Tuesday 18 June 2024



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WANTAGH, NEW YORK - MAY 24: Olivia Grant (R) hugs her grandmother, Mary Grace Sileo through a plastic drop cloth hung up on a homemade clothes line during Memorial Day Weekend on May 24, 2020 in Wantagh, New York. It is the first time they have had contact of any kind since the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic lockdown started in late February. 

It's looking more and more like it's time for all us common-or-garden Kiwis to become whistle-blowers on the Covid-19 plandemic. As NZ Doctors Speaking Out with Science say here, "there is safety in numbers". We all know 'died suddenlys', don't we? Should we just wait around for more deaths, or should we all turn informer to get justice done on the globalists' global genocide? 

Truth will out. Eventually. But heavily vested interests - Big Pharma, the UN, WEF, WHO and their cheerleaders such as Antipope Francis, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau - are doing their darnedest to stop it, to staunch the flow of highly compromising data on C-19 before it becomes a flood to drown them. 

Don't rely on this Coalition Government's Commission of Inquiry. One day our children and grandchildren will say, "What did you do in the war?" The war against evil is raging around us and silence makes us fifth columnists consenting to victory for the forces of darkness.  

It seems we are at the end of the beginning, to borrow from Winston Churchill. 

We know the government’s Covid-19 response has been an epic disaster, a reckless game of Russian roulette with the nation’s health – bang! –  but this headshot will bleed inexorably. 

Four years on and the true toll of the Covid response is becoming clear. Essentially, nothing went well, as this cogent article from Brownstone Institute’s Jeffrey Tucker discusses, looking at research from Stanford and Harvard which finds ZERO benefits from ANY of the measures for 2020 and 2021. Tucker notes the start of the unravelling of the epic spin from Fauci et al, and anticipates the spectacle about to unfold. The researchers themselves comment here, summing up their findings:

Every policy, Covid-19 outcome, time period, and modeling approach yielded a similar level of uncertainty: about half the time it looked like things got better, and half the time like things got worse.

Were there clearer impacts when we focused only on policies and responses that were deployed in early 2020, rather than all the way through the end of 2021? Or when looking at pandemic outcomes four weeks ahead rather than just two weeks? We examined policy effects in all these ways. No matter how we examined the data and changed the perspective on this question, the answer was uncertainty.

 Yet scientists used these data to make definitive conclusions.



Are we surprised by this result?

The hallmark of a valid scientific result is consistency, that the observations match the hypothesis. This study shows coin-flip results, reflecting poorly on all the so-called experts. Just looking around NZ and the whole vaccinated world, as we have complained ad nauseum, there has been a dramatic upsurge in all-cause mortality, sudden deaths, blood clots, strokes and heart attacks are through the roof, a rise in previously rare and late presenting cancers, livelihoods left in ruins from the restrictive Covid policies, and the injured sidelined and abandoned by governments.

Is any corner of our country left unscathed, and are any public servants serving us?

The Police are revealed as serving corporate interests (and absolutely not public servants, except by the Greek meaning of public: government) and the courts, the lower ones at least, seem partial to the State and immune to our Bill of Rights – inalienable or so we thought.

The fit-up of freedom leader and veteran journalist Liz Gunn and an alarming High Court decision to damage children’s brains (we kid you not) are two of many recent examples of how far we have slipped down the slope. 


Liz Gunn arrives at Manukau District Court on May 7 before the two-day judge-alone trial at which she defended allegations of assault, resisting arrest and wilful trespass (is that a Catholic priest (left) supporting her?).

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) has been calling for an end to the novel, dangerous, contaminated gene modifying injections and for a proper investigation – we say criminal – to be held into this debacle. Sure, there is an ‘official inquiry’ underway but many of the critical issues that New Zealanders need to have exposed are not being investigated.

No surprises there. It seems from the outside that the people’s voice may be ignored as politics gets stuck in to protecting itself. If the ruling coalition had the remotest sympathy with our views they could chuck us the bone of dumping Ardern’s chosen commissioners whilst they squabble about the final terms of reference in cabinet. 



The NZ Royal Commission of Inquiry into Covid-19 Lessons Learned,  accompanied by their catchphrase “Our purpose is to learn from the experience of the pandemic to prepare for the future”, is quite a mouthful for the official title of Wellington’s investigation into itself.

Delving into the wording we can unpack the meaning to read “essentially, we want to learn how to do it all again better, harder, faster and more strictly. There is another panic-demic just around the corner and we want to have everything in place to control the population”. Perhaps they might read the above study at least. Perhaps not…

(Remember, we will be subjected to more power and control, if we let Dictator-General Tedros have his way, as he gaslights again at the World Health Assembly (WHA) on 1 June 2024, saying “the next pandemic is a matter of when, not if”.) 


We can bet that, as it stands right now, the inquiry won’t be investigating the white clots filling the veins and arteries of the jabbed. This ardent writer has many crucial questions (graphic picture warning), mostly to the deaf, blind and dumb officials currently attempting plausible deniability of this knowledge. How will they cope when they do actually look? For what they have done to their loved ones if not the rest of us?


