Tuesday 4 September 2018


Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano's testimony, the express train which I've said many people saw coming, has arrived at the station of the Vatican and the Catholic faithful are waiting to watch its cargo of Judases disembark.

Curiously, this morning Pope Francis called for a nightly examen (examination of conscience), same as Cardinal John Dew does in the current NauMai. To me that suggests an orchestrated response to the sex abuse scandal in the Church, and as usual the tone is Protestant. Neither the Pope nor our cardinal suggests recourse, after practising the examen which any Christian of any denomination may do with great benefit, to the Sacrament of Penance.

And speaking of that Sacrament, I would suggest that one of the most truly awful 'reforms' following Vatican II was the abolition of the traditional confessional box which worked perfectly well for penitents in the Catholic Church for centuries.

If something ain't broke, don't fix it!

I used to wonder how many men joined the post-Vatican II stampede from the priesthood after yielding to the temptation to comfort and console a tearful female penitent who was no longer hidden behind a grille but sitting within arms' reach. But now we know that many predator priests preyed on their victims in the confessional.


I'm not easily embarrassed, but having been trained by the good 'Black Joes' at Sacred Heart College in Whanganui to confess weekly, I found the innovation after Vat II of a little room with two chairs placed for a comfy chat to be confronting and anything but comfortable. I think the alternative of a screen and kneeler was introduced later on, only to increase one's uneasiness: which way to go? Have a chat, or kneel behind the screen which is now redundant, because Father knows who's behind it, because they're the only person presenting for confession?


Those Judases - men who have betrayed Jesus Christ by defiling their priestly orders - who will sooner or later be forced out of that express train, are active homosexuals and pederasts, which is why as I've said, there's this spooky silence in the media.

Why not expose these priests now? Because Francis is Pope.

Imagine if it were the conservative Pope Benedict who'd been indicted by Archbishop Vigano and asked to resign, how the story would be front-page in every newspaper. How would the media have reacted if it were Benedict who'd told journos on that plane from Ireland that he wasn't going to say a word? They'd have made a meal of it.

How the media reveled in their revelations of misconduct and evil in the Catholic Church under Benedict! But now we have a liberal pope and homosexual bishops are darlings of the media, journalists are silent, complicit in a cover-up which it is their specific task to reveal.

Which makes a nonsense of Pope Francis' appeal on that plane from Ireland to journalists' 'professional maturity'.

As US Bishop Robert Morlino says, "In the US and elsewhere, in fact, very little is more questionable than the professional maturity of journalists. The bias in the mainstream media could not be clearer and is recognized almost universally. I could never ascribe professional maturity to the National Catholic Reporter for example - and it's they who are leading the charge in the campaign of vilification against Archbishop Vigano."

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