Tuesday 23 April 2024


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Candace Owens with Fr Julian Large, Provost at Brompton Oratory, London

No one should be surprised that America's feisty, black and brave young Candace Owens has entered the Catholic Church, but everyone who's loyal to Christ our Sovereign King will rejoice.

And certain heresiarchs in Francis church, especially in the US, and especially the usurper pope Francis himself, be warned. Candace Owens comes across like a latter day Joan of Arc. She won't take insults to Our Lord lying down. In this day and age of lacklustre, limp-wristed bishops, fearless lay Catholics, soldiers for Christ, are exactly what is needed by the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

God is raising up heroic defenders of the Christ Whom Francis and his minions have uncrowned, to do the bishops' job for them. Those prelates have failed even to explain to the faithful what His Social Kingship means. Catholics have no idea now that, as Michael Matt of the Remnant says, "the rejection of Christ the King is responsible for rampant abortion, same-sex so-called "marriage," the mass castration of children, global apostasy, and ultimately the coming lockdowns of humanity.

 "Viva Cristo Rey!"

Candace Owens with husband George Farmer and 2 children (one still in utero)

Popular American conservative pundit Candace Owens announced on social media Monday that she is now an official member of the Catholic Church.

“Recently, I made the decision to go home. There is of course so much more that went into this decision and that I plan to share in the future. But for now, praise be to God for His gentle, but relentless guiding of my heart toward Truth,” Owens wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand,” she continued, quoting Isaiah 41: 10, before adding, “I do not fear. Christ is King.”

The photos accompanying her announcement were taken inside the Brompton Oratory in London, England, with Provost Fr. Julian Large. 

The Confederation of Oratories of Saint Philip Neri, whose members are often referred to simply as “Oratorians,” is a Catholic society of priests, brothers and religious. They are known colloquially for their traditional leanings and their emphasis on reverent liturgical practices.

Owens, a mother-of-three, is married to Catholic Englishman George Farmer, who LifeSiteNews’ John-Henry Westen interviewed in 2022 about the former’s conversion to the faith.

The announcement, which follows shortly after her ouster from The Daily Wire over public disagreements with the outlet’s staunch Zionist position regarding the state of Israel, was met with an immediate congratulatory response by Catholics online, including LifeSite’s John-Henry Westen.https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/breaking-candace-owens-announces-she-has-joined-the-catholic-church/?utm_source=featured-news&utm_campaign=usa&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR12arhJDzqiIlX-68J4BRKXxZVoul8WZRg0jpvGU5lmTk4a1TRKvvQTF6A_aem_AU4dzC2bmZzVIoWmQaNZnQp3LOSOaM0xjSDqUQy5Sb6LV3_EbfcsxNBY4vDK0UADKCzr-sKSX6yLvdSkZDBixV58


St George, on your feast day please pray for the Church 


  1. She's amazing

  2. Janet Schmick Mrazek23 April 2024 at 22:49

    I converted at 48 years old and will never regret it ❤️
    Welcome Candace!

  3. Manuel Augustine Mrazek23 April 2024 at 22:50

    Welcome home Candace, we love you.

  4. Wonderful news! Welcome Candace!

  5. I think her husband, himself a convert, was a great influence on her in becoming Catholic. All credit to her for not just accepting without doing her due diligence in finding out for herself what Catholicism was truly all about and getting over her preconceived Protestant notions about Catholics. Her husband is a deep thinking devout Catholic and I am certain that played a part in it.
    It’s incredible how many famous people are turning to the church in 2024. To see Russell Brand recommending the Holy Rosary to his 11.3 million followers and himself saying it with genuine respect was very moving.
    I well remember him being quite the opposite, before, during and after his marriage to Katie Perry, he was quite a different person back then.
    God be praised.

  6. Another strong voice for common sense joins the Catholic church. Is this part of the grace that abounds where sin increases? https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/breaking-candace-owens-announces-she-has-joined-the-catholic-church/?utm_source=featured-news&utm_campaign=usa

    1. Yes..to God be praise Mark..in all things

  7. Saint Joan of Arc to me was nothing like Candace Owens. Candace returned to the Catholic Church, as she had left her faith because she did not like being from a poor family etc… she said. Saint Joan was put on trial by the church for wearing men’s pants, but excused because of a GRAVE reason as she only wore them out of obedience to her commanders, and she said she hated wearing pants. Her commanders (all men) felt the pants would give Saint Joan more protection from ALL the men trying to rape her, giving therefore those protecting her more time to get to her in the middle of night, when she was usually assaulted. …….. truly... The priest should instruct women how to dress in true femininity, in a modest dress, to please God in His SACRED House of PRAYER. So many women dress in the same fashions, that offend God very very much, as the creepy trans men. Here is the handbook VENERABLE Pope Pius XII blessed twice exposing all the impure and trans fashions on men and women, that were introduced that offend God very very much, that need repented of. or the handbook says we will not see the Era of Peace, nor the Immaculate Heart Triumph. http://cora.dashjr.org/trad/modesty.html

  8. Witold Chamielec23 April 2024 at 23:38

    Congratulation Candace

  9. All should enter
    One church one bible.

    1. Henry Pinto, your position is orthodox, true ecumenism.

  10. Catherine Engle5 May 2024 at 15:29

    Love this! God bless her❤️
