Tuesday 2 July 2024



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Pious Catholics are taking umbrage at the whistle-blower prelate-in-hiding Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. They object to his referring to Antipope Francis by his given name, Jorge Mario Bergoglio - as he's often called on this page - as lacking in reverence and respect for the papacy. No; not at all, because the papacy has nothing to do with Bergoglio, who never was the pope and will never be, by reason of his fraudulent, illegal 'election'. 

Even the respected website OnePeterFive takes +Viganò to task for 'never once' calling Bergoglio 'Pope', and for his statement, "Everything that Bergoglio does constitutes an offense and a provocation to the entire Catholic Church".

Everything Bergoglio does, in fact, does constitute an offence to the Church because he does everything as the pope which he is not. So that everything he does is a lie. 1P5's TS Flanders indignantly repudiates +
Viganò's claim, citing Flanders' 13 Good Things Pope Francis has Done. The title gives the game away. 'Pope Francis' has done nothing, because the entity 'Pope Francis' doesn't exist. 

Please read, below, the scorching prose of Ann Barnhardt, and watch her riveting video. 

Get the Most Precious Blood garden banner


Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. “…Even the Stones Will Cry Out.”

Happy Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, and remember that July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood. How about ordering a gorgeous flag or garden banner from the good folks at TradFlags.com to fly this month? AND, I just noticed that you can now order THE ENTIRE TWELVE MONTH SET FOR ONLY $399, which seems like a good deal to me. Remember, they have both flagpole flags, and the gorgeous “garden banner” flags. Nurse Claire has the garden banners, and they’re beautiful.


One of the most interesting and awesome aspects of the process of the Truth being exposed is the dynamic that I covered in the “Bergoglian Antipapacy” video presentation at the 01:53:29 timestamp.



The enemies of the Truth always, by the Divine Providence, end up testifying to the truth themselves, almost always AGAINST their own wicked interests and motives.  Pontius Pilate, after saying to the Jewish mob, “Behold your King!” and, “Shall I crucify your King?” then wrote the inscription to hang above Our Lord’s head on the Cross, “Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews” and was asked by the High Priest to Change the inscription to “He said, ‘I am King of the Jews".  Pilate replied with the famous words, “Quod scripsi, scripsi.” What I have written, I have written.

Mic drop.

The Jewish mob in Pilate’s courtyard cried out – completely inadvertently

... Not inadvertently, surely - nothing happens by chance; everything happens by divine providence ... 

but 100% providentially,

...There you are. Barnhardt gets it ...  

– one of the most beautiful prophecies in Salvation History, which was fulfilled par excellence just a few hours later: LET HIS BLOOD BE UPON US AND UPON OUR CHILDREN!


These are the words that I pray at every Mass at the elevation of the Most Precious Blood, as angels dip hyssop branches in the Chalice and sprinkle the Blood of Christ on us, and onto the Poor Souls in Purgatory.


'Pope Francis' fronting for the globalists


It was pointed out to me that perhaps one of the most glaring examples of this dynamic of even the malefactors witnessing to the Truth with regards to the Bergoglian Antipapacy is precisely the fact that Antipope Bergoglio refuses to answer the original Four Cardinals’ Dubia.

Antipope Bergoglio has no magisterial authority.  Those five Dubia questions are to be answered by the Pope, and Bergoglio is not now and never has been the Pope.  Even Bergoglio himself testifies to his own criminal status as Antipope by “cleverly” (he thinks) refusing to answer simple questions submitted to him “as Pope”.  

This is a GREAT POINT.  Perhaps even more compelling than the fact that Bergoglio refuses to wear the Papal regalia, refuses to live in the Apostolic Palace or even to vacation in Castel Gondolfo, that he refers to himself as “Bishop of Rome”, that he explicitly stated that he would never make any “ex-cathedra” proclamations, that he waves at people, but doesn’t bless them, and has refused on multiple occasions to impart the Apostolic Blessing, and more.

And he has officially rejected the title, Vicar of Christ. One could go on.

Perhaps my favorite was when he said, “Perhaps I will be the one to schism The Church.” Indeed. And since the Pope is in his person the Principal of Unity and Standard of Schism, it is ONTOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for the Pope to “schism The Church” because the Pope cannot, BY SIMPLE LOGICAL DEFINITION be in schism from himself. The Pope CANNOT BE a living incarnation of a violation of the Law of Non-contradiction – being simultaneously a thing AND its negation – in the case of the Papacy, both the Principal of Unity AND a vector of schism. This is just one more undeniable proof that Jorge Bergoglio is nothing more than an apostate Bishop.

