Monday 22 January 2024



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The pope's hopes will be dashed sooner rather than later 

Pope Francis couldn't give more of a fillip to the devil if Satan himself were writing his script. What could give more thrills to Lucifer than to hear the Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church saying he hopes hell is empty? Such wishful thinking must be music to Satan's ears.

Can we not hear the collective sigh of relief from the few N O Catholics still troubled by the perennial Church doctrine of eternal punishment? Because the pope's pondering goes a long way towards assuring them that they'll get off their serious offences scot-free, when the stark and terrifying reality is that only one unrepented, unconfessed mortal sin will put you in hell fire for eternity.  

To the Vatican's egregious disobedience to the Mother of God in failing to publish the Third Secret of Fatima in 1960 the pope adds disbelief in her revelation to the three shepherd children of seers of "souls falling into hell like snowflakes". The insolence is staggering. Talk about inviting disaster, calamity and the annihilation of nations, as Our Lady prophesied.

Trouble is, Catholics have been lulled into a sense of false security by the deletion from the texts of the Novus Ordo Mass of almost all reference to the pains of hell. Latin Massgoers are under no such delusions - which is why they line up for the Sacrament of Confession and avail themselves of all the sacraments, knowing the supernatural graces they confer. 

From Eric Sammons, editor-in-chief of Crisis magazine:

As often happens following a controversial papal statement, debate broke out online as to whether this is a legitimate—i.e., an orthodox—viewpoint for a Catholic.

While that’s an important question, especially when speaking of the pope, it actually misses a more important point—the impact of hoping that Hell is empty.

But let’s first address whether or not this comment is orthodox. The pope’s first part, “I like to think of Hell as being empty,” isn’t really a dogmatic statement, as he himself notes. It’s just how he imagines Hell. I can imagine Heaven as a suburban country club—kinda like The Simpsons “Protestant Heaven“—and that isn’t heresy; it’s just my imagination. If the pope were to argue definitively—or attempt to define dogmatically—that Hell is empty, then we would need to argue about whether it was orthodox or not (spoiler: not).

And then Pope Francis goes beyond his imagination to his desires: “I hope it is [empty].” Again, this is not a dogmatic statement. I hope that the Cincinnati Reds will win the World Series this year, and I can have that (somewhat unlikely) hope if I want. Likewise, if the pope desires that Hell is empty, he can do so if he wants.

Of course, the pope’s hope that Hell is empty isn’t as harmless as my hope for a World Championship for my favorite baseball team. Our hopes very much shape our actions and our beliefs: my love for the Reds leads me to attend their games and emotionally invest myself in their success (and, too often, failure). Likewise, a hope that Hell is empty has a huge impact on how we live as Catholics. This, in my mind, is the more important question, rather than more endless debates on the orthodoxy of the pope’s off-the-cuff statement.

As I detail in my bookDeadly Indifference, there’s been a huge emphasis shift in how Catholics view the salvation of non-Catholics in the past century. Until the middle of the 20th century, it was assumed by most Catholics that most (if not all) non-Catholics were destined for eternal hellfire. Yes, the Church long taught that one could be saved by a baptism of desire, but this teaching was something relegated mostly to theological debate among scholars and churchmen. The common view—and the common teaching heard from the pulpit—is that Catholics should assume that non-Catholics were very likely going to Hell.

This common assumption had massive implications. The most vital being that Catholics felt a duty to work for the conversion of non-Catholics, whether that be by supporting missionary works or by urging non-Catholics to become Catholic. It also meant that Catholics were wary of becoming too culturally close to non-Catholics. “Mixed marriages” were verboten, and Catholics tended to live together in small neighborhoods (the Catholic “ghetto”) in order to protect the faith of their impressionable children. And finally, most Catholics doggedly remained Catholic, knowing the alternative could be unthinkably horrible.

Once that emphasis shifted, however, and Catholics began to expand the application of baptism of desire to its breaking point (a majority of Catholics now believe other religions can lead a person to Heaven), then how Catholics lived and interacted with non-Catholics dramatically changed.

Missions collapsed. Catholic neighborhoods disappeared. And Catholics left the Church by the millions.

This is not a coincidence. If you don’t believe you need to be Catholic to get to Heaven—or, more radically, you believe everyone is getting to Heaven regardless of how they live here on earth (“Hello, Mr. Hitler! Good to see you here in Heaven!”)—then the importance of both practicing the Faith and sharing it with others collapses. Catholicism is reduced to something that makes you feel good; a social club with some cool-looking ceremonies.


Pope Francis appears on Italy's most popular prime-time talk show, Che Tempo Che Fa 


Now, one could spin the pope’s comment that “I hope [Hell] is [empty]” by saying that the Catechism itself states that “In hope, the Church prays for ‘all men to be saved’” (CCC 1821). But there is a big difference between hoping Hell is empty and hoping and praying for the salvation of each individual soul.

