Wednesday 24 April 2024



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The Anzacs, Maori included, fought for egalitarianism

Aren't we all frustrated at signage in Te Reo which the vast majority of Kiwis do not understand? Especially in hospitals where you may be in extremis, and don't know where to go for the medical assistance you badly need? Or on street corners where a pause to interpret a foreign language could mean death?When everyone understands English, why try to show us the way in a language which to almost everyone is gibberish?

Maorification of New Zealand proceeds apace. But maybe the Marxist mainstream media who are now out of a job will realise their mistake in pushing Te Reo and Aotearoanism, in the interests of a revolution, on a nation that didn't want either, and will pull their heads in and their socks up. 

Tomorrow we will honour Kiwis (including the Maori Battalion) and Aussies who fought and died for egalitarianism, endurance and mateship. With the loss of Christian belief in the God Who died for us all, in both New Zealand and in Australia (especially in Victoria), we're now threatened with the loss of those Anzac values also. Michael Bassett takes exception to the vaulting ambitions of academics and Maori radicals who want to hasten the process by - of all the ironies - apartheid. 

Some readers have misunderstood the sentiments expressed above. Prioritising Te Reo over English, in a country where only a very small minority understand the language, is frustrating for people in a hurry and so may exacerbate racial tension, and it could be dangerous. Nowhere is it suggested that Te Reo should not be used, only that English, which everyone uses, should come first.


If you think there is a move afoot by the radical Maori fringe of New Zealand society to create a parallel system of government to the one that we elect at our triennial elections, you aren’t wrong.

Over the last few days we have seen calls from one or two Iwi for prior consultation with Maori before ministers submit suggestions to the fast-track consenting panel of experts who are to make recommendations back to government on how to proceed with projects caught up in the toils of our out-of-date Resource Management Act.

Various loud assertions about “partnership” and Treaty rights have been made to justify Maori having separate entitlements to everyone else. 


In another breath, the same radicals who are grossly over-represented on the Waitangi Tribunal, are acting like a court and trying to summon Children’s Minister, Karen Chhour, to answer for government policy and legislative proposals regarding Oranga Tamariki.


The Waitangi Tribunal is NOT a court. It is what is known as a “quasi-judicial body” with only limited powers to summon people. Unlike our court system it has almost no power to bind governments with its findings. In the hands of the current chairperson, Caren Fox, and a cohort of Tribunal members, almost all of them radical Maori, there is a move to get rid of the word “quasi-judicial” and give a body which conspicuously lacks legal skills, the full powers of a court. 


Caren Fox has 'whakapapa links' to Ngāti Porou and Rongowhakaata

On Saturday, with the help of the Herald’s usually reliable political reporter, Thomas Coughlan, the Prime Minister played into the Tribunal’s hands when he suggested that criticism of the Tribunal from two Maori ministers, David Seymour and Shane Jones, breached the Cabinet Manual. It stipulates that ministers should refrain from “criticising the judiciary”. The fact that the Tribunal is not a court was unknown, it seems, both to Coughlan and to Christopher Luxon. Caren Fox will be over the moon. She’s looking for work. Recently she was brooding about future projects likely to be undertaken by the Waitangi Tribunal, including drafting a new constitution. Can you imagine anything scarier than a constitution drawn up by that unrepresentative woke assemblage?


The Te Papa Tribunal exhibit defaced in broad daylight will be replaced -with what?

Behind the thrust for a parallel system of government is a completely fallacious interpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi. If you go to “Waitangi Tribunal” on your computer and scroll down, you will soon come to a claim that Maori did not cede sovereignty to the Queen in 1840, despite what reputable translations of the Maori version of the Treaty actually say.

Professor Sir Hugh Kawharu who was from Ngati Whatua, and head of Maori Studies at the University of Auckland, translated the Maori version of the Treaty with the words “The Chiefs of the Confederation give absolutely to the Queen of England for ever the complete government over their land.” That translation was accepted by the government in which I served, and was endorsed in the late 1980s by the Maori Queen and by Sir Paul Reeves, the two Maori patrons of the 1990 Commission which celebrated 150 years of living with the Treaty. It was accepted by the Waitangi Tribunal during my ten years as a member.


Ask for a flat white at Nelson Airport and this is what you get

But a tiny collection of Maori radicals in our modern universities and on today’s Waitangi Tribunal, despite Sir Hugh Kawharu’s erudite translation, refuse to concede that Maori ceded sovereignty to the Crown. And, having contrived confusion around what Article One of the Treaty really says, and claiming that sovereignty still rests with Maori, they are now pushing for a parallel system of government.


