Tuesday 25 June 2024



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"We did it!" 

The jubilant cry of "we did it" yesterday from New Zealand's staunch Voices for Freedom was echoed right around the country from everyone who waited for this, for what seemed the longest time.

People on X (Twitter) were in tears of joy. People in churches were on their knees giving thanks (if they weren't, they should have been). People who've been sticking pins into Ardern dolls might have decided to let up as her day of reckoning - and "dear Dr Bloomfield's" and Andrew Little's big come-uppance - seem to come so much closer.

Yesterday was a good day. We read that a Kansas AG Pfizer lawsuit will stop the CV19 bioweapon vax industry. That Dr Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, has stated, “Everyone involved in the development of COVID-19 as an offensive biological warfare weapon and everyone involved in the manufacture of these COVID-19 ‘frankenshots’ clearly violated the Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation. It was a Nuremberg crime and a crime against humanity.”

And Julian Assange was set free.  


Brisbane Airport this week



Yesterday the coalition government announced that a new, full-scale Covid-19 Inquiry will start in November 2024! It has been dubbed 'Phase Two'.


What Does This Mean?


The current Royal Commission of Inquiry will now be divided into two phases.


'Phase One' continues until its completion in November, with its existing narrow scope and current commissioners Blakely and Whitehead, who will resign upon completion of the first phase.


"Key figures in our Covid-19 response could have to give evidence publicly for phase two of the Government inquiry" https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/on-air/heather-du-plessis-allan-drive/audio/brooke-van-velden-internal-affairs-minister-on-the-governments-planned-second-phase-of-the-covid-19-inquiry/


'Phase Two' will usher in a broader, independent, and public inquiry that, from a first pass, appears to align closely with many of the comprehensive guidelines outlined in The People's Terms, complete with new commissioners!


Key Areas of Investigation Will Include:


The use of vaccines during the pandemic

  • Vaccine mandates
  • Vaccine safety
  • Vaccine approval; and
  • The monitoring and reporting of adverse reactions to the vaccines.


Social impacts

  • The effect of social division and isolation; and
  • The extent of disruption to New Zealanders' health and education systems


Economic impacts and disruption to business

  • The effect on inflation, debt, and economic activity
  • The effect of extended lockdowns in Auckland and Northland; and
  • The Government's utilisation of partnerships with business and professional groups.


Government decision making

  • Whether the rules set by the Government appropriately balanced Covid-19 elimination with other goals; and
  • The Government's responsiveness to utilising new technology, methods, and effective international practices.



Winston Weighs In


Last night RCR's Paul Brennan spoke with Deputy PM Winston Peters about this news and today's New Zealand First press release. Winston confirmed their commitment to a full, wide-ranging, independent inquiry while disagreeing with their coalition partners over the decision to continue with Phase One of the inquiry instead of discontinuing it. 


We agree that the Covid Inquiry's current form (Phase One) is compromised, narrow, and a pointless waste of money.


Make No Bones About It...


Without your support and action, we would not be celebrating this win in our ongoing efforts to seek accountability and transparency in New Zealand's Covid response!


The truth is that organised and consistent public pressure on the issues that matter gets results. www.voicesforfreedom.co.nz


The 34,000+ signatures supporting The People's Terms were critical in getting this inquiry over the line and are a testament to our community's collective power.



This is the inquiry we have all been fighting for—an opportunity to hold our leaders and 'experts' accountable and to ensure that future responses respect our fundamental human rights.


We know it is unlikely to be smooth sailing from here on in, and we will need to keep the pressure and scrutiny dials up high. But with your continued support, we are up for that challenge!www.voicesforfreedom.co.nz 


 Frescoes in the house of SS. John and Paul, under the Basilica of Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Rome. 

Saints John and Paul were martyred at Rome on 26 June under the Emperor Julian the Apostate (AD 361–3)

Saints John and Paul, pray for us



  1. Their bunker may be a lot bigger than their mate Adolph's, but they're in a bunker none the less.

  2. Definitely hopeful, but i find it interesting, the timing, whencouncils are instructed or forced to fluoridate water, mass medicating again when there is also proven harm, not to mention bill of rights etc, what else is in the water?

  3. Wayne Birdling25 June 2024 at 22:35

    Madam Guillotine.

  4. Let the public hangings commence.

  5. Carol McIntosh25 June 2024 at 22:37

    Excellent representation, SonovaMin.

  6. An absolute victory ! ! ! Standby for the rest to fall like a pack of cards..

  7. Lorraine Bunning25 June 2024 at 22:39

    Whoopee, bring it on.

  8. The Bird Flu Pandemic will shoot it out of the water (I seriously hope not but….)


    1. it’s still going on nothing has changed

    2. You're meaning jabs - yes - but a lot is going on overseas, a lot of information, facts & stats, reality... we are still being sheltered & conned, but it is really gaining momentum in other countries & will one day get here.

    3. We can only hope I’m not holding my breath sadly

    4. John Hitchen, me neither.

  10. It Stops when People say NO !

  11. Wayne Bradshaw26 June 2024 at 01:42

    Dr Peter McCullough said there is nothing to worry about with the bird flu

  12. Get the $20 + million dollar bribe money back and put it into the Health system.

  13. Will the Covid 19 inquiry be more politics than truth, like the Synod on Synodality?

  14. I wonder what Julian Assange will make of the Covid fiasco?

  15. Carolyn Bullen26 June 2024 at 20:19

    Hmmm won't pop the cork just yet 🍾 we've still got many rocks to kick over... like the one Fauci is hiding under for starters

  16. And Chippy needs to go.


  17. Do your back slapping when the verdict is known. Pfizer is not a reputable company but they reacted to global demand by producing a product. It's the government that should be held accountable for taking away your choice of whether to take it, or not.

    1. I believe NZDSOS and everyone else who made a song and dance about the Covid tyranny absolutely deserve congratulations and encouragement. Because as you imply, the jury is still out. I agree: the government should be held accountable, as should be obvious from my posts over the last four years or so.