To return to my baseball analogy, before each Reds game next season, I will hope that the Reds will win. However, if you asked me if the Reds will win every game next season, I know they will not. Losing some games is just the reality of a 162-game baseball season, no matter how much I hope for victory.

Likewise, if you ask me if I hope for the salvation of any specific person—my wife, my kids, President Biden, Elon Musk—I will answer in the affirmative. However, I know—because Christ has made it clear that this is the reality—there are people in Hell. As the Catechism states, 

The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, “eternal fire.” (CCC 1035)


An empty Hell undermines the entire purpose of Catholicism, and makes a mockery out of the words of Jesus, who warned us to avoid Hell and talked of people being thrown into the eternal fire (cf. Mt. 25:41). Jesus, in fact, talked more about Hell than he did about Heaven. Why bother if no one is going there? In fact, if Hell is in fact empty, that makes Jesus a deceiver, for his words assume people have gone—and will continue to go—there.

So we can see that Pope Francis’s hope that Hell is empty is not harmless wishful thinking. It leads people away from a serious practice of the faith, and it leads them away from bringing others to a serious practice of the faith. 

Ironically, a hope that Hell is empty will do much to help fill it up. 

Eric Sammons

Eric Sammons is the editor-in-chief of Crisis Magazine.


St Cyril of Alexandria, please pray for the Church 


  1. Aroha Margaret Brougham23 January 2024 at 11:37

    F... off idiot

  2. Absolutely right
    The same evil person who lined up for the jab encouraging all Catholics to do the same

    1. that's the substrate for EVERY VACCINATION, not just covid vax. That's been the case for the last 60 years or so.

    2. yes exactly but none so dangerous as this one
      250 million globally and if Cindy had her way we would all be gunners (sic, she means 'goners') by now
      Everyone who attended the wef summits including all the leaders of the world , Klaus Gates and the Pope

    3. yes exactly but none so dangerous as this one
      250 million globally and if Cindy had her way we would sll be gunners by now
      Everyone who attended the wef summits including all the leaders of the world , Klaus Gates and the Pipe

    4. So far and more to come I reckon.

    5. oh absolutely and if doomfield and psycho Cindy hadn't been removed when they were we would all be gunners by now
      She was going to have her army turn up to our homes to force it upon us

    6. that may still happen if the WHO isn't stopped.

    7. it has been
      It's currently being dismantled
      Don't give in to fear
      That is their goal
      Fear empowers Satan
      Truth empowers God

  3. Christina Hadley23 January 2024 at 11:44

    There is a pretty tough spiritual battle going on, from mistranslated words to teaching outside of doctrine, with doctrines in mind. Interesting times. I will be glad when things mellow out!

  4. One sin equals eternal damnation? Good luck converting sinners with that type of prostelyzation. (sic).

    1. that is our Catholics belief. That is why we have the grace of Confession. Truth is the utmost form of mercy; we cannot lie and condemn our brethren.

    2. Robert Beaurivage28 January 2024 at 14:50

      It is not the job of bishop, priest or layman to soothe the conscience of a sinner, but to convince him of his sin and that he needs to repent. It is not what will make you popular, but what the truth actually is. One mortal sin can damn a soul to hell. But the good news is that we are still alive, and have time to repent.

    3. Your soul is YOUR responsibility. Don't blame the messengers. God knows ALL things about our intentions. You can't fool God.

  5. Before becoming pope, this cretin was in charge of covering up the pedo priests, paying out victims and moving those pedo priests to put in out of the way places

  6. Don't belive the lies of Bergolio, live your lives as faithful catholics: we know what the traditional church taught, dont get caught up modernism

  7. Why does this page give so much time and space to what is wrong with our church. The apostles never gave Judas this much air space. Why give other non catholic ammunition. Let's edify and build up the family of believers, rather than show the ugly side that we already know is out there, will Always try to infiltrate the church.How are we going to draw anyone into our faith when all we talk about is what is wrong or evil about it. They are watching us and we are not giving a good witness to draw others into the fold.
    I am saddened by this page.

    1. The Apostles didn't know Judas was a traitor. If they had, Peter as the first pope would have called him out.
      Failure to preach on hell has been a primary cause of the loss of an untold number of conversions to the faith and the millions of believers who've deserted the Church since Vatican II instituted the Novus Ordo. It's more than saddening, it's utterly tragic.
      To give good witness we must firstly recognise the cause of the evil in order to motivate us to fight it by prayer, especially the Mass and the Rosary.

    2. I think because we are frustrated and heartbroken with the situation. Not only is the world a mess but now our Church is too. I do see positive posts on this page… surprising, I know of more people converting to Catholicism now then ever. Very hard to understand but God is picking his soldiers.