Their translation of the Treaty is nonsense that no respectable academic or government has ever accepted. But the media are always willing to report loud claims and are correspondingly too lazy to read anything substantial about the Treaty. I doubt there is a journalist around who remembers Sir Hugh Kawharu or who would know where to find his translation, let alone be bothered disputing any of the absurd arguments about a parallel constitutional system that the tiny number of radicals are trying to build on their foundation of sand.

Otago Uni rebranding banana republic logo wokey-tokery 

It is probably impossible ever to eradicate phoney debate about the Treaty and what it says. But until all governments make it crystal clear that they accept that sovereignty was ceded to Queen Victoria; that the governments that have followed since 1840 were legitimate; and that the best interests of Maori are also served by Articles Two and Three which safeguard Maori land and treasures, and guarantee Maori equality with everyone else in New Zealand, then division and constitutional nonsense will continue to stalk our land.


One good way of lowering the temperature would be to abolish the Waitangi Tribunal. Set up in 1975, when there were very few Maori in Parliament, it was largely intended as a safeguard for their interests, and a guarantee of their voice. Today, Parliament contains a huge number of Maori, miles more than their 17% of the population warrants. They are in all parties and have seven seats designated specially for Maori. Together, they can be relied on to defend Maori interests. 


Our traditional system of democracy has proven itself capable of looking after all New Zealand’s ethnicities. A decade ago after historical claims had ended, the then National Minister of Treaty Negotiations seriously considered abolishing the Waitangi Tribunal.

Today, at a time when we are being asked to rid ourselves of unnecessary expenditure, waving good bye to Caren Fox and her colleagues who are wasting scarce taxpayer funds would make a significant contribution to progress.


Come Lord, assume Thy Kingship!



  1. Well I’m confused 🙄 the korero in the post does not relate to the picture you used. Just sounds like you’re against seeing the Māori language being used everywhere… and let’s not forget the Maori battalion, Maori went to war too!

    1. I'm sorry, I don't know what 'korero' means but I edited the post to include the Maori Battalion, thanks for the reminder.

  2. It's an official language, why shouldn't it be used? If you can't discern the English parts from the Maori parts then that's a you problem, not a problem with the language. Even kids can notice identifiable symbols from within a bunch of unidentifiable ones. All your excuses are weak at best, how about you tell us the real reason you don't want Te Reo used Julia. What next? You want the brail removed from elevator buttons because you can't understand?

    1. Therese Muggeridge24 April 2024 at 15:08

      Mark Parata as a English speaking country, English should be first on all signage. (Followed in Maori)
      Maori is specific to a small % of the population and most NZers do not understand or speak it. (Tourists included)
      As NZers we have to use common sense for safety and directions etc.
      The Govt. Is not our friend, it has and will undermined our society by using the usual Marxist strategies including racism, left, right, conspiracy blaming etc to cause division and unrest. Then they can intervene and undermine us even more! The less govt are in our lives the better.


    2. Mark Parata I perhaps wrongly assumed readers would understand my meaning, which certainly was not that Maori should be abolished, but simply that especially where misinterpretation of signage could be dangerous (or just extremely frustrating), English should be prioritised.

    3. Angella Te Paa Gibbs24 April 2024 at 15:10

      No. I love seeing my language in my country. And I'm still learning it as it's not my first language. Historic governments banned its use. This is a silly post.

    4. And you SHOULD see your beautiful language in your country - it's the only country in the world where you will. I never suggested otherwise. But as you yourself say, you're still learning Te Reo as it's not your first language. You're speaking for the majority of Maori.

  3. Seriously! Have "YOU" not figure it out "why" yet?? 6yrs of Jacinda & Labour & your still trying to figure this out???
    Actually even before Labour, National was slowly changing names, but it exploded more so when Labour & NZF came into power, So by using Te Reo Maori as well as the English language did exactly what it was intended to do,
    Get you's all pissed off, get you's all wild up & start the arguing & moaning! And then boom the hating of anything Maori & blame game starts!
    Like f#@king seriously! why would Maori want a f#@king Winz department transferred into Te Reo Maori? (They don't)
    Why would Maori want a children's department for naught kids translated into Te Reo Maori? (They didn't).
    It's bad enough that alot of New Zealanders or Kiwi's already hated Maori before hand, then the government (National/Labour) decision to change these names just to highton the fact, so use can regroup & have a bigger reason to hate us more!
    You've all heard it before, some have probably even said it yourselves & actually understand what's happening, but I'll say it again!
    Get them to divide & arguing amongst themselves, keep the division & hatred happening (just like this post) then there easier to take control of & conquer, because they just can't seem to get along together amongst themselves, plus they won't know what's going on & we can concentrate on other things & make different laws while they're to busy hating one another.

