble and cheerful. Mother Teresa of Calcutta said that, on one occasion, speaking with a priest, he said: «Mother, for me Jesus is everything. I have no time or space for other affections. And Mother Teresa understood that, if that priest brought so many souls to God, it was because he was united to Him.
"The Holy Cure of Ars, patron of priests, said: «After God, the priest is everything! Leave a parish for twenty years without a priest and they will worship beasts. When you want to destroy religion, you start by attacking the priest, because where there is no priest, there is no sacrifice, and where there is no sacrifice, there is no religion.
"God chooses his priests, who devote themselves to Him in a full life, in a fiat without conditions. Christ was celibate and asks the priests to dispose with Him and give him the gift of our virginity, just as He wanted to give it to the Father for love of us. It is a wonder!
"I would have liked that in the Synod there was talk, among other things, about the dignity of women."
"Mother Teresa has said (in regard to) when the Virgin Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth and the unborn child jumped for joy in the presence of Jesus, “It is very strange that God used an unborn child to proclaim the coming of Christ. We know the things that are happening to unborn children. How their own mothers end their life! Today abortion has become the greatest destroyer of peace, of love, of truth. Children who are not yet born are the poorest among the poor. They are so close to God!
“Another issue that I consider essential is to make a clear and firm commitment to the truth. For the truth in morals, for the truth in God's revelation (without sweeteners). ”
"It is essential to look for supernatural means, such as prayer, Holy Mass, adoration, personal encounter with the Living Christ in the Eucharist, devotion to the Virgin Mary ... I believe that is what we have to do, here in the Amazon and in the rest of the world, because the Church is universal.
"The people of the Amazon, precisely because they are the poorest, deserve the best. They deserve priests totally dedicated to their ministry, that they become one with Christ, that their heart be undivided
Bob Gill says: Regarding "... The practice of the reception of Holy Communion in the hand and standing ... reveals the deepest wound and disease in the life of the Church today.” I have just spotted a notice from the Liturgy Office in the Whanganui church newsletter advising appropriate precautions to take in the likelihood of the Coronavirus to New Zealand. I can see from reading it that, like some years ago when there was concern about another virus, there will, of course, be a restriction on receiving the Blessed Sacrament on the tongue.
I say: Yep, the same notice was published in our 'The Holy Trinity' newsletter. I believe it came from on high to all parishes in the country. Just let them try restricting reception on the tongue, I say. Reception on the tongue, when done correctly as by the SSPX priests in Whanganui - and only on the tongue, only with the Sacred Host, as done by the Universal Church for two thousand years - is in fact the most hygienic, simplest and most practical way of administering the Blessed Sacrament. A priest who knows what he's doing does not touch the tongue of the communicant.
Regarding "... The practice of the reception of Holy Communion in the hand and standing ... reveals the deepest wound and disease in the life of the Church today.” I have just spotted a notice from the Liturgy Office in the Whanganui church newsletter advising appropriate precautions to take in the likelihood of the Coronavirus to New Zealand. I can see from reading it that, like some years ago when there was concern about another virus, there will, of course, be a restriction on receiving the Blessed Sacrament on the tongue.
I was devastated to be told that in mass tonight. I didn't know what to do so ended up washing my hands as best I could and received in the hand kneeling. It's such an attack. Can't receive on the tongue but no problem having 100 people drink from the same cup, or shaking hands, or sharing dips and finger food after mass. what can we do?
Regarding "... The practice of the reception of Holy Communion in the hand and standing ... reveals the deepest wound and disease in the life of the Church today.” I have just spotted a notice from the Liturgy Office in the Whanganui church newsletter advising appropriate precautions to take in the likelihood of the Coronavirus to New Zealand. I can see from reading it that, like some years ago when there was concern about another virus, there will, of course, be a restriction on receiving the Blessed Sacrament on the tongue.
ReplyDeleteI was devastated to be told that in mass tonight. I didn't know what to do so ended up washing my hands as best I could and received in the hand kneeling. It's such an attack. Can't receive on the tongue but no problem having 100 people drink from the same cup, or shaking hands, or sharing dips and finger food after mass.
ReplyDeletewhat can we do?