Sunday 16 June 2024


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Joe Biden mistakes Antipope Francis for an icecream cone

Could it be Antipope Francis' idea of a joke, that comedians telling funnies about sodomy and baby-killing make God smile? 

We've heard the stories about Francis' rages and obscenities. We've never heard that he's a humorist but is there any other charitable explanation for telling Whoopi Goldberg, who says abortion is "not in the big Ten" (Commandments), that she makes God smile?

It's downright depressing how Francis gets away with lies and heresy. Former Broadcaster of the Year and libertarian Lindsay Perigo says if he were Catholic he'd be calling him 'Antipope', and wonders "why do Catholics take all this supinely?"

Why, indeed. For an amazing number of centuries Catholics have revered the popes, and almost always with good reason: 83 are canonised saints (80 if you don't count John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II who were canonised by the Antipope, so aren't canonised at all). And for the last 60 years Catholics have been dumbed-down and anaesthetised by weekly injections of an illicit (although legal) Novus Ordo Mass subbing for the real thing, the Tridentine Latin Mass.  


Pope Francis has met with prominent comedians, including pro-abortion Stephen Colbert, Whoopi Goldberg, and Jimmy Fallon, and told them that their jokes “make God smile.”

He has time for leftist liberal comedians but none for a persecuted prince of his Church, Cardinal Joseph Zen. 

On Friday morning, Francis received around 100 comedians from 15 countries for a private audience, including Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Whoopi Goldberg, Conan O’Brien, and Chris Rock. Heterodox Father James Martin, who was formerly dubbed the “chaplain” of Stephen Colbert’s vulgar, left-wing “The Colbert Report,” was also present at the event.


“I look with esteem at you artists who express yourselves in the language of comedy, humor, irony,” Francis said in his address to the room full of famous comics. “How much wisdom is there!”

“Of all the professionals working in television, film, theater, print media, with songs, on social media, you are among the most loved, sought-after, applauded,” he continued. “Certainly because you are good; but there is also another reason: You have and cultivate the gift of making people laugh.”

“Remember this,” Francis told the audience during his speech. “When you manage to make intelligent smiles gush from the lips of even one spectator — this I will now say is not heresy! — you also make God smile.”

It would be nice to be able to say it's a bad translation. But Francis was speaking English. Of a sort. What can make a smile 'intelligent'? How does any kind of smile 'gush from the lips'?   

Francis with Whoopi and unidentified comedian 

“Humor does not offend, it does not humiliate, it does not nail people down to their faults,” the Pontiff claimed. “While today’s communication often generates oppositions, you know how to bring together different and sometimes even contrary realities.”

“How much we need to learn from you!” he proclaimed. “The laughter of humor is never ‘against’ anyone, but is always inclusive, purposeful, arouses openness, sympathy, empathy.”

There are lies, damned lies, and antipapal lies. Good to know we have antipapal approval for making jokes about antipopes. Only there's absolutely nothing funny about Antipope Francis. There's nothing funny about global gaslighting, 'Holiness'.   

Francis’ statement that these comedians “make God smile” whenever they make somebody smile may appear offensive to pious Catholic ears, as many of these comedians have promoted and joked about objective evils like abortion and homosexual “marriage.”

Moreover, several comedians present at the event have mocked and berated faithful Christians who defend the right to life and the traditional family despite the Pope’s claim that the “laughter of humor is never ‘against’ anyone.”

Colbert, a self-professed Catholic, strongly supports so-called homosexual “marriage” and abortion in clear violation of Catholic teaching, promoted a Netflix series that sexualized children, and has mocked Jesus.

Whoopi Goldberg, with whom Francis already met in October 2023, also promotes abortion and LGBT ideology and claimed that killing babies in the womb is “not mentioned” in the Ten Commandments. In a comedy skit, Chris Rock admitted that abortion kills a baby but said that he believes women “should have the right (sic) to kill babies.” Fallon has attacked pro-life policies on his late-night show. 



Tig Notaro with her 'wife' Stephanie Allyne

Another U.S. “artist” invited to the Vatican event is Tig Notaro, a lesbian in a homosexual “marriage” who obtained twin sons with her “wife” through in vitro fertilization and surrogacy, which the Catholic Church condemns as gravely immoral. The Vatican also invited comedian Jim Gaffigan, who presents himself as a faithful Catholic but took his young children to New York’s LGBT “pride parade” in 2017.



"I'm so proud of my gay kids" - Jim Gaffigan 

Francis has signaled his support of Fr. Martin in many ways despite the latter’s promotion of homosexuality, most recently by writing the preface to Martin’s latest book. The Pope also appointed and reappointed him as a Vatican communications consultant and met with Martin multiple times, praising his pro-LGBT initiatives. 

 “Jesus isn’t scared of coming close to sinners — to any sinner, even the most brazen and undaunted,” says Francis in his preface to the sodomitical Fr Martin's book, "Come Forth: the Promise of Jesus's Greatest Miracle", aka "Come OUT: the Promise of Martin's Greatest Miracle" (how to become a sodomite and a priest). 

Martin has called for the term “objectively disordered” in reference to the homosexual inclination to be removed from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and replaced with “differently ordered” as part of his push to normalize homosexuality.


