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Tuesday, 4 February 2020
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"Satan will set up a counterchurch which will be the ape of
the Church ..."
Shades of the German Martin Luther, the heresiarch whose rewrite of Catholic doctrine set up man as god (call it anthropocentrism) and ushered in the Protestant 'Reformation'. But 500 years on, the demolition of the Church we love is directed from the Vatican, as one after another, prelates who revere the Bride of Christ are removed from the College of Cardinals by the pope who ushers them off through the Exit of Forced Retirement, installed by himself back in 2015. A group of German priests, Communion Veritatis, however, has just this week called out their bishops, declaring that the 'Synodal Path' is a 'theological disaster full of falsehood and lies'; that its promoters 'want a church other than the one founded by Christ. The priests tell Marx and his cohorts that "Your aspiration is ... to build a horizontal man-church!" Exactly. An anthropocentric counterchurch, as prophesied by Bishop Sheen.
Reinhard Marx at the German bishops' 'synodal path' assembly, Jan. 2020.Rudolf Gehrig / CNA Deutsch Paul Collits says: Gives bald bearded Catholics a bad name. I say: And 'im indoors deserves a good one! Paul adds: Touche. And now Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has denounced the pope for appointing Cardinal Leonardo Sandri - associated, Vigano says, with the cover-up of horrible sins committed by the notorious Fr Marcial Maciel - to pilot the next papal conclave. (+Vigano, incidentally, describes Archbishop Ganswein (GORGEOUS GEORGE, GESTAPO AND GATEKEEPER TO BENEDICT, Jan 24) as "a judas, and a hitman" for the Pope, in trying to suppress Emeritus Pope Benedict and Cardinal Sarah's book* in defence of clerical celibacy.)
I'm prompted to quote Bishop Sheen's prophecy of "An Ape of the Church" in response to yet another tedious JPIC newsletter from the Lay Carmelites of Australia which bows and scrapes once more before the gods of 'Mother Earth' and 'Climate Change'. It's hardly surprising that the Carmelites have fallen for the climate-change biz, given their ancient history of loyalty to the papacy and given that this pope is a world leader and exponent of climate change, putting the cart before the horse as he does, in his concern for 'quality of life' here on earth instead of life in eternity. The Vatican and the UN are two hearts that beat as one. Never mind that their "fight against climate change and migration" is fought with the weapons of contraception and abortion: sweep them under the carpet and carry on.
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church, would remind us of some inconvenient and unpopular truths:
“God does not hate the nature or being of anything He has made (thus Scripture says: “Thou lovest all things that are, and hatest none of the things which thou hast made,” Wis 11:25), but He does hate the malice of the sinner’s will, by which the sinner acts against him, as many other verses in Scripture bear witness, e.g.: “The boastful may not stand before thy eyes; thou hatest all evildoers. Thou destroyest those who speak lies; the Lord abhors bloodthirsty and deceitful men” (Ps 5:5–6); “Thou hatest those who pay regard to vain idols” (Ps 31:6 [30:7]).
God made climate. God made time, so He made change. God made fire. And wind. He loves them all. But He hates all those who in pursuit of money and/or power have manipulated these elements of His earth. "The boastful may not stand before thy eyes". Think Greta Thunberg, poster teen for Climate Change, who asserts she "can see CO2". And that "The moment we (youth) decide to fulfill something, we can do anything." "The Lord abhors bloodthirsty men". Think Greta again. She says, "of all future generations ... " if you choose to fail us, we will never forgive you".