  8. What about curing diseases in the now

    1. Michael J Calvaruso23 January 2024 at 12:18

      Is there an explanation, or are you leaving it with that?

    2. answer it. Why isn't the Church talking about ending suffering where we can? Or are you sadistic?

    3. Mary-Elizabeth McCaffrey26 January 2024 at 00:03

      straw man argument. Working to cure diseases and going to Mass/believing in Hell are not mutually exclusive.

  9. To this rather unedifying conversation (16 comments ensued, some hardly Christian) I'll just add that the cross of suffering, carried with Christ, is our means to salvation.

    1. Go straight to hell. You saying that is pure evil. Tell that to all the kids at St. Judes.

    2. I would if I could. It would probably be the first time they've heard it. You're surely aware that the Mother of God showed the three shepherd children at Fatima a terrifying vision of hell? So terrifying, no photographs ever show them smiling.
      Face the facts. Please.

  10. Aw diddums, did the pope undermine your threats of eternal damnation?

    1. Not my 'threats', but the dictates of Holy Scripture and the doctrine of the Church the pope must uphold.

    2. aw no it's gonna be much harder to manipulate people when you can't threaten them with an eternity in hell

    3. It certainly makes it much harder to convert people to Christ: the fear of hell is the probably the primary means to salvation. Since the Second Vatican Council failure to preach this doctrine as Christ commanded has emptied churches and filled hell.

    4. if you need the threat of eternal damnation to act like a good person, you are not a good person

  11. He must have never read about the Three Children in Fatima, where the Holy Mother shows the 3 children hell, they see bishops, Popes and many other religious people there. He will be joining them if he does not change his ugly ways

    1. As my post mentions. Surely the pope knows the Secret of Fatima, which disobeying the command of Our Lady the Church has refused to publish in full. Every pope must be required to read it. I should think they'd be very curious to read it. And if he knows the Secret, surely he knows about the children's vision of hell. Fatima should be required reading for any pope.

  12. Pope Francis is playing fast and loose politics saying "hell is empty". He knows his job is to uphold God's teaching, instead he contradicts it. He is like the sly politicians who have a dollar each way on abortion, ' personally I'm opposed to abortion, but I cannot impose my beliefs on the electorate'. Pope Francis expresses a personal belief that contradicts eternal Church teaching. This is sly politics on his part. The effect of his actions is incredible damage to his office and the faith.

    Pope Francis continues the trend of diminishing sin that has gone on in the Catholic Church for over half a century since Vatican II. He now implies there is no meaningful sin at all. It seems clear to me the plan is to foster acceptance of sodomy - if there is no sin then sodomy can't be a sin?! His 'hell is empty' statement fits with his very recent Fiducia Supplicans which also implicitly legitimises sodomy. His determination to legitimise sodomy seems a bit too personal.

  13. James McGoldrick25 January 2024 at 23:41

    In the book about God’s Divine Mercy, St. Faustina Kowalska describes how DYING SOULS CAN BE SAVED FROM ETERNAL DAMNATION by praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for them, especially at 3 o‘clock, the hour of Our Lord‘s death.
    I take it that they then atone for their sins in Purgatory instead of suffering eternally in hell, and that they therefore one day will also be able to enter into Heaven, through God‘s Mercy.
    That is how I imagine God‘s Infinite and Divine Mercy to be : truly infinite, with no „ifs, buts, or ands“..
    Truly Infinite, and Truly Divine !!!

    1. Brendan Paul O'Brien25 January 2024 at 23:42

      What you wrote looks right to me, but nowhere there does it address MORTAL sins.
      Even those with no mortal sins on their soul can achieve eternal damnation, because God's love is perfect and just and He allows us to pretty much choose whatever we want, including to NOT be with Him. I haven't read St Faustina's diary in its entirety, but I would be very surprised if she said that unconfessed/unrepented mortal sin can be overcome to get to Eternal Salvation. That would go against a solid teaching of the Church through much of its existence, and probably might've prevented her from being made a saint in the public eyes of the Church.
      One part of her diary I have read says that God's Mercy is beyond any of our imagination to truly grasp, and none of us are God and none of us can see with His perspective and Omniscience, so precisely fulfilling the requirements of mortal sin may not necessarily be easy, but it obviously is possible.
      I guess we need to try to love God with all we have and hope and pray His Divine Mercy is all that we can imagine it to be, even if we can't come close.
      And praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy whenever you can will be a good foundation stone regardless....
      God bless you, James.

    2. James McGoldrick25 January 2024 at 23:46

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. James McGoldrick25 January 2024 at 23:52

      Thank you for your thoughts and kind words.
      St. Faustina describes a scene in her book, where she suddenly found herself in a room where a man was dying, surrounded by demons who were tormenting him.
      She prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet for him, and the demons vanished, and the man died peacefully.
      To me, that is an example of God‘s unfathomable Divine Mercy.
      So, it seems to me that, under certain circumstances, even people who are heading for eternal damnation can be saved through prayer, especially that of the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
      God bless you, Brendan Paul.

