Sunday 9 June 2024


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Behold the revamped interior of Wellington's cathedral, reopened on its patronal feast, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, on Friday night, with a panoply of ethnic ceremonials. Observe the 'presider's chair' where the tabernacle is meant to be. The Protestant, Cranmer supper table in place of the altar of Sacrifice. The stark white walls devoid of sacred images to feed the soul: only a minimal crucifix (divorced from the altar and tabernacle) is dwarfed by one picture of the risen Christ. 

The video of Friday's 'Archdiocesan Mass of Thanksgiving' refers to the unbloody re-presentation of the Sacrifice of Calvary as a 'service'. The processional hymn was Lift High the Cross, written by the Church of England's Dean of Winchester. 

Archbishop Paul Martin SM (Society of Mary) spoke of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the past tense, as "a real flesh and blood person. He was physical. He did experience the emotions we experience." +Martin spoke of "our faith" without calling it Catholic. He wanted people to come to the cathedral because "there's something here that speaks of things beyond ourselves."

Excellency, your CATHOLIC faith teaches there is SOMEONE here, at your cathedral. Why didn't you say so? Is it because Protestants refute the reality of the Flesh and Blood of our Saviour in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar? Because so many actually hate the Eucharist and have been taught to hate It, from infancy? But you - you were taught that that Someone is the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Who has made known the ineffable marvels of His pure love, and to what an excess He has loved men, from whom He has received only ingratitude and contempt.

Excellency, your Catholic faith teaches that the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus experiences that ingratitude and contempt right NOW, in the present moment.

He feels this "more than all that I suffered during My Passion. If only they would make Me some return for My Love, I should think but little of all I have done for them, and would wish, were it possible, to suffer still more. But the sole return they make for all My eagerness to do them good is to reject Me and treat Me with coldness"
(Our Lord's words to St Margaret Mary Alocoque).

Excellency, when you relegate Our Lord to a side chapel (no matter how ornate), are you not rejecting Him? When you replace Him in His tabernacle in the cathedral sanctuary with a chair emblazoned with your coat of arms, are you not treating Him with coldness? Not to put too fine a point on it, it looks like more than coldness. It looks like pride, to which the world has dedicated the month celebrated traditionally in the Catholic Church to the Sacred Heart.

Do you and the NZ Conference of Catholic Bishops not feel compassion for Our Lord's beating, suffering, Sacred Heart? Apparently not. Did the congregation not feel anger at seeing Him, on His own Solemnity in His own cathedral, treated as one dead and buried and shunted aside for a chair? If not, you should realise that it's the Novus Ordo effect. 


Excellency, you and the NZ Conference of Bishops -  especially Cardinal John Dew, who was present at that Mass on the Solemnity (not a 'Feast') - have revamped your cathedral and reopened it in the 'Spirit of Vatican II' which like the Novus Ordo Missae (NO) itself, kowtows to Protestant sensibilities and the heresy of Protestantism, especially Anglicanism which is now practically - thanks mainly to the same-sex blessings now emulated by the once One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church - at its last gasp.

Your cathedral looks Protestant. The Mass itself was as Protestant as possible for a liturgy which necessarily included the prayer of Consecration.  

*Meanwhile, across the city of Wellington, the Sacred Heart of Jesus was being honoured with a Holy Hour and Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) in a crammed private chapel. In the front pew three small children knelt on their own, in silence, gazing at the array of statues, sacred images and fresh flowers all around the altar, the variety of beeswax candles, all lit, and centred in front of the tabernacle, the monstrance and Eucharist. The youngest child, a girl, had arrived bareheaded. Her elder brother, aged about five, pinned her chapel veil in place, arranged it with great care and repeated the process when it came adrift later, all without speaking. 

It wasn't until the priest began the prayers at the foot of the altar that their Dad turned up, and the three little ones stood, sat and knelt in concert with him for the duration of the Mass. In silence. One Massgoer remarked afterwards that her unchurched, non-Catholic husband would say those children must have been on drugs. 


There was just one child, of primary school age, in evidence at the NO Mass at the cathedral.  And one wonders how the three little children at their Holy Hour and Latin Mass would have fared in the cathedral, with nothing to gaze upon but prelates' faces and dead-white Spotlight vestments (oh, and assorted lay people straying in and out of the 'sanctuary' from time to time, some inevitably garbed in Pasifika costume). 