The Miraculous Draught of Fishes (Raphael)

For he was wholly astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken - Gospel, Fourth Sunday after Pentecost


s so-called homosexual “marriage” and abortion in clear violation of Catholic teaching, promoted a Netflix series that sexualized children, and has mocked Jesus. Whoopi Goldberg, with whom Francis already met in October 2023, also promotes abortion and LGBT ideology and claimed that killing babies in the womb is “not mentioned” in the Ten Commandments. In a comedy skit, Chris Rock admitted that abortion kills a baby but said that he believes women “should have the right (sic) to kill babies.” Fallon has attacked
 pro-life policies on his late-night show.m


  1. Russell Postlewaight16 June 2024 at 16:12

    OMG Lindsay Perigo. Is he still around? I never knew how to take him.

  2. Yes Catholicism is deeply ingrained in many just as Islam . I though Joe was going to sniff the Pope's hair

    1. The mentally defective Biden mistook Francis for an icecream cone.
      Yes Catholicism is deeply ingrained many, as Islam is, the difference being that Catholicism is the truth and Islam is a lie.

  3. Bergoglio canonized Paul VI also. All 3 Popes involved in Vatican II were canonized by Bergoglio.

    1. Oops. I overlooked Paul VI's supposed canonisation. Probably because I'd rather forget it. Thank you, I'll edit the post.

  4. God help us.

  5. our God will not be mocked. He will have the last laugh at this ‘Petrine minister’ and his failure to clearly lead souls to Heaven. In the meantime we must hunker down and continue to practice the uncompromised Catholic faith that is most pleasing to God.

  6. Think they both may have lost it

  7. I'd like to believe that of the Antipope but I don't.

  8. Michael Dennis16 June 2024 at 16:30

    That’s the novus ordo. Reject it. Rome hasn’t been catholic in 60 years.

    1. But as I also say, it bears repeating. Ad nauseam. Until Novus Ordo Catholics get it.

    2. Michael Dennis16 June 2024 at 16:59

      yes the novus ordo is fabricated trash and must be rejected

  9. Peter MacDonald16 June 2024 at 17:00

    The relationship between the Catholic Church and other Christian denominations has been complex and often contentious. Some believe that the Catholic Church's doctrines diverge significantly from biblical teachings. Critics argue that certain practices and doctrines, such as those promulgated by the Ecumenical World Council of Churches, have influenced and altered the course of many Protestant denominations, including Presbyterian ones, except for a few reformed churches that have maintained their original teachings.
    From this perspective, the belief is that true Christian revival should be rooted firmly in scripture alone. There is a concern that doctrines developed by the Catholic Church may not align with the biblical path to salvation, emphasizing human interpretations over divine revelation. It’s important for individuals to critically evaluate their beliefs and seek spiritual truth through personal study of the Bible. Jesus said come out of Satan Jesus' call to "come out of Satan" can be interpreted by some as a call to reject teachings they perceive as unbiblical or misleading.

  10. Please understand this: the Bible is Catholic. The books of the Bible were assembled and published by the Catholic Church. They were read and followed by all Christians until the grievously misled Martin Luther inserted the word "only" into Scripture (thereby attempting, by overweening pride, to eliminate the punishment for sin he rightly dreaded) and simply cut out of the Bible the seven books that showed his "only" innovation to be false.
    Christ founded His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church on the rock of Peter, and assured it of prevailing over evil for ever by giving His Church authority to guide and govern all those who recognise Christ as their Head.
    Don't be fooled by the Ape church invented by 'the Spirit of Vatican II' and now ruled by Antipope Francis and his deviant hierarchy. The true Church ('the remnant') continues to prevail in the hearts and minds of the faithful - prelates, priests and lay people.

    1. Peter MacDonald17 June 2024 at 01:49

      Protestant Churches: Most Protestant traditions do not consider these books as part of the canonical Bible. They regard them as valuable for reading and instruction but not on the same level as the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments. Martin Luther included them in an appendix of his Bible translation, labeling them as useful and good to read but not as authoritative scripture. Im an ex catholic.. I never found God with the catholic doctrine of Mary worship, all unbiblical, I wasnt aware of the deception till I found Jesus and God via the Free Chruch of Scotland who preach only the Gosspel of God and Jesus.. now im saved..

    2. As I said, Luther removed them from Scripture. Just like that. How can anyone accept such a man as founder of a knitting circle, let alone a church? You'd never have found God with 'the doctrine of Mary worship' because such a doctrine is not Catholic and never has been. So I don't know what the 'deception' is that you mention.
      You're 'saved' only by doing God's will, and you can do God's will only by believing and professing the faith taught by the only Church which was founded by the Son of God. The Free church of Scotland, on the other hand, was formed by a bunch of disaffected Protestants. For the sake of your soul, I ask you to think again.

    3. Peter MacDonald17 June 2024 at 02:01

      Im saved, by my faith in the Lord. I dont need any church to save me.. I attend the free church to be with like minded souls, Jesus says worship the Lord 2 or more..

    4. "I don't need any church to save me" sounds very much like the deadly sin of pride to me. Why do you think the Son of God founded a Church, if He thought people could manage without it? Just for fun?

  11. Virginia Nyambura17 June 2024 at 15:00

    ST JP2& ST JOHN 23rd were canonised by Pope Benedict 16th please do your research well.

    1. JPII was beatified by Pope Benedict and canonised by Pope Francis, who canonised John XXIII in the same ceremony on April 22 2014.

  12. John F Sharkey17 June 2024 at 15:05

    Two morons, head to head.
