Wednesday 19 December 2018


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Teresa says: Hope  you get some answers back from Cardinal Dew. Unbelievable.

Moi: I doubt he reads my blog.

Karen says: From the first day he became Pope he has been a nightmare. No Catholic faith in him.

Moi: You sound like a Rad Trad. Join the club.

Could I respectfully ask Cardinal John Dew to explain to NZ Catholics why Pope Francis carried what looked like a satanic ceremonial staff, instead of the traditional Papal ferula, into the Final Mass of the Youth Synod in the Vatican?

It's simply preposterous

Could I ask him also how the College of Cardinals could possibly have canonically elected as Pope a man who would insult the Real Presence of our Blessed Lord in the Eucharist by carrying to the altar a symbol of Satan, with implications of witchcraft and links to Freemasonry (officially a sworn and ancient enemy of the Catholic Church)?

Could I ask why a Pope can publicly state, "I am the devil"

Oh, silly me, of course it was a joke. But it was a joke reported around the world, with such evident incredulity it was reviewed by Associated Press after it was surfaced to third-party fact checkers in a Facebook initiative to assess the accuracy of news content. 

Could I ask, in the pious hope that Pope Francis accepted this thing as a gift in good faith, why his advisers didn't tell him it looked exactly like a witch's stang and would scandalize billions of Catholics around the globe? 

Dear Cardinal John, what is going on?

Dear reader, you like moi may never have heard of this satanic ceremonial staff. It's called a stang. It's used in modern witch's rituals. Truly. This witch's business is called Wicca

But who still believes in Satan?

In New Zealand, hardly anyone. Catholics here have been lulled by the hierarchy into a sense of false security and have swallowed Satan's best lie, the lie he doesn't exist.

Why on earth  would the head of the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church process into Holy Mass with a witch's stang instead of the traditional ferula (a metal rod topped with a crucifix)? 

The answer lies not on earth, but beneath it, in hell. The best explanation we could hope for is that he didn't know what it was, and neither did the teenager who presented it to him. But Francis doesn't stoop to explanations. He just leaves the faithful to try to work things out for themselves.

At the very least he must have thought, this thing looks peculiar. So why didn't he find out what it was?

I don't know. Ask his PR men.

Did the teenager know what it was? 

I don't know that either, but I do know she was wearing what some call a satanic bracelet. Her age suggests she might have been duped into wearing it - and duped into presenting Pope Francis with the stang.

 So could Pope Francis have been duped into carrying that satanic symbol into the Youth Mass?

A man elected Head of the  Catholic Church, elected to defend her against Satan, ought to know a thing or two about the way Satan works, and the tool everyone knows about is witchcraft. 

The Church is enough trouble already, without her Pontiff - even unwittingly - inviting Satan to Holy Mass.

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