The Truth is irresistible, and the Truth WILL OUT in God’s good time.

Pray for Holy Mother Church, and for the Petrine See in se, vacant these 548 days and counting.

To whom He said: I say to you, that if these shall hold their peace, the stones will cry out.

Quibus ipse ait : Dico vobis, quia si hi tacuerint, lapides clamabunt.


The Visitation by Domenico Ghirlandaio

My soul doth magnify the Lord


  1. Teresa Moroney2 July 2024 at 15:20

    The false pope needs removed.

  2. Jorge Bergoglio is a blade of grass as are we all. One day his soul will appear before God and account for his life as will all of us. I have respect for the office of the Papacy. Period

    1. I myself have reverence for the office of the Papacy. You seem to have missed the point of the post, which is that Bergoglio does not occupy the office of the Papacy and never did.
      Please hear Ann Barnhardt explain the situation. Click on the link to her video in the post.

    2. I haven’t missed the point. I keep my eyes on Jesus and I follow his teachings. Man is a blade of grass a puff of smoke here today and gone tomorrow. Their words are empty but the word of God is eternal.

    3. Jesus teaches us to "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves" (Mt 7, 15). Did you watch Ann Barnhardt's video explaining how and why Bergoglio is a false prophet? God speaks to us through His faithful little ones, and we ignore them at our eternal peril.

    4. God is all knowing. When it is His time and under His control those who are attempting to rip Holy Mother Church will be dealt with. I take comfort in the words of Jesus that the gates of hell will not prevail against Holy Mother Church. I pray the rosary attend Mass and I keep my eyes on Jesus.

    5. I agree with all you say, except to remark that we are God's hands and feet in this world (I think that's Teresa of Avila). He expects us to deal with those who are ripping Holy Mother Church apart, in so far as it lies within our power to do so - with, of course, constant prayer, penance, reparation, the Rosary and the Mass to inform and strengthen us.

    6. we are not in disagreement. The Church unfortunately is not a democracy and we the sheep are powerless to make changes. We can do that has great power is to agree to band together and pray to God our Father to help us. To rid the Church of those bent on Her destruction and to give us the strength resist. I am broken hearted by the behavior of Jorge but he will die as will we all and another will take his place I’m not a theologian just someone who loves Jesus and will follow him to the end. God bless you and your family😊🙏🏻❤️

  3. Peter Carsonator2 July 2024 at 15:35

    If it acts like a duck…
    Praying for the conversion of these geriatric apostates, heretics, protestants, neopagans, infidels, progressives, worldlings, liberals, lefties, satanists…
    Did I miss anyone?
    O Lord Jesus Christ increase our faith!

  4. Hmmm ... Could it be - Satan???

    1. (Back when SNL (Saturday Night Live - ed) •was• funny, before the left wrecked everything).

  5. https://www.lifesitenews.com/.../new-vatican-document.../

  6. Those aren’t what I’d call pious Catholics. Some may indeed be pious, at least in their own view, but from the above verbiage, more than anything they and the author of said verbiage are gravely blind to reality.

  7. By their fruits you will know them. I pray for Pope Francis daily. Discernment is necessary. Learn your faith, frequent the Sacraments, and discern, discern, discern. Pray that you may not be deceived but instead remain faithful to the Truth. Come Holy Spirit and enlighten the hearts of your faithful!

  8. Jorge Mirabent2 July 2024 at 15:42

    Comrade Bergolio is more appropriate.

  9. I’m team Michael Matt here. These are moves to tear apart the clans.

    1. I'm team MM too. Although I thought I detected a note of superiority in his references to +Vigano in his most recent video. Any sniping at a valiant warrior like +Vigano - who like the rest of us isn't perfect - won't help 'unite the clans'.
      The first necessity for the clans' unification is recognition of the truth, which is that Bergoglio is not the pope, and prayer and reparation for all parties involved.

    2. Christina Roseberry2 July 2024 at 15:51

      The faux Church split from the true long before Bergie.

    3. exactly. everyone is on the superior team.

    4. Christina Roseberry2 July 2024 at 15:53

      Not sure I understand “superior team”.

    5. Peter Carsonator2 July 2024 at 15:54

      Speaking of Matt, here’s Matthew:
      I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven. 34 Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword [Matthew 10:34]

    6. I’m pretty sure Matt isnt Matthew. Like 99.99999% but ok.

    7. Christina Roseberry2 July 2024 at 15:56

      Yep and it goes even further. Start researching the frauds prior to V2.

