Sunday 10 September 2017

APOSTASY AT ST PAT'S (letter to DomPost, Sept 11)

St Patrick’s College rector Neal Swindells doesn't “like the word abstinence”(Schooling up on sex ed, September 9) but if “some students are gay” - which considering the brouhaha over LGBT 'rights' they're quite likely to think, but at that age can hardly know - at a Catholic school they like heterosexuals must be taught abstinence.
His school teaches “the IUD, the pill and emergency contraceptives”. Swindells knows that’s opposed to Catholic doctrine and in fact, far from sanctioning it, Pope Francis has praised the Church for maintaining that opposition.
The students seem to have been taught that “the greatest commandment” is to treat others as you would like to be treated. In fact the greatest commandment is to “love the Lord your God”.
Swindells says guilt is something “the Catholic Church imposed in the 1960s and 70s”. ‘Guilt’ is the pejorative now pinned on that spontaneous, natural feeling of regret for wrongdoing which has been around since Adam and Eve, and for which the Catholic Church alone supplies the remedy, in the confessional.
St Patrick’s Board of Proprietors and parents need to be aware that the college staff appear to have abandoned their Catholic beliefs. What they’re teaching is apostasy.

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