Sunday 9 September 2018


"I love it that you got dressed up like a sexy priest"

Celebrity homosexual priest Fr James Martin SJ, author of a book advocating for affirmation for LGBTQs in the Catholic Church and nominated by US Cardinal Kevin Farrell to speak at the Irish World meeting for families, retweets a comment from a like-minded fan at the recent Met Gala Opening in New York.

You remember, that marvelous party where movie stars wore outfits insulting the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Vatican supplied priceless vestments for vulgar titillation and the Sistine Chapel Boys' Choir to perform, and New York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan was guest of honour and just loved every minute of it.   

"Father Martin's desire for attention," says Joseph Sciambra, ex-gay and former porn star, "is sad and desperate. Who didn't hug him as a boy?"

Sciambra gives the lie to the statement I heard yesterday from a cradle Catholic, commenting on the homosexual scandal in the Church, "some people are born that way"

If a lie's repeated often enough - especially in the media - it will be believed. And we know who invented lies, and how for a long time now Satan has been using this one to try to destroy the Catholic Church. And he's been successful to the same extent he got people to believe the even bigger lie, that he doesn't exist.

Sciambra says that in his youth, priest after priest in the confessional misrepresented the truth taught by the Catholic Church, encouraging him to pursue the homosexual lifestyle that nearly destroyed him. 

Those priests weren't told the truth, that homosexual relations are intrinsically disordered, in the seminaries where men like Cardinal 'Uncle Ted' McCarrick preyed on them and perverted them. 

A lot of sexy priests must be feeling queasy tonight, now that a lynch pin of the testimony of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has been confirmed. 

A diocesan priest in the US, Father Boniface Ramsey, warned the Apostolic Nuncio in 2000 that Cardinal McCarrick was harassing seminarians and having them sleep in his bed. Now the mainstream media have published a letter from the Vatican dated 2006 which inadvertently confirms the Vatican's receipt of that letter. 

Fr Ramsey had previously said he knew that his letter to the Vatican had been received but he'd had nil response. In 2004 he raised the matter again with Cardinal Edward Egan of New York, and guess what?

Cardinal Egan "didn't wanna talk about it". 

Just like Pope Francis on that plane from Ireland. He refuses to comment on the cover-up of McCarrick's sexual sins but he has plenty to say about the "emergency" of plastic waste in the ocean.

And the Pope says his critics are "a pack of wild dogs".

I suppose I'm one of them  - except I'm female. So what does that make me, exactly? Not that I care about that. 

I care about priests.

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