It is not the will to win that counts, but the will to work to win

So, we are all trying to do our bit. Yes, we could be even more visible, but it’s a dangerous game. There is safety in numbers, so everyone flex your activist muscles.

The following note from our Dr Bruce Dooley exemplifies one approach. His letter to educate a local weekly paper covers the above study and we should all barrage our local and national editors, councillors, police, school boards and MPs. None of this will stop until we make it stop. 

I have drafted a letter to the (corrupted) editor for our local Golden Bay Weekly paper. Let’s see if the scoundrel will publish it as he receives 1-2 full page government ads each edition:

“A very interesting study (Science Advances, Volume 10, Issue 23 Jun 2024) was published last week by two researchers looking into the pandemic policy response around the world.

“Drs. Eran Bendavid and Chirag Patel, of Stanford and Harvard, wanted to examine the effects of government policy on the virus. Said policies destroyed countless millions of small businesses, ruined a generation in learning losses, spread ill health with substance abuse, wrecked churches that could not hold holiday services, decimated arts and cultural institutions, broke trade, unleashed inflation that is nowhere near done with us yet, provoked new forms of online censorship, built government power in a way without precedent, led to new levels of surveillance, spread vaccine injury and death, and otherwise shattered liberties and laws the world over, not to mention leading to frightening levels of political instability.

So, Bendavid and Patel assembled and reassembled all existing data in every conceivable way, running fully 100,000 possible combinations of tests. After vast data manipulation and looking at every conceivable policy and outcome, the researchers reluctantly come to an incredible conclusion. They conclude that nothing that governments did had any effect. There was only immeasurable cost with no benefit. Everywhere in the world.

“Please just let that sink in.” https://thebfd.co.nz/2024/06/17/the-aftermath-of-the-c-19-policies/



And for further reading:


In an 80-minute interview touching on accusations of antisemitism against Owens for declaring that “Christ is King,” the Catholic convert and firebrand took mainstream media pundits like Morgan to task for parroting the government line on the COVID jabs. 


And on Twitter, in a short, tear-jerking video seemingly from San Diego, a nurse refers to San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher as "like the Dan Andrews of the United States". 'Demonic Dan' Andrews is the former premier of Victoria, Australia. 

Kevin-WE THE PEOPLE-DAD comments:

This amazing human being and nurse who takes care of children was fired for asking :

“Who is going to report these cases of MYOCARDITIS in children to VAERS?” She also claims that there was an unspoken rule about not discussing COVID vaccine injuries at her workplace. How many good people lost their careers for trying to protect others? This person deserves a f*cking award, NOT the loss of her 13 year career.https://x.com/i/status/1801294664676393251

And more reading:  

IT BEGINS: Kansas Sues Pfizer — State Alleges Company Knew of ‘Serious Adverse Events’ Yet Marketed COVID-19 Vaccine as ‘Safe’



MSM talkback radio host Mike Hosking brings up the Pfizer and Moderna legal cases and asks, “Why is this not headline news”?https://uncensored.co.nz/2024/06/18/the-dam-is-breaking-msm-talkback-host-speaks-out-on-mrna-court-cases-safety/?v=8e3eb2c69a18&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1oBOdF-ehk2PTVYfONbl45VB77_vLf3O_OSQAJWroqrd-qP9AUDLJ9Ik4_aem_YFMlkK882cPH9JRrv3aLLQ


‘People died’: Candace Owen calls out Piers Morgan for attacking COVID jab skeptics

In an 80-minute interview touching on accusations of antisemitism against Owens for declaring that “Christ is King,” the Catholic convert and firebrand  took mainstream media pundits like Morgan to task for parroting the government line on the COVID jabs. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/people-died-candace-owens-calls-out-piers-morgan-for-attacking-covid-jab-skeptics/


The Repose of St Ephraem the Syrian 

“Whoever fears God stands above all manner of fear . . . and no manner of trembling comes near him.”

Saint Ephraem the Syrian



  1. The govt are still advertising on TV for us to get our covid 19 jabs .... that is a criminal act knowing that the vaccine does not work and is killing people

  2. Pity there's no share icon

    1. I'm pretty hopeless with IT. I need help to get the share button.

    2. Great I'm a fool with I T . A share icon makes it so much easier t get the message out

    3. Bill O'Donnell18 June 2024 at 18:17

      tap picture, go to top RH corner, tap dots, & 'share external' , does it.

  3. Definitely a worry when young ppl are suddenly dying for apparent heart attacks, pretty common diagnosis now

    1. If you know of someone dying suddenly, or even anyone having an unexpected and unusual illness you need to investigate and DO SOMETHING. Write to your newspaper, email your MP. Kick up a fuss.

  4. A mass demonstration against the media scum needs to happen.

    1. It won't happen on its own. Someone needs to make it happen.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Barbara Macilquham18 June 2024 at 15:54

    There are several states in the USA which are suing Pfizer on several counts for lying about the jab.it also looks like Aussie is in for a shit storm!! Looking forward to it!!

