Thursday 17 November 2016


“Shaken up” in Wellington (November 17), are Statistics House, BNZ Harbour Quays, Defence House, Queensgate, Justice House and Pipitea House, the PM’s and Cabinet’s Departments.
Statistics House, where I suppose the grim total of aborted babies is totted up every year. The BNZ, which invests in pharmaceuticals possibly implicated in the use of fetal body parts. Defence House, which attempts to defend a morally indefensible nation. Queensgate, the biggest incentive for wasting money in the lower North Island. Justice House, which administers laws allowing babies to be killed in their mothers’ wombs. Pipitea House, where the PM and Cabinet preside over all the foregoing.
Yesterday I heard an honest priest say, “Earthquakes are caused by God. We need to pray.” Please, dear Welly, wake up.

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