Thursday 23 May 2019


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"People go to Mass on weekdays because they have nothing better to do."

So says Father Joe Grayland, PP of Our Lady of Lourdes Palmerston North. Of course I agree with him: there's nothing better anyone can do, any day of the week than go to Holy Mass. 
But that wasn't quite the reaction of 'Anonymous' (yes, another one, 'Anonymous' Mark III), who is obviously not an habitual letter-writer but felt moved last month to pen a missive to the Papal Nuncio, protesting at the appointment of Fr Grayland to the position formerly held by Mark Richards RIP, on the Liturgical Commission of Palmerston North - N B, on April 1.
'Anonymous Mark III' is hardly telling tales, because having taken the matter first to Bishop Charles Drennan and being totally dissatisfied with +Drennan's response, tells the Papal Nuncio that: 
  • Fr Joe Grayland persists in frequently pronouncing the Words of the Consecration in te reo Maori. 
  • Fr Grayland stated, when asked to use English (the language common to all the congregation) that "Anyway, Jesus never said those words; they were put in later". Anonymous Mark III states, quite logically, that this brings into question Fr Grayland's belief in the Real Presence. 
  • Fr Grayland does not elevate the Host at the Consecration.
  • At Easter he had the church of Our Lady of Lourdes reordered,to bring the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass down to the level of 'the community'.
  • In a homily on the Gospel of the disciples picking corn on the Sabbath, in mentioning the incident of David taking bread from the sanctuary, Fr Grayland stated that "it didn't happen, Jesus just made it up". 
  • In another homily Fr Grayland stated that "people go to Mass on weekdays because they have nothing better to do" (he got that one right).
  • In yet another homily he claimed that the God we worship (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is the same as the god Muslims worship (Allah, singular).
When Anonymous Mark III addressed Bishop Charles Drennan with these concerns, it was the late Mark Richards RIP who replied.
In regard to the complainant's main concern - pronouncing the Words of Consecration in Te Reo - Mark Richards explained that the Church "is called to use the language of this community, te reo" because Maori were here first and "all who come later are in relationship to nga iwi Maori". (I'm sorry I can't do the macrons because I can't get my laptop to compute them. Toshiba seemingly doesn't know the principles that apparently enlighten the Church of Aotearoa/ New Zealand.)
To my unenlightened, non-liturgical mind, saying that New Zealanders should use te reo in the Mass is like saying English Catholics should use Anglo-Saxon. But the Church in NZ, said Mark Richards, "is called to use the language of this community, te reo". Que? I've noticed myself that the weekday congregation, at least, of OLOL PN is far more Indian than Maori. 
Mark Richards asserts that "apart for (sic) the last 60 years, the language of the Consecration has never been English. For the previous 1500 years it was Latin" and he's sure his correspondent (actually +Charles' correspondent) is not intending" that OLOL return to Latin. (I'd say that's exactly what Anonymous Mark III would long for.)
In reference to the layout of OLOL for Easter, Anonymous Mark III had objected to the reordered sanctuary being neither "somewhat elevated or (of) a particular structure or ornamentation" as required by the GIRM. 

But Mark Richards maintained that "those gathered would have been clear that the altar, ambo and chair were in a place that was clearly identified and prominent", and so fulfilled the requirements. I guess no matter where you park the altar, ambo and chair  - left, right or centre, front or back - they're clearly identified and prominent by their very proximity. That's why the GIRM insists on something more: elevation and or ornamentation.
I'll shut up now, and allow AM III (for short) to speak. In referring to Fr. Joe Grayland's appointment  to the position formerly held by Mark Richards RIP on the Liturgical Commission of the Palmerston North Diocese, AM III's letter to the Papal Nuncio states:

"I thought at first that this was some sort of April Fools' joke. How can Bishop Charles appoint a man to that position who does not believe in the True Presence? Quote: "The Host is only ocular", Fr Grayland does not believe that Jesus said the words of the Consecration: TAKE THIS, ALL OF YOU, AND EAT OF IT, FOR THIS IS MY BODY, WHICH WILL BE GIVEN UP FOR YOU. 

Quote: "those words were put in later". Fr Grayland says that, quote "lay people who come to daily Mass only come because they have nothing better to do and are not part of the community which meets on Sundays". 

He allows women to give homilies at Sunday Mass and finally, he is a liar. This has to be some sort of sick joke, surely? Fr Joe has a Doctorate of Theology from Germany. I would like to think that with the current state of the Church in Germany, that anyone who  got a Doctorate of Theology there would be too embarrassed to admit it. 

Where are our priests leading us? They are supposed to be saving our souls not saving the planet, that is not in their job description. Jesus did not come to save the planet but to Redeem us, and charged His Apostles to do the same. 

The Mass is a Sacrifice on the Altar, not a meal at a table. These people do not seem to know Truth (Jesus Christ). I was told by a reliable source that Bishop Charles, in a sermon recently, said he put his neck on the line for love and then went on to extol the gay community. 

That is not love but hate and cowardice. He is leading the laity to believe that sodomy is ok. Why did he not tell the Truth? Why doesn't he grow a spine. He could have given the true teaching of the Catholic Church, and let me say this bluntly, that active sodomists will go to hell unless they repent. That is Truth. The laity, mostly, just accept what is put in front of them without question. When they hear of the filthy activities of a lot of Cardinals, Bishops and Priests, and nothing done about it, they  tend to get the idea that sodomy is not really a big deal. When Bishops cover up for these abusers they are equally guilty, it is called aiding and abetting. 

God will not be mocked and these people will be held accountable for the souls of their flock.

Jesus said to beware if the world loves you and to rejoice when the world persecutes you as the world has persecuted Me (Jesus) first. Our Clergy needs much Prayer, as we all do. I will continue to pray for their enlightenment, but not for their intentions. The good and Holy Priests are a Gift from God and are the only reason that some True Faith still exists, and I pray for their Vocations and Intentions. 

I mean no disrespect to Bishops and Clergy, but if one is too politically correct, or too polite, the destruction of our Faith will proceed without anyone noticing. Your Excellency, we need your help, as do our good and Holy Priests, many of whom are isolated and being persecuted for following TRUTH (Jesus Christ).

Yours sincerely in Christ

Anonymous Mark III  

Paul Collits says:

The Isles are shaky. So is the NZ Church. Very Shaky. But we have our problems too in Aussieland. My old mate Philippa Martyr.

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