Dire indeed. The Pope, Greta, the Australian Lay Carmelites, and the world at large have fallen for a god whose feet if not made of clay are certainly specious - plastic, perhaps? Writing in the Australian Quadrant DrPaul Collits (ex-Holy Trinity Parish) says that "catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) has come to be accepted science, accepted policy and accepted popular belief all over the globe". Ahem ... "The argument for “climate action” Collits continues, "so widely embraced, is based on a handful of highly questionable empirical propositions linked by such non sequiturs as would be immediately apparent to any Logic 101 student. The CAGW position is, essentially, that:
Satan's counterchurch," Bishop Sheen has stated, "will have all the notes and characteristics of the
Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. […] The False
Church will be worldly, ecumenical, and global. It will be a
loose federation of churches and religions, forming some type of global
"Satan's counterchurch", must of course, have 'countergods'. Cardinal Reinhard Marx's agenda, and the Vatican's - clearly expressed in this new appointment, as head of the next papal conclave, a prelate associated with the deliberate cover-up of the worst priest predator in history, make this very clear (as if we didn't know already): One of the counterchurch gods will be Sex. To be completely politically correct however, this god will be a goddess, because in Satan's counterchurch - as in the world - women will rule. And the other god will be Anthropogenic Climate Crisis. New Zealand is doing its gallant little secular bit to assist. Did you notice two highly significant initiatives of this shabby coalition government, both announced on January 13 - snuck in underhand, as most of the nation were "creeping like snails unwilling" back to the office? Education Minister Chris Hipkins announced that parents are now required to give written consent for their children to attend religious instruction classes (RI). How many parents will bother? It's the kiss of death for religion in schools, which is exactly what Chris Hipkins (who looks like he's mislaid his prefect's badge) has said he intends. Interesting, the name-change from 'Religious Education' to 'Instruction'. Because, you realise, religious anything can't be education, it can only be instruction. Get it? And whoa! In the same breath as it were, Hipkins declares that the school syllabus for 11-14 year-olds (Years 7-10) will feature (you guessed it) climate change. In one fell swoop this Government has effectively removed God from our schools and replaced Him with the god of climate change. Tweens - children at a very vulnerable age, already confronting LGBTQXYZ challenges to their natural sexual identity - will be told that "climate change poses a severe threat to children's most basic rights".
Writing for the Dominion Post, my brother Karl du Fresne doesn't hesitate to say such indoctrination reminds him of Joseph Goebbels' remaking of young minds in Hitler Youth:
"Indeed, the curriculum seems almost to relish the prospect of impressionable pupils panicking over the prospect of an overheated, perhaps uninhabitable, world. The teaching resource is tinged with New Age gibberish about the need for children to explore their feelings – anger, frustration, sadness, fear – relating to climate change. Teachers in turn will be encouraged to listen, empathise and "reinforce the key message". If that's not indoctrination, I don't know what is" .
Never mind that even teachers themselves admit that "the biggest challenge for teachers is the complexity of the issue ... "the problem with focusing on climate change is that it's created a plethora of scientists with slightly different views" (my emphasis). In other words, teachers don't understand what they're supposed to teach, and the scientists don't either. But hey, "learning is about exploring our own creativity... it's a journey of aroha for ourselves, each other,and the planet... " It's all about Me, plural. Me, female and plural.
And had you realised that "Climate breakdown and the global crisis of environmental degradation are increasing violence against women and girls"? Did you know also that "some governments are moving to put action for women and girls into their climate and development policies, and the UN in Madrid moved to include a gender action plan as part of the climate negotiations"? https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/jan/29/climate-breakdown-is-increasing-violence-against-women? Wake up, people, you need to get with it. The Pope says we must obey the United Nations!!! “When we recognize international organizations, such as the International Court of Justice in The Hague or the United Nations, and give them the capacity to judge internationally, when they speak, if we are (part of) humanity, we must obey.”
Que? Contraception is the sine qua non of the UN drive to lower population growth. The agenda of last November's UN Population Fund was, in plain language, to force all countries to offer free abortions on demand throughout pregnancy; and in population control to target the poor, especially refugees. What's the Pope doing about that? The Vatican stood aside, made nice noises and left Kenya and pro-life organisations "to oppose the abortion juggernaut on their own." https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/vatican-quietly-stands-by-as-un-once-again-vigorously-pushes-abortion-population-control
Closer to home, in Australia an outfit called Council Action in the Climate Emergency (CACE) busies itself helping "councils and agitators to follow through on their declarations with supposed planet-saving action. CACE's vision for our future is that warming will lead soon to “a simultaneous collapse of multiple food production areas around the world, a “multi-breadbasket failure” leading to a global food crisis.” Food prices skyrocket, millions starve or become climate refugees, “numerous countries” will declare martial law and even extreme food rationing will not prevent their collapse. Animal agriculture is a massive contributor to global warming. Get a sitting MP/representative to introduce or support the passing of a Climate Emergency and Mobilisation Act." With advice from CACE, Darebin in Melbourne (the city that condemned a prince of the Church to solitary confinement on a trumped-up charge) "became the world’s first council to declare a “Climate Emergency”. Since then about 85 Australian councils have rung out their own “emergency” declarations, plus 1300 worldwide, including New York and London. In the UK some 60 per cent of councils have declared an Emergency. The Australian numbers are astounding. Nearly 7.4 million — roughly 30 per cent of the population — are covered by councils’ declarations.