    1. Seriously! You think after 6 years' posting on Ardern and Labour I I haven't figured it out? My questions were rhetorical. But thanks for explaining it again anyway.
      I quote from this post: "But maybe the MARXIST mainstream media who are now out of a job will realise their mistake in pushing Te Reo and Aotearoanism, in the interests of a REVOLUTION, on a nation that didn't want either, and will pull their heads in and their socks up."


    2. Peter Hammond Their attempts to create division and hatred is surely a problem, but I like to believe that it will never be as successful as they would like it to be. The Wellington protest was an excellent example of how resilient we are, and how unified we can be. I'm convinced that at least some of those dickheads on the balconies of parliament building must of felt somewhat jealous and perhaps even a little resentful that such a large body of people could co-exist with absolutely no animosity amongst them. There's a massive power struggle at play. I live with the belief that eventually good will win over evil.

    3. yeah I hope so to Chris, Wellington was definitely a great moment, high light for all of us New Zealanders, Kiwi's wanting to stand, sleep next to one another, each other & stand up for what we truly believe in, New Zealanders, Kiwi's, Maori, Tauiwi Pakeha alike, from all different backgrounds & ethnics,
      Didn't matter what Colour, creed, race, culture, rich, poor or lauguage, nothing was going to stop us, not even our own whanau, family & friends who didn't want to believe us & thought we were wrong or wanted to listen, even the weekly protest before the hiko to Wellington in every major cities & town's, was absolutely amazing to be a part of & watch,
      Seriously I think we all deserve a massive pat on the back & proved that we can come together as one people, country, nation, went all else failed, especially when Labour & all the government parties, MSM thought they could just get away with it & bully us all.
      Definitely something I'll always be super proud of for the rest of my life, as yourself & the hundreds of thousands of other Kiwi's too!
      And in the year's to come, we can always say, to our grandchildren hopefully, yes we were part of that, we did our part to try & help save this nation & fort for our freedom's & your kid's freedom's to best of our ability & we put our differences aside & stood next to one another together.
      And as more & more time moves along, those that thought us crazy (family/friends) will have No choice but have to face the facts & the truth, that these politicians & government, MSM, billionaire corporations was/is trying to destroy everything that was once beautiful about this beautiful country of ours that we all love & share together.


    4. Peter Hammond Nothing to do with Labor it's been all part of the Agenda. To DECIMATE Australia and NZ . Both Parties have assisted in the Orchestrated Demise of two great Countries. The majority of all politicians are WEF/UN PAID OF puppets. Wake up .

  4. Exactly. They died in vain..

  5. Stephen Williams24 April 2024 at 15:36

    Government don’t work for use … everything they do is anti kiwi, and this Maorification of our country is no different,… they want war

  6. Sad you've just swallowed Govt Corp UN agenda of divide and rule. 3 waters all these policies are deliberately divisive. Let it all go past you Sister now is the time Mauri, pakeha and everyone else need to be standing shoulder to shoulder. Most Mauri see straight through this Crown Corp game

    1. You totally misunderstand me. I bring this injustice to the attention of readers in the hope that the wrong may be put right. You're right, most Maori don't want this: as Michael Bassett says (did you read the post?) and I have reiterated, this controversy is driven by a very small minority of Maori radicals and by socialist academics, msm and a corrupt judiciary.


  7. Ross Douglas Boom! Kia Ora Ross! And I know there are many others like yourself that get it too.

  8. What I don't like is they way the Government is using the Māori language it feels condescending. It's not a foreign language though so that part confused me. I loved hearing Kia Ora or Morena during the parliament protests in fact for me that helped people feel at ease. Re Government departments I think English and Māori are good. What I would like is if the hold time could be less and the waiting lists could be shorter. Also the music 👀 give us a selection so we don't listen to the same old elevator music that sucks big time.

  9. But our Catholic bishops make statements like this "the Catholic Bishops of Aotearoa reaffirmed the Church's commitment to promote bicultural relationships in our multicultural society".
    What do statements like this mean? Is support for the pro-Maori political agenda and the Treaty required belief for Catholics?

