Monday 9 September 2019


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"Most men are swayed by women saying, 'it's a woman's body', " says the irrepressible Bob Gill of Dannevirke. "I wish the Church would hit these issues harder – it’s very low key on these matters."

Bob Gill is definitely not my 'nice old codger from Dannevirke' but like the latter, Bob is not one to lie down and let evil roll over him, in the Catholic Church or anywhere else. And as New Zealand has a legislative steamroller approaching in the shape of the Labour-Coalition Government's  Abortion Legislation Bill, and submissions close Thursday week, Bob’s getting hot under the collar. 

He continues, “It would really help I the Church commented more on these issues, especially at Sunday Mass. But priests are virtually silent. More open discussion by the Church would surely make people think and be more pro-active to the cause."

It occurs to me that 'most men' - maybe including some clergy - are hiding behind the 'it's a woman's body' line. They don't know the facts of abortion, maybe because they don't want to know the facts. 

So pardon me if I'm forcing them down their throats, but the facts are these:

  • A fetus is clearly not 'a woman's body'. The fetus is a completely separate entity, in a woman's body, and that woman is his/her mother.
  • A fetus feels pain. The published scientific literature shows he or she feels pain at 20 weeks or earlier, and the pain is probably more intense than adults'. Hey guys, do you need to read any further? Doesn't that one fact shoot the 'it's a woman's body' argument down in flames? 
  • In the first nine weeks - when under the proposed legislation a woman or teenager would get an abortion, no questions asked - the fetus is killed and forced out of the womb by drugs.
    Cramping, pain which is often intensive, and heavy bleeding can last several days. One per cent of women are hospitalized with heavy bleeding.

    If the mother looks carefully at her dead baby, which will be about an inch long, she'll be able to count fingers and toes. Maternal death may occur.
  • The baby may be killed by being sucked out of the womb in a procedure called Dilatation and Curettage (D&C). It's also called a dismemberment abortion (I bet that's not what they tell the mother).
    The baby has a beating heart, arms and legs but its bones are still soft enough to be sucked out by a vacuum machine 10 to 12 times more powerful than the one you use on your carpets. Bits of the baby may be left behind.
    The uterus may be perforated. Maternal death may occur.
  • At 13 - 27 weeks the baby is too big to be sucked through a tube so the procedure is Dilatation and Evacuation. The abortionist kills the child by blindly tearing it to pieces inside the womb (remember, it's established that the baby feels pain at 20 weeks). Are you still with me, guys? The baby is now about 7 inches long. The hard part to extract is the head, which is now about the size of a plum. It has to be crushed. The abortionist knows s/he's got it out when he sees a white substance. That's the baby's brain.
    Once the baby's all out, its body parts must be re-assembled to make sure there's not a leg or an arm left inside the womb. The risks to the mother include perforation of the uterus, laceration of the cervix, infection, haemorrhage and death.
  • In the third trimester (27-39 weeks) the baby is killed by a partial-birth abortion. The baby is pulled out feet-first, leaving the head just inside the cervix. The abortionist punctures the base of the skull and sucks the baby's brains out. The baby's skull then collapses and the rest of the baby can be delivered.

Obviously, unwanted babies of over 27 weeks' gestation are killed in this way so that the procedure can be called an abortion and under New Zealand's proposed legislation, a 'health issue' and so not a crime. Not murder. The same baby of the same age could be killed after birth with no danger to the mother, but that would be infanticide. In the US, late-term babies born live after botched abortions are left to die.

If this Abortion Legislation Bill is passed, as Lawrence Yule MP for Tuki Tuki predicted at our Voice for Life CHB meeting last week it would, babies will be left to die here. In Canada in the five years up till 2018, 766 babies were born alive - but what happened to them, no one officially knows or, one is tempted to add, cares. If the Abortion Legislation Bill is passed, will anyone be told what's happened to babies left to die in New Zealand?

Bob Gill concluded by saying, "It sticks out to me that you are highlighting not just words to be said against the likes of abortion but physical action if we are to be listened to. Is that what you are trying to tell me, Julia?

Absolutely! Every Catholic worthy of the name, especially the clergy, should be supporting a pro-life group in some way* and especially in prayer. 

Every priest and bishop, while there's still time, should speak from the pulpit on this horrific Abortion Legislation Bill. 

Priests, bishops and laity in Germany were silent during the Third Reich, and what happened? 

The Holocaust.

*JOIN Voice for Life Central Hawke's Bay, for example, by banking your $20 sub at Westpac, account number 03 0779 0112419 00. Or post to 45 Black Rd, Ashley Clinton R D 1 Takapau 4286 Central Hawke's Bay.

Anonymous says:

Julia, you are right to highlight these gruesome realities. What is more amazing is our society, our politicians and our Church pretty much ignore them.

I say:

Yes, just like the German politicians and the Church in Germany did during the Third Reich. And we wag our heads and say, "How could the Germans have allowed that slaughter of 6 million Jews to happen?" 

Remember, that started with the slaughter of the disabled. Then homosexuals.  We start with the slaughter of the unborn. We proceed with the slaughter of the vulnerable elderly. And so on ...

How hypocritical! We are the 'scribes and Pharisees', of whom Jesus said, "Unless your justice abound more than that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven" (Mt 5,20).

Anonymous adds:

They (those 'gruesome realities') are not part of the abortion narrative because those who control the narrative don't want them discussed.  I pray that God will not tolerate these murderous practices on earth for much longer.

I add:

God doesn't tolerate them, so much as He permits them. Just as He permitted the Holocaust. And look what's happened to the world since.

We who are faithful to Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church must continue as 'the ten righteous men' (Gen 18: 32) for whose sake God spared Sodom.


  1. It would be wonderful if they not only spoke but also pledged to support each and every women in NZ needing assistance to carry her baby to term. We need to know it is a sin and a grave matter. But women also need to know that we will be there to help them.