https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/tony-thomas/2020/01/how-green-ratbags-take-over-councils/ Fear, as demonstrated right now especially in coronavirus hysteria, is highly contagious. And the name of the agents who activate and breed this fear "is legion". The Church's business is surely not to assist them but to expose and drive them out, as Jesus Christ did for the demoniac on the shore of Galilee. Among the "legion" then, are:
the media (who especially in NZ are almost exclusively left of centre, and therefore foster change - which makes news)
politicians (especially of the political left, vs Jacinda and her abortionist cronies, liberalised abortion being The Best Thing to cure climate change - let's save the planet for us who made it out of the womb alive)
schools and universities
'progressive' theologians
the Vatican: the Pope's encyclical Laudato Si (Care of our Common Home), endlessly recycled on so many reams of JPIC paper, it creates a crisis on its own) failed to teach true Catholic doctrine in regard to stewardship of creation.
Taken together, the "legion" make a propaganda machine which drives a narrative seemingly as effective as that supernatural power which drove the swine into the sea, and like lemmings, the faithful who continue to trust in their shepherds follow them over the cliff, not into the icy waters of the tundra but into eternal fires which our liberal shepherds now imply no longer exist.
Stick your head above the parapet, and you're shouted down as a 'denier'. Scientist 'deniers' are themselves denied research funding. Google elevates search results of the shouters above allowing deniers to present their own views. To return to Bishop Sheen's premise, that Satan is running a counterchurch which idolises sex and climate change, I call on another prophet, non-Christian Michael Crichton, who said back in 2003:
“Today, one of the most powerful religions in the Western World is environmentalism. Environmentalism seems to be the religion of choice for urban atheists. Why do I say it’s a religion? Well, just look at the beliefs. If you look carefully, you see that environmentalism is in fact a perfect 21st century remapping of traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs and myths.
There’s an initial Eden, a paradise, a state of grace and unity with nature, there’s a fall from grace into a state of pollution as a result of eating from the tree of knowledge, and as a result of our actions there is a judgment day coming for us all. We are all energy sinners, doomed to die, unless we seek salvation, which is now called sustainability. Sustainability is salvation in the church of the environment. Just as organic food is its communion, that pesticide-free wafer that the right people with the right beliefs, imbibe.”
The counterchurch god of climate change puts me in mind of nothing more than Mel Gibson's The Passion of Christ.When I saw that movie, back in 2004, I thought the mob mentality, the hysteria of the Jews, was overdone. Now, I don't think so.
They hated Christ because He was Truth; they crucified Him because He was Life. Even if climate change is all or only a small fraction of what the alarmists tells us, ultimately, the forces driving it are opposed to truth and life, employing propaganda, contraception and abortion to gain their selfish ends of wealth and prosperity.
I remind myself too, in regard to Satan's counterchurch goddess of sex, that the three enemies of the soul are the world, the flesh and the devil. The world worships sex; Our Lady has told Sr Lucia, the seer of Fatima, that "More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason".
Faithful Catholics then, need to sacrifice themselves for sinners, especially for wolves disguised as shepherds and for those of their flock they've led astray.
We would do well too, to revisit the Council of Trent's sixth session's Decree on Justification:
Nevertheless, let those who think themselves to stand, take heed lest they fall, and, with fear and trembling work out their salvation, in labours, in watchings, in almsdeeds, in prayers and oblations, in fastings and chastity: for, knowing that they are born again unto a hope of glory, but not as yet unto glory, they ought to fear for the combat which yet remains with the flesh, with the world, with the devil, wherein they cannot be victorious, unless they be with God's grace, obedient to the Apostle, who says; We are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh; for if you live according to the flesh, you shall die;but if by the spirit you mortify the deeds of the flesh, you shall live.
Bob Gill says: Patrick Moore, Greenpeace co-founder, has said that there is no scientific proof that human emissions of CO2 are the dominant cause of minor warming of the Earth’s atmosphere over the past 100 years. If there were such a proof it would be written down for all to see.
The late David Bellamy, botanist, wrote: “I don’t like being called a denier because deniers don’t believe in facts. There are no facts linking the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide with imminent catastrophic global warming, there are only predictions based on complex computer models.”
There is no actual proof, then, that anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions are responsible for global warming. Teresa Coles says: Oh dear. Keep praying, Julia! Bruce Tichbon says:
The Church today is under attack on many fronts from alternative ideology/spirituality that seeks to infuse itself into the Church and take it over:
Feminist ideology/spirituality
Gay ideology/spirituality
Indigenous/Maori ideology/spirituality
Socialist (social justice) ideology/spirituality
It seems to me the truth and doctrine of the Church are getting suppressed and are being replaced by a morass of ill defined and spurious ideas.
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