The thing is, all adornment must be cut to the bone or eschewed altogether in the Novus Ordo Mass, for fear of overwhelming its flimsy structure, whereas the monumental nature of the Mass of Ages (TLM) can support all manner of ornamentation - think of the gorgeousness of European medieval cathedrals. Just like the TLM priests, with their superior learning and preaching, can wear beautiful, richly hued and embroidered - and oh so masculine - fiddleback chasubles.

The effect the Latin Mass has - not just on children but all ages - is quantified somewhat in a 2018 PEW study in the United States which verifies the different impact that the two Mass forms (NO and TLM) have had on modern Catholics. 

Comparing Traditional Latin Massgoers with typical Novus Ordo attendees, the study found significant differences. Of NO Catholics, 89% approved of contraception and 51% approved of abortion at some stage. For TLM Catholics those respective numbers were 2% and 1%, an incredible 45:1 ratio! Then again, 67% of NO Catholics saw no problem with gay marriage versus less than 2% for TLM goers. 

Of special interest perhaps, to the prelates assembled for their NO Mass, in what was once the sanctuary at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart on its patronal Solemnity, are the figures for Mass attendance and church donations. Weekly Mass attendance for the TLM averaged 99% compared to 22% for the NO. 

TLM Catholics donated about 6% of their income to the Church and averaged 3.6 children per family compared with a meagre 1.2% donated by NO Catholics.

You can take it then, that NO Catholics are literally no Catholics.   

174 years after her death St Margaret Mary Alocoque's body was exhumed. Her head was completely intact.

These are the promises His Sacred Heart made to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque:
1. I will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life.
2. I will give peace in their families.
3. I will console them in all their troubles.
4. I will be their refuge in life and especially in death.
5. I will abundantly bless all their undertakings.
6. Sinners shall find in my Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy.
7. Tepid souls shall become fervent.
8. Fervent souls shall rise speedily to great perfection.
9. I will bless those places wherein the image of My Sacred Heart shall be exposed and venerated.
10. I will give to priests the power to touch the most hardened hearts.
11. Persons who propagate this devotion shall have their names eternally written in my Heart.
12. In the excess of the mercy of my Heart, I promise you that my all powerful love will grant to all those who will receive Communion on the first Fridays, for nine consecutive months, the grace of final repentance: They will not die in my displeasure, nor without receiving the sacraments; and my Heart will be their secure refuge in that last hour.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, make us meek and humble of heart!

*Please scroll down through the comments to find one from a someone who was present at this Adoration and Mass.


  1. the video posted by the Arch of Wellongton (sic) clearly shows the images in the altar. You maliciously demonically and satanically lied here by cropping out those images and then say there is no images but a little crucifix. Repent, agent of Satan! Vade retro, ancilla satanae!

    1. First, there's no 'altar' in the video. Instead, as the image posted here shows, there's a table named for Henry VIII's infamous Archbishop Cranmer who introduced it. The single statue (top right) is obscured in this image which was taken from the Bishops' Conference FB page exactly as it was, with no cropping.
      I suggest your angry over-reaction has more to do with the statistics I posted on NO Massgoers' faith compared with TLM adherents - which reflect so badly on the Novus Ordo - than with non-existent 'images in the altar'. But thank you, I'm happy to be abused for defending the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

    2. Michael Moros, what is in this photo are indigenous women processing up the isle. Is there a Pacha Momma????? These progressive priests and Bishops do not follow Christ. They follow a Vatican 2 cult that will not lead anyone to Christ.

    3. wow, racist much?
      You have a problem with indigenous people bringing gifts for the altar??

    4. Kate Purnell, bringing up gifts to the Altar is NOT traditional‼️
      Why do comments when you don’t agree always go to Racism????
      I love our indigenous people. But their feather dance and calling up ancestors at a Catholic Mass is sacrilege . Yea! I saw the Pope and watch this when he went to Canada….And I’ve seen it in NO videos.
      This site (One Million Strong for the Traditional Latin Mass) is in SUPPORT of the TLM. You should learn from comments not accuse Racism!

