Thursday 6 January 2022


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Ardern,Robertson&Co, Death Dealers to the Nation, are at it again.  29% of their long-suffering electorate are now criminally victimised at least once in 12 months, gang shootings are ho-hum, gun crime hits a new peak, MPs call family and sexual violence our “national shame” - and the Government's hell-bent on making things worse.

Public submissions on the the Three Strikes law end THIS FRIDAY, when everyone, even Crime Minister Ardern et al, is still lolling about in the sun. That's their MO - demolish democracy while no one's looking.

It's not just the Three Strikes law this country needs, it's the death penalty. And an end to legal abortion. And that's flat!

The redoubtable Bob McCoskrie of Family First is up in arms about this latest , and so he should be. And so should we. 

An act of family violence is reported every four minutes, according to the New Zealand Police annual report published in November 2021.

A key reason for Three Strikes being introduced and receiving public support was widespread community outrage at serious violent or sexual offenders repeatedly getting parole and going on to commit more serious crimes. Remember William Bell and the horrific RSA case.

There was also concern about light sentences which were out of kilter with the community’s views.  Just examine many child abuse case coming before courts to see the community outrage at the weakness of some of the sentences being handed down.

The answer to the vexed question of violent or sexual offenders and child abuse is staring us in the face, but we don't want to know it. 

Abortion is the ultimate in domestic violence. You can't get any more domestic than our first home, our mother's womb.

The womb, designed by God Almighty as impregnable, a place of peace, has become the most dangerous place in the world for a human to be. Until abortion is outlawed once more, survivors of the womb from which their siblings were evicted by force and slain by their mothers will continue to perpetrate violence on their closest companions - their partners (or much more rarely, their wives) and their little children.    

“It appears that the Labour government has no public mandate for scrapping this law, and the evidence suggests it is having the desired effect. There has been a dramatic drop from the number of 1st strikes to 2nd strikes and then again to a third strike. Criminals aren’t stupid. They are well aware of the law and its consequences. If the regime is scrapped, the government is in danger of sending a message that we’re not serious about the It’s Not OK zero-tolerance message on family violence, or zero tolerance on gun violence or sexual violence. The Three Strikes law reinforces that we take victimisations seriously.”

“This data indicates that the three strikes regime is accurately targeting the serious recidivist offenders.”

(The Government) seem to be hoping you're on holiday and won't have time to tell them your views. Please - disappoint them.  


1. Watch our short explainer video below 


2. Read our submission
3. Read more background material on our website
4. Make your own short submission [You can just start at this point if you want!]
5. Do it 
before midnight Friday night (7th)


Minister of what passes for Justice Kris Faafaoi

The Justice Minister wrote to the Select Committee overseeing the Three Strikes repeal asking it to examine whether people already sentenced under Three Strikes should have their sentences reevaluated.

These people were sentenced under the law at the time of their offence, now Faafoi wants to re-sentence them under a different law. When he announced his intention to repeal Three Strikes he said it would not be retrospective.

He said in Parliament at First Reading “We acknowledge that there are victims in this and there will be no revictimisation of those people during this process, because there is no retrospective aspect of this Bill”.

But in a letter to the Select Committee, he said, “Cabinet considered how the Bill should respond to those who have already been sentenced under the law.”

Faafoi didn’t bother to even consult victims – and now he wants to repeal the sentences of the people who carried out serious violent offences against them. 

Three Strikes offenders make up just one per cent of all convictions, they have an average of 75 convictions, they are the worst and most violent offenders New Zealand has seen. They aren’t behind bars for petty theft or minor crimes. They have beaten, raped and murdered..

Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me: for my soul trusteth in thee. And in the shadow of thy wings will I hope, until iniquity pass away.


  1. may I post a link. It seems Ardern has been named in a Crimes Against Humanity Nuremberg Tribunal.

    exaltavit anima mea in nomine domini!!!!!

  2. It is clear to me at least that the absurdity of releasing violent criminals back into society and persecuting mean tweets and words comes from a fetishizing of "kindness"

    Arderns own cruelty in the name of "kindness" shows that this is naive, hypocritical and self righteous nonsense which shows leftists have no idea as to how the world works.

    It also reveals that the Left thnks in terms not of compassion but sentimentality..

    As for the death penalty, as a leftist liberal many years ago i was against it, but now i have no moral problem with it, except for the possibility of executing an innocent person.

    But in the case of politicians breaching the Nuremberg Code, ie commiting crimes against humanity not only with the full glare of publicity but absolutely proud of what they are doing I not only have no problem with the death panalty.

    I DEMAND IT, especially when it is mandated as I understand it to be under the Nuremberg Code

  3. Rubbish. All western leaders would need to be on trial too.

    1. quite right. the crime againt humanity is of that extent.

      The law broken is utterly clear.

      So be it

  4. We will all face our own trial when we die, there's no escaping justice.


  5. Yes but the prior post was illogical.
