Wednesday 31 October 2018


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'It is a question of clericalism inherent in the very culture of the Church, which we must look at very honestly.' When I read these words in a Carmelite JPIC newsletter this week I saw red. Literally, as you can see. 

'Clericalism' is paraded as scapegoat for rampant homosexuality once more, in this instance by Bishop Vincent Long, Parramatta, the newbie in the episcopal chorus line I mentioned in my last post-but-one. Bishop Long was speaking to 'The Concerned Catholics of Canberra and Goulburn' - who should certainly now be more concerned than ever

And guess who should bob up in the November Welcom, #Me Too-ing about clericalism for all she's worth, but Sister Joan Chittister. I'd hoped we'd heard the last from her but she's obviously in Palmerston North Bishop Charles Drennan's good books. It figures.

What's more scary is that the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel has been dragged onstage  to join the performance of the New Church can-can by the Prior Provincial for Australia and New Zealand, Fr Paul Cahill O Carm, who shows he can kick as high as any bishop. So Carmelites world-wide should be extremely concerned also. (Although I'm very sorry to say many - in an order decorated with two Doctors of the Church - will agree with Fr Cahill who knows that too, otherwise he'd never have fronted up.)

Bishop Long says 'this celibate clerical club provides the ideal conditions for the disease of clericalism to fester'. In other words, priests should be married. Like Anglican priests. Excuse me, but what's that achieved for the Anglicans? 

Catholics - especially the Rad Trad push-back movement - should watch for the following buttons, pressed by Bishop Long and bound to be pushed again and again by clerics seeking to destroy the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church: 

  • People of God: Jesuit, Marxist priests-speak, their term for the Catholic Church.
  • Pilgrim Church*: franciscan-speak for Changing Church.
  • A new culture 'of humility, accountability and service.' New? That's the 2000+ year-old Catholic, Gospel culture of the Catholic Church. Jesus instituted His Body the Church for humble service, and we its members will be held accountable at our particular judgment for "what we have done and what we have failed to do". It's also post-Vat II culture: priests "mortify in themselves the deeds of the flesh, and devote themselves entirely to the service of men … they should see to it that every part of their being is dead to evil habits and desires … let them practice the ascetism proper to a pastor of souls, renouncing their own convenience and seeking what is profitable for the man and not for themselves, so that the many may be saved(PO 12, 13)(priests) should understand very clearly that they are not called to domination nor to honours (OT 9)… in a program of humble living (ibid) (like Jesus) who came not to be served, but to serve" (Mt 20:28).
  • Voices from the margins and outside: code for homosexuals and the divorced and 'remarried'.
  • Cultural and structural change: means advancing the "Church of Arbitrariness in which anything goes and we can finally, finally please the world" as German theologian Dr Markus Buning puts it.
  • 'Incorporating the gift of women and the feminine dimension of our Christian faith':  just as the Church has done ever since the Blessed Virgin Mary modelled this gift and dimension by praying with the apostles in the Cenacle.
  • 'Christian': Catholics get lumped in with Protestant (heretical) denominations. 'Blending' is good. It helps pave the way for the 'New Church', the 'Church of Nice', the Church of Arbitrariness.
Bishop Long winds up: As a religious bishop I often find myself in situations of conflict (because) bishops are custodians of tradition, while religious are more concerned with the people on the periphery. 

Pardon me? Where's the conflict? Tradition has always been concerned with people 'on the periphery' (the fancy franciscan term for bystanders and rejects), simply because Jesus Christ was concerned with people 'on the periphery'. Blind people, lame people - women with issues! 

But wait, there's more: Bishop Long's understudy, Fr Cahill, says that 'as Carmelite Family we need to utilize the gifts of each other, whether priests, religious or lay, gay or straight.'

Fr Cahill, you're lining up apples with oranges. Priests, religious and lay are supposedly following their vocations, meaning the state of life to which God calls them.  Being gay is not following a vocation. God calls no one to be gay, because being gay means choosing to live in serious sin. Saying we need to utilize the gifts of sodomites is like saying we need to utilize the gifts of unrepentant axe murderers, corporate swindlers and terrorists. 