    1. both OZ & NZ … there is a storm brewing and it’s going to be a big one

    2. Barbara Macilquham18 June 2024 at 15:56

      I hope so cos there are still heaps in denial

    3. Hmmm denial ! or don’t know ! or who know but don’t care ? because this BS hasn’t affected them “yet” … when chatting to people l find many just don’t know what’s going on behind closed doors or say they don’t believe this or that ? Because they haven’t heard anything on the only place they source their news ! MSM !! News Papers, local TV & local Radio etc so they simply dispel what is chatted as disinformation or misinformation or say it’s lies or fake information.. l really think it’s going to come down to a huge sh*tshow battle, massive protest or a civil war to wake these brain fried sheepeople, when there is no food in the shops, no fuel at the station, no clean water to drink or no longer a home to call there own, as in real hardship right smack bang in there face .. only then will they say .. oh hell how did we get here .. by then it’s too late and absolutely anarchy takes hold the nightmare will have begun πŸ€”πŸ˜’ l really hope I’m wrong but there is a sh*t storm coming and it’s the evil that sits in our parliament today that you can thank for that

    4. Barbara Macilquham18 June 2024 at 16:01

      Luxon. He loves Bill Gates and his Foundation. Therein lies a huge problem on its own.

    5. Yup a huge problem and one that needs to be removed immediately. Get rid of Luxon and you get rid of Gates.

    6. Barbara Macilquham18 June 2024 at 16:30

      Julia du Fresne, I am looking forward to it. My kids are suffering.

    7. Barbara Macilquham18 June 2024 at 16:33

      Then get jabcinda and all her cohorts for treason. There are thousands of kiwis who need to be punished.

  7. I have a vision of a living person lying in the cathedral square, shrouded in white, even a head garb.....
    1 each to represent those who..."#diedsuddenly".
    Actually, multiple locations of foot traffic in the cbd.
    If there was a physical model to the statistics more may question the efficacy of what courses thru their clogged and clotted veins and arteries.
    Maybe outside mall entrances even.
    Safety in numbers folks, glad to be here with you all.

  8. Gareth McVicar18 June 2024 at 16:05

    Yes, happening all the time.
    It’s a tsunami of died suddenlys.
    We need to clear the swamp before it’s too late.

    1. Claire Gourlay18 June 2024 at 16:07

      Tbh a lot of damage has already been done, it’s now about looking out for vax injured and people that are gonna get the shock of their lives.

    2. Gareth McVicar18 June 2024 at 16:08

      Totally agree. Can only hope enough wake up so we can stop this type of thing happening again
      It is pure evil and all those involved need to be held to account.

    3. Barbara Macilquham18 June 2024 at 16:36

      None of my family will take another one.

  9. A 25yr old football player in NZ died suddenly. Hmmm another one.

    1. Barbara Macilquham18 June 2024 at 16:35

      According to someone who knows the family he took a nap and didn't wake up. He needs an honest coroner who is willing to let us know if it was natural or jab. He has had health issues in the past apparently.

  10. The rise of censorship equals the fall of humanity.

  11. I knew right from the start that it was a big crock of shxt...Fake footage on the news of people just dropping dead in the streets and truck loads of dead bodies being dumped into mass graves then along comes this miracle vaccine that didn't stop you from catching or spreading the virus but was starting to be forced into us, I mean there's a few red flags right there. 🀣🀣And people looked at me like I was an idiot, especially for walking around not wearing a surgical mask or not getting the jabs or not listening to a word the TV was blabbing on about...I mean they really did screw the people over and everyone involved most definitely should be held accountable for their part in the new age war crime they committed. Simple as that.

    1. Chad Van de Worp18 June 2024 at 16:28

      Yep and I still have those videos from China hahaha. Just like the Antarctica treaty they were all in on it.

  12. I now say Harmacy and Big Harma as I believe the P is silent.


    1. Jenny Mcmurtrie19 June 2024 at 15:53

      The ones of us who are awake are not sure where or how to get things moving.

    2. What can we do?

  14. Linda Helen Green19 June 2024 at 15:55

    Still so many asleep and not wanting to know the truth

    1. Or too embarrassed and/or worried about the jab to admit they were wrong to take it. They need prayer for repentance, healing and conversion.

  15. Daphne Croucher19 June 2024 at 15:59


  16. Murray Garnham19 June 2024 at 15:59


  17. So true. πŸ‘

  18. O** this d**head is back.https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2024/06/covid-19-michael-baker-urges-people-to-get-booster-jabs-as-new-zealand-grapples-with-concerning-sixth-wave.html?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR233FA4OFhhy_ENnkiXnTUd7cX_-lbKyvmdVZcpJoQVXX3jU8vZu_kvRF4_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw

  19. Michael Grealish19 June 2024 at 23:27

    Yes they the same ones are preparing us for the next scamdemic,
    Word flu...πŸ˜‚
