Monday 4 July 2016


This is the what the Dominion Post does. It filters letters on the subject of abortion so that only the mildest objections make it into print.

Here's an example - a letter published today, July 4:

'I suppose it's true, Maggie Miller (July 1) that abortion is more humane for an unwanted child than 'years of misery ending in death by torture'.

This reasoning, though, is better suited to the euthanasia debate which involves the death of someone who chooses to die more 'humanely'.

Abortion is different because it involves no such consent and because it does involve a third option: life. I wish we would take that third option more seriously.

                                                                                                         Gavan O'Farrell
                                                                                                              Lower Hutt

And here's mine, which was not published today - and won't be tomorrow, either:

Maggie Miller (July 1) can’t understand why abortion is the precursor to child abuse. Of course parents should "take responsibility for the protection of children they bring into the world". But doesn’t that automatically imply they should also take responsibility for their protection before they bring them into the world?

Look at the stats. See when child abuse first became a problem - soon after we legislated to kill unborn children. The reason why abortion is the precursor of child abuse is, if it’s okay to kill a child before it’s born, it’s okay after.

But before birth we can’t see them. And for most of us apparently, that makes all the difference.

I'm not saying mine's the better letter. Just saying.

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