'Serious sin' no matter what its colour 'is the act by which man voluntarily detaches himself from God, the one source of life, charity and grace. … The sinner has, so to speak, obliged God to break all ties of friendship with him' (Fr Gabriel of St Mary Magdalen OCD, Divine Intimacy (aka the Carmelite bedside book).

'In our (Carmelite) ministries we need to honestly (sic) evaluate our systems … for any traces of clericalism (and) reform those systems. We need to ensure that those "in formation" are prepared for life and ministry based on mutuality not exclusion' etc. We can conclude therefore that being 'gay' - being a sodomite and living in serious sin - does not exclude people from formation in Carmel. 

'Ministry that is based moreover, on incarnate grace not dualism.' But 'gays' - sodomites - have rejected that incarnate grace . By choosing a way of life that is seriously sinful they have excluded themselves from all Christian ministry.

It was truly fiendishly cunning to inject the Catholic priesthood with the deadly bacillus of homosexuality, which has all but destroyed the moral authority of the Church and of course is loved by the media and the world - which Pope Francis and his New Church proponents so ardently wish to embrace. And to nurture that bacillus by eliminating the sense of sin and our need for the Sacrament of Penance, where Christ waits to forgive and heal anyone who repents of their homosexual lifestyle. 

In one fell swoop, by attacking 'clericalism' Pope Francis attacks the authentic priesthood and promotes the evil of homosexuality. The definition of clericalism is the abuse of power by the clergy, and since Vatican II that abuse has been exercised chiefly in the clergy's abandonment of the Gospel and Church teaching by not stigmatizing very grave sins like sodomy.

Le clericalism - voila l'ennemi!' (Behold the enemy - clericalism!') was actually the cry of Masonic secularism in 19th century France, when schools were secularised, religious orders expelled, divorce was introduced and the Concordat with the Holy See abolished. The clericalism so despised by Pope Francis et al is seen by the Pontiff to be, fundamentally, the traditional model of Church hated by Freemasons and Modernists.  

We're all familiar with the caricature of people talking about the end times, standing on street corners, ridiculed and put down. Well, back in May it was a Dutch Archbishop, Jacobus Cardinal Eijk, who waved a banner so to speak, on the internet, quoting Article 675 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

'Before Christ's Second Coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the Faith of many believers. The persecution … will unveil the 'mystery of iniquity' in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth.

And Venerable Archbishop Fulton J Sheen - a Catholic household word in NZ in the 50s -  has said, 
'We are living in the days of the Apocalypse .. the Mystical Body of Christ and the Mystical Body of Antichrist are beginning to draw up the battle lines … There will be a counterfeit church. Christ's Church (the Catholic Church) will be one. And the False Prophet will create the other. 

"The false church will be worldly, ecumenical and global. It will be a loose federation of churches and religions forming some type of global association. The mystical body on earth today will have its Judas Iscariot and he will be the false prophet. Satan will recruit him from among our bishops. … 

"Our Lord tells us that he will be so much like Himself that he would deceive even the elect. … Because his religion will be brotherhood without the fatherhood of God, he will deceive even the elect. He will set up a counter-church which will be the ape of the Church, because he, the Devil, is the ape of God. It will be a mystical body of the Antichrist that will in all externals resemble the Mystical Body of Christ."

In 2016 in an unguarded moment with the German magazine Der Spiegel Pope Francis dropped a rather large and heavy hint: "It is not to be excluded that I will enter history as the one who split the Catholic Church".

And get this: Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen says "He (the Antichrist) will have one great secret which he will tell to no one: he will not believe in God."

I recall what my Protestant friend said recently
, "I think Pope Francis doesn't believe in God", and the hairs rise on the back of my neck. 

*A Pilgrim in a Pilgrim Church is the book disgraced Milwaukee Archbishop Robert Weakland wrote to announce his 'coming out' after covering up sexual abuse by priests in his Archdiocese to the tune of bankruptcy for compo to victims of abuse ,and embezzling half a million dollars of archiocesan funds to pay off his blackmailing former partner. 

Anon says: Your list of buzz phrases from Bp Long is interesting and useful.  

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