    8. If you visit my blog www.juliadufresne.blogspot.com
      you'll see I have researched those frauds. To some extent. I doubt anyone could get to the bottom of them, but with his intellect and courage +Vigano is more likely to do so than anyone.

  10. Christina Roseberry2 July 2024 at 16:00

    I think God is using Bergie as a tool to wake us up and set us on fire for the truth. We can be quiet no longer - no more fence sitting. God hates lukewarm. Stand up and choose truth.

    1. That is false. The Impoater in Rome is dragging souls to Hell.

    2. Christina Roseberry2 July 2024 at 16:02

      We all have to seek truth. I truly believe this imposter is so outrageous that those who are of good will, but have been asleep to the falsehoods, are now beginning to wake up. That’s just my take.

    3. Vivian AK Rodriguez4 July 2024 at 15:13

      Bergie? Reminded of Dave Berg of MAD Magazine.

  11. Christina Roseberry yep, I agree. We as Catholics have become like society, very complacent, if it doesn't bother us why care...

  12. Gina Ginda Medvedz2 July 2024 at 16:05

    my thoughts exactly. Plus, atheists and pagans think he’s the best thing since sliced bread, so if it causes anyone to take a look at the Catholic Church who otherwise wouldn’t, it gives the Holy Spirit the opportunity to enter in. I think JPll was the Pope for the youth, Benedict was the Pope for the Church (to strengthen us for these times), and Francis is the Pope for the world. I just trust that God is working in all of this…His ways are certainly not my ways!🙏❤️

    1. I find in running this blog that many Protestants recognise Bergoglio for what he is, and detest him.

    2. Gina Ginda Medvedz4 July 2024 at 15:12

      absolutely true.

    3. Christina Rosebery, a great point there, because he is doing just that! Waking us up!!

  13. Sergio Enriquez2 July 2024 at 16:12

    Sister Lucia of Fatima spoke of a "diabolic disorientation" that would infect the leaders of the Church. Well, we're there.

    1. Without looking the quote up (and while actually agreeing with its sentiment) I'd say that although one sees it mentioned so often, it emanated from the fake Sister Lucy.

  14. Julie Swoverland2 July 2024 at 16:13

    How old is he now? And very poor health?

  15. Well maybe if he stopped acting like an antipope

  16. Marrae Chaillier2 July 2024 at 16:16

    How about spend everyone in this group spend less time on church politics and arguing about who is right, which is almost never fruitful, and more time on prayer and penance for our own sins and the sins of this world.

  17. We must discern the truth and pray it will be recognised and accepted, while also praying and doing penance.

    1. Before you attempt to tell everyone in the group what to do, perhaps you should read the about section here. I bet you missed it. (Quotes rules for 'Caritas in Veritate' which allow members to ask questions about issues that concern them - ed.)

    2. Marrae Chaillier2 July 2024 at 16:24

      how charitable of you to send this. God Bless.

  18. It saves a lot of embarrassment 😉 when commenters understand the group.

  19. He is the validly elected Pope, tho we don't like what he is saying or doing.

    1. Almost the whole point of the post, especially the 2-hour Ann Barnhardt video included in it, is to prove that Bergoglio was not validly elected. Once we realise that, we can assess the situation and discern the way ahead for the Church. If only more bishops and cardinals recognised his 'election' for the sham it was, the Church would not now be in this crisis of threatened schism.

    2. In addition, I'm sorry, but I must flatly contradict you. Bergoglio was 'elected' pope when there was already a validly-elected pope (Benedict XVI) occupying the Petrine See. So the conclave that 'elected' him was illicit, so in fact did not constitute a conclave.

    “There will be an uncanonically elected pope who will cause a great schism,
    there will be diverse thoughts preached which will cause many, even those in
    the different orders to doubt, yea, even agree with those heretics which will
    cause my Order to divide, then will there be such universal dissensions and
    persecutions that if those days were not shortened even the elect would be
    lost.” —St. Francis of Assisi (The Reign of Antichrist, Fr. R. Gerald Culleton)

    1. That's it, exactly. Thanks for bringing that one up.

  21. Catherine Le Breton2 July 2024 at 16:38

    every Catholic has the utmost respect for the Chair Of Peter as instituted by Jesus Himself - but not every Catholic has respect for the Chair’s occupant.

    1. Bergoglio does not occupy the See of Peter. That's the point of the post. I do urge you to read it and watch Ann Barnhardt's video, the link for which is included in the post.