    5. I believe it's not only those who are in mortal sin who are tormented by demons at the hour of death. That's why Catholics pray for the grace of final perseverance.

    6. Brendan Paul O'Brien1 February 2024 at 13:34

      of course they can mate. No doubt. Suffering souls through the centuries are well documented as having helped others by their sufferings. Louisa Picaretta (Divine Will) instantly comes to mind. And of course our prayer and dating can help each other - God's Church is all about family, which is why it is so openly targeted by the evil one (abortion, divorce, transgenderism, homosexuality, and so many other ways).
      I know I'm preaching to the converted, but in case someone else reads this that is unaware: God wants us to pray for each other, especially sinners and non-believers. One of my favourite biblical passages (primarily because it is such an immense immense challenge) is where we're told to love our enemies and pray for those that persecute us.
      I usually avoid these discussions because I could go on and on, but I'm glad you got my response in the right tone.
      Keep going with that chaplet whenever possible, brother.

    7. Brendan Paul O'Brien1 February 2024 at 13:40

      that should've said FASTING, not dating

    8. James McGoldrick1 February 2024 at 13:41

      By touching your post, and choosing edit, you can correct typos !

    9. Brendan Paul O'Brien1 February 2024 at 13:48

      oops. I'm used to old instgram that wouldn't allow edits 🤣🤣🤣🙃

    10. Did you know that the Divine Mercy devotion was banned for 20 years or so before it was reinstated by JPII? There are reasonable doubts as to its theology.
      Why the Vatican banned the Divine Mercy devotion for 20 years

    11. James McGoldrick1 February 2024 at 13:51

      Julia, who are we to question God, and in His Infinite Mercy? Devotion to the Divine Mercy promises, under certain circumstances, COMPLETE remission of one‘s sins, that is, one can be like a newly born and baptised child thereafter in the eyes of God. The conditions are: to recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet daily, starting on Good Friday, and ending on Divine Mercy Sunday (a novena). Then, ideally within that week, to go to confession and to Holy Communion.
      So, I believe that the Devotion to the Divine Mercy differs to the Devotion to the Sacred Heart in some profound ways.
      The Divine Mercy Chaplet itself consists of the Our Father, the Hail Mary, the Apostle‘s Creed, and "For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, have Mercy on us and in the whole world“ and "Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have Mercy on us, and on the whole world“.
      I find it difficult to understand why some people are objectional towards such a truly wonderful devotion and prayer.

    12. Those who worked in the Holy Office in those days before Vatican II, such as Cardinal Ottaviani, were well-trained and entirely orthodox prelates and theologians, who had been appointed by Pope Pius XII.
      There are theological problems with the messages. In 1934, Sr. Faustina began a diary in which she recounted her mystical experiences. Apparently, there were things in this diary that were theologically questionable. Faustina’s claim that Jesus had promised a complete remission of sin for certain devotional acts that only the sacraments can offer, for example, or what Vatican evaluators felt to be an excessive focus on Faustina herself (
      This promise omits to mention the need for contrition and amendment of life.
      In the Divine Mercy image the Sacred Heart Itself is not seen. There are no wounds in Our Lord’s hands and feet, or they are so faint as to be not clearly visible.
      Does not devotion to the Sacred Heart emphasize the infinite mercy of our Divine Redeemer? Why then is there a need for another devotion to focus on the divine mercy? Would that not merely serve to take attention away from devotion to the Sacred Heart?
      Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus has been promoted by Holy Mother Church since the 17th century. In 1856 Pius IX extended the feast to the entire Church. Pope Leo XIII consecrated the entire human race to the Sacred Heart in 1899. Pius XI raised the feast of the Sacred Heart to a double of the first class — the highest rank possible. Pope Pius XII devoted an entire encyclical to this devotion (Haurietis Aquas, 1956). Everywhere in the Church there are devotions to the Sacred Heart, First Friday observances, etc. So another devotion to Our Lord, centering entirely on His mercy, would only seem to take attention away from a devotion, already universally recognized and observed, which centers on His love and mercy. Thus it appears to be an unnecessary repetition — a “useless imitation,” to quote the words of the decree.

  14. Laurie Boulio Kane26 January 2024 at 00:05

    one unREPENTED mortal sin

  15. Pray for him and yourself and us.

  16. Lycia Mass Curer28 January 2024 at 14:53

    I attended a NO mass in 2016 and the priest was literally saying he didn't believe there could be a hell with such a good, merciful God. I never went back and I wanted to report that priest, but felt worried to do it....


  17. Who's he serving??
    Francis sold out for 30 pieces of silver.