    1. Daniell Ruatahe25 April 2024 at 23:37

      And it's Kiwi not kiwis
      I'm a kiwi you are a pest that unfortunately resides on our land you should be reported to the department of conservation

    2. Fair enough re 'Kiwi'. I got that wrong. Sorry.

  10. Robert Tawera
    What a load of rubbish post maorification or Aotearoaism if your unhappy live in England, Maori is an official language as is Sign Language. of this nation everything is in maori plus its English translation.... Maori was spoken and used way before the arrival of immigrates here, it was Colonialism that slowly destroyed the indigenous cultures of countries around the globe let's see Hawaii Turtle Island know as North South & Central America, Africa Australia Norway and the list goes on. Not to mention forced religious beliefs, also apartheid type laws enforced, where there was NO MAORI ALLOWED SIGNS in most su4burban areas... maybe you should research history before making an uneducated post such as this. no one moans about the Chinese or any other languages used wonder why? and we paid blood for nation just like everyone else yet our men were treated like 2nd rate citizens for just been Maori. Our Vets didn't recieve the help the government promised after their return from both World Wars 1 & 2 and the war continued we didn't recieve citizenship even 745 Maori died to fight for this country you uneducated half wit.

    1. Thank you but after what England did - through Henry VIII and his robber barons - to the Catholic Church, England is the last place on earth I'd want to live.
      Maori is no more an official language than English, and Maori are no more indigenous to New Zealand that I am, as tangata whenua.
      It's radical Maori who are now trying to force apartheid on our nation. I suggest, re your list of complaints re 'colonialism' and 'forced religious beliefs' that you thank God for the benefits both have brought to Maori, and put the past behind you. 'Uneducated half wit' that I am, I know at least that Maori became subjects and citizens of NZ with the signing of Te Tiriti Waitangi.
      "No one moans about the Chinese or any other language' because Mandarin etc is not being forced on the general population who don't speak or understand it.
      Around 7000 Kiwi died in WWII, 336 of them Maori. Read your history and do your maths. I say this not to belittle the brave warriors of the Maori Battalion but to give the facts.
      Yes, there was discrimination against Maori in the past but it's over. Time to live in the present and look to a united, peaceful future. God bless you.

    2. Daniell Ruatahe26 April 2024 at 00:39

      Robert Tawera stand proud brother

    3. just her rhetoric yet she speaks of a united peaceful future what a laugh, then goes on a racist rant... God Bless she reckons. Those who use race aren't Christians, KKK & other white nationalists teach that rubbish at their false churches. Like this individual.


    4. Robert Tawera thank you for the insults, and I mean that sincerely. Jesus Christ was persecuted and so His followers always have been and always will be, also. "Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: 12 Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven" (Mt 5,11).

  11. Daniell Ruatahe26 April 2024 at 00:58

    Julia du Fresne where were the insults lol
    Oh you are one of those things that give it out but can't handle the Jandle so scream just like the rest of you Zionist Pākeha Goyim


  12. Daniell Ruatahe Thank you too, and God bless you.

  13. Gloria Holdsworth26 April 2024 at 17:43

    Exactly don't you feel sorry for all those soldiers that died for our country called New Zealand is not the same today it gives you the sense of what did we die for, i hope the maoris are proud of themselves for dividing this country of ours with all of their racism and separatism i wonder what all those dead soldiers would think of their country today may they rest in peace 🙏


    1. Gloria HoldsworthBefore we cast aspersions on the Honest remainder of the NZ Maori population, We must remember that we Born-here Kiwi's are actually dealing with shameless, opportunistic half-bros, (or even less,) with only a smidgeon of what it takes to become a bro ? A mighty -tiresome hard-core of "Poor-Me's," and simple obsessed racist's,supposed "Maori" fanatics, trying hard to sound convincing, in their sly attempt to manipulate weak successive/submissive NZ govt.s; Govt's previously supported by an also shameless woke NZ media..... Meanwhile, these dodgy so-called bro's lurking outside the gates of reality, most of them extremely WELL - renumerated by the Heavily Loaded-up sad NZ Taxpayers,Just sitting around dreaming up ways of milking our silly bloody "system" for all/anything they can get away with, and anything at all they can get their grubby mits on for zero efforts on their part...? We need to Get-Back-to Basics,with a dedicated strong admin. in our land to RID US all of these trouble Making Cling-ons, obsessed with the Idea of dragging all Kiwi's down to their degenerate level....Be gone with them, lets stop listening to their dividing nonsense and deceptive tiresome B/S,And get-on with the REAL SERIOUS ISSUES facing us all.....Issues that include our Nation's future SURVIVAL....?🙏