    2. Very true- even the Catholic Church has denounced and condemned several men who held the office of the Pope!
      It can be looked up if deniers want to research it!
      The sacred Chair of Peter is still respected by Catholics but historically it has been defiled by a few

  22. Vigano has been speaking out on everything From NWO to the covid scam.Great and courageous man.

  23. In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 7:15–20), Jesus warns his followers of false prophets: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles?

  24. Anne Marie Willingham2 July 2024 at 16:49

    This picture is insulting our Catholic . Just pray in the Holy Spirit and our Blessed Mother Mary. Queen of Peace. Saint Joseph the patron of families and Workers . For Saint Michael the Ark Angel protector of the Police And all who protects all humanity. Especially we pray out infiltraters in the Vatican We welcome peace in our world today .and Humanity and life ❤️

    1. It's hardly an insulting picture which simply illustrates the truth, which is that so many Catholics recognise Bergoglio for what he is: an Antipope. We must face the truth while also praying to the Holy Spirit, Our Lady, St Joseph, St Michael Archangel and all saints and angels to come to the aid of the Church.

  25. Nailed it.👍You comments and rebuttals are stoic.

    Some commentators are haters and some didn't read the blog or have reading comprehension issues.


  26. Poor lil jorge his feelings are hurt. You offend The Lord Jesus on a daily basis. With trying to destroy His Catholic Church. In the end you will lose the war Jorge unless you repent you know where you are headed.

  27. Just be sure you realize that Frankie is only the last of a series of the Vatican 2 antipopes. John XXIII, the known Freemason likely obtained election when Cardinal Siri had already accepted but was forced aside by threats. Thus John XXIII officially started the apostasy by calling for that wicked council. He also refused to reveal the true 3rd secret of Fatima which Sister Lucia said must be done in 1960. The wicked Paul VI led V2 and then revised the Mass and other sacramental rites. Paul V was also in charge when the Vatican Bank corruption reached a crisis that likely was the motive for the assassination of his successor antipope John Paul I. And look who was "waiting in the wings"! - none other than the Polish communist Cardinal Wojltyla, elected as John Paul II. From the start with his first public address he boldly declared Himself "the Christ" and gave the world a new "Gospel of MAN." JP II was clearly "man of sin," the end times Antichrist of scripture. On two separate occasions JP II the Antichrist was wounded and yet lived. More than a billion people watched him in blinded awe as he travelled far and wide, finally gathering the heads of not only the major Protestant and Jewish faith, but every pagan cult and false religion of the world. He gathered all of them together at Assisi where he sat over and above the "Altar of Peace" fulfilling prophesy. At his side was Benny! Yes. Antipope Benedict XVI, who had grown from his Hitler Youth to play the role of False Prophet, giving worship to the Beast John Paul II with the massively orchestrated and worldwide telecast event of conferring sainthood upon the Beast, whose "image" was given life by reviewing his life on big screen video in the Vatican. And now we have Frankie, the first of the antipopes who was dubiously ordained a priest under the new rite of Paul VI. I pray that more people will study and learn the truth, saving their souls. So many were fooled... "even the elect."

  28. The Papacy has always been Antichrist. It has never been a Christian Church.
    This was confirmed to me by my late Uncle who was a Latin mass Catholic. He said, we are not Christians, we are Roman Catholic. I answered, yes I know, that is my point. So why do so many Catholics try to deceive us into thinking they are Christians?

    1. Your uncle was mistaken. Catholics were the first, original Christians.

  29. Stanislaw Dewiatowski6 July 2024 at 20:53

    Vigano is excommunicated. And if anyone denies that Francis is Pope, they are also excommunicated latae sententiae, just like Vigano.

  30. +Vigano is NOT excommunicated - for the simple reason that Bergoglio/Francis is not the pope; for the simple reason that a conclave cannot be called nor a pope elected while the Petrine See is still occupied, as it was by Benedict XVI when the Sankt Gallen Mafia engineered Bergoglio's faux 'election'; for the simple reason that Benedict's resignation was erroneously made and therefore invalid.
    There are other reasons of course (Bergoglio's manifest heresies being a major consideration) but for the purpose of discussing +Vigano's 'excommunication' they hardly need citing.

  31. Michael Golden6 July 2024 at 20:55

    Judge a Tree by its Fruit
    Jorge is Poisonous

  32. Connie Rose-Straube6 July 2024 at 20:56

    Bergoglio doesn't see himself as the Vicar of Christ. In the Vatican Year Book, he had the title moved from the top of the page to the bottom. He said of "the Vicar of Christ" it's just an old fashioned title. I'm very, very unsure of the things this pope has said and done that causes me to question if he is being lead by the Holy Spirit.
