Monday 5 February 2018

ARE WE A NATION OF SCAREDY-CATS? (Letter to Dom Post, Feb 6)

Green’s Julie Anne Genter wants a national register of ‘sexual harassment’. Green’s Gareth Hughes wants to ban rodeos. Act’s David Seymour wants to ensure no one ever has to suffer pain (Letters, Feb 5).

On Waitangi Day I have to ask, are we now a nation of scaredy-cats? Are we really over-feminised weaklings, needing safeguards’ everywhere we look? Where’s our sense of humour, our sense of proportion, our No 8 wire mentality?

If it’s ‘cruel’ to euthanise an animal, how cruel is it for Labour's Jacinda Ardern to propose legislation ‘decriminalising’ abortion, so even more unborn children get killed and their mothers damaged for life? If  "it’s a human right to feel safe", then it's a right for the human in utero. It's a right for the elderly and disabled who’d feel threatened by legal assisted suicide.

These are the rights needing safeguards, not women who can go to the Human Rights Commission, or bulls who can be given a bullet. 

Those orange road cones which like a nasty rash have spread far and wide on our highways and byways would seem a metaphor for a disease of our national spirit.

And it could prove fatal.

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