    5. Marian Larson, thank you. I should perhaps have explicitly stated that the Archdiocese of Wellington and its hierarchy are Novus Ordo, but that sad fact is made obvious by the image above. Cardinal John Dew, former Archbishop of Wellington, actually suppressed the Traditional Latin Mass for years and to my knowledge the TLM is not celebrated anywhere in this archdiocese, known informally as the 'Land of Mordor'. So the TLM referred to later in this post has to be celebrated by the Society of Pius X in a private chapel which is too small for its burgeoning congregation.

    6. Marian Larson, TLMer racist satanic logic:
      indigenuous (sic) attire = bad. European attire = good.

    7. Michael Moros, in New Zealand we're all too familiar with the tactic Marian Larson points out, of dealing the 'racist' card. Hers was not an objection to indigenous attire, but to bringing gifts to the altar, which is not traditional. It's one of those visual distractions with which the NO is larded in an attempt to flesh out its pitifully inadequate frame.

  2. This is an abomination! Luther and his revolt fairs well with the current society of “me”! Ugh

  3. Michael Thomas Kramer DC9 June 2024 at 18:00

    this is a pretty wild take...there's no cranmer table there...the "president chair" you reference isn't that at all...thats off on the side...what's in the middle is the cathedra...and though that's not my was common in the old basilicas and you can see that to this day in rome...Its clear from the context that the archbishop is referring to his eartly life which is in the past...crucifixs qua crucifixs were literally never conjoined to the tabernacle...they would be added for devotion or decoration have never been much for writing hymns...many hymns we use are written by protestants...ive heard them sung at many sspx churches...many sedevacantist churches...etc...its not uncommon and in itself there is nothing wrong with it and lift high the cross is a beautiful example of a hymn written by protestants acceptable for catholic use...

  4. Michael Thomas Kramer DC, in stating "there's no 'cranmer table there" you're denying the evidence of your own eyes.
    The 'presider' at this Mass was the Archbishop, so on this occasion the cathedra was literally the 'presider's' chair.
    Our Blessed Lord suffering on the cross (Crucifix) is bound in His mystical marriage with His Church to the Altar and Tabernacle as a sign of the force of His love which will never forsake us, never leave us. "Behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world"(Mt. xxviii. 20).
    Yes,+Martin was referring to Our Lord's earthly life. That's my point. What matters NOW is His life with us NOW in souls sanctified by grace, and in the tabernacle. Novus Ordo people (who presumably are already familiar with the Gospels and His life on earth) seem not to grasp the fact of His life in the Eucharist. That's obvious in their empty churches on weekdays and emptying churches on Sundays - vide the statistics published in the post.
    'Lift High the Cross' may be 'acceptable' to Catholics but on His Solemnity and the cathedral's patronal feast would a hymn to the Sacred Heart of Jesus not have been more fitting? Or would that not have been 'acceptable' to Protestants?

  5. Michael Thomas Kramer DC, you have not heard Protestant hymns sung at SSPX churches. I have both hymnals that are used and you are lying through your teeth. Lift High the Cross has never been sung at an SSPX and you should go to confession for lying.
    Catholics used to be great at hymns until boomers ruined them with their hippy-dippy Woodstock influence.
    The tabernacle should be attached to the high altar. That chair doesn’t belong there. Period.

  6. The position of everything is very Freemasonic. If you haven't already watched "Mass of the Ages" trilogy go to YouTube and watch. It's very clear.

    1. The Freemasonic spirit has been clearly evident for years in the Archdiocese of Wellington and the adjacent Diocese of Palmerston North.

    2. Michael Thomas Kramer DC10 June 2024 at 14:43

      the church has always had freestanding altars. the Blessed Sacrament has always been reserved on the side in cathedrals and in pontifical ceremonies. the placement of the cathedra in the middle while not advisable in the current liturgical crisis is found in the oldest Christian basilicas...which predate the founding of freemasonry.

    3. Virginia Katsaounis10 June 2024 at 14:44

      no you are not correct. The free standing altar was introduced in the 60s. I know I grew up in the 50s. The Blessed Sacrament tabernacle always was in the center. Never on the side altars. The side altars was reserved for visiting priests to say Mass. Because a priest had to fulfill their obligation to say at least one Mass a day. Which was changed.

    4. Michael Thomas Kramer DC10 June 2024 at 14:50

      sorry this is just false. in the altar missal there's a diagram showing where to swing the thurible to incense a free standing altar. most parishes churches in the US were small and that necessitated the high altar be against the wall. the major, larger churches before the council in the US often had free standing high they did in europe...and im not sure how else to tell you...the rubrical manuals are explicit that the Blessed Sacrament should have a side chapel in cathedrals or at a minimum if space didn't allow for that must be moved for pontifical ceremonies. I'm not guessing. I've mced for multiple bishops in the Old Rite. I know the missale and the pontificale and the corresponding liturgical law.

    5. These rubrics, as you say, are for large cathedrals. Good for you, doing time as thurifer for bishops at the TLM but in the context of a small church like Wellington's Sacred Heart, in practice they really don't apply.

  7. I find it strange that once again there is no Blessed Sacrament on display – a missed opportunity in a cathedral “re-build”! With the acknowledged concern about a lack of belief in the Real Presence within NO Masses, you’d think the Church would learn from the noticeable lack of attendance and adoration when having the Blessed Sacrament housed in some usually empty room instead of being constantly on the Sanctuary.

  8. The wealth of head office in Rome is a worry as is, Billy Graham dying with 23 million in the bank.

    1. Errol Dyer he was also a freemason

    2. Errol Dyer, Di Higgie - Billy Graham was a Baptist!

  9. How could jesus feel our injustices he is dust

  10. Allan Faith Quite to the contrary!
    Christ rose bodily, was seen by more than 500 people, and it's still what we celebrate and remember every Easter.
    And, His disciples were all killed, except John, for preaching the Gospel! So, if He didn't rise from the grave, they all died for a lie! Who would be mad enough to do that?!
    And, if God wanted people to know these truths don't you think He'd want every one to know? Well, He does! And what's the most printed book, by far, in the world? The Bible. And, here it is 2024,......two thousand and twenty four years since what?
    And there is much more that could be said to prove Christ is God in the flesh, lived a sinless life, and yet died a sinner's death - to pay for your and my we can have a relationship with God and go to heaven when we die.
    For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever should believe in Him should have eternal life. (John 3:16)

    1. Unfortunately I have to state that your belief in a God Who gives salvation to sinners is a Protestant heresy, manufactured in the first instance by a mere man, Martin Luther, who was obsessed with fear of the hell which his pride deserved. God is infinitely just as well as infinitely loving and prepares a place in heaven only for those who do His will.

    2. So, what you're saying is..........Christ's sacrifice on the cross was not enough?! 🤔
      You appear to believe that only people who do His will, do 'good works', will earn God's favour and be allowed into heaven.
      That's very sad! 🙁
      Jesus said on the cross, "It is finished!"
      (John 19:30) & (John 17:4 & 5)
      I can't add to that, I can't do ANYTHING to earn my salvation! Christ achieved / paid for, my salvation and for my sins.......regardless if I did or do His will!
      If I am a Christian, then I'd better have good works to prove that Christ lives in me by His Spirit (Romans 8:9), because, faith without works, is dead, non-saving faith! (James 2:14 - 26)
      BUT, I am NOT saved by good works - they are/should be, a 'product' of my salvation!
      I'm saved by Christ's finish work of redemption on the crosss, and I can NOT add to that, because He said, "It is finished!"
      You can not add to a finished work!
      Our names are either written in the Lamb's book of life......or not! (Revelation 21:27) - Because, if the doing of good works are required to enter heaven / earn salvation, then when we get there, we'll be able to say - "Look what I did!" And yet that goes completely against scripture! (Ephesians 2:8 - 10)
      For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

    3. I admire your faith, but it's sadly misplaced. It'ssimply just, that only those who do God's will may enter heaven. If impure souls were admitted to heaven it would no longer be heaven, would it?
      Best if I just refer you to the Deposit of Faith in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, the only Church founded by Christ on Peter, the first Bishop of Rome, which alone teaches the truths of salvation and to which your ancestors belonged until a mere man, Martin Luther, declared that he knew better.

    4. Julia, I thought places in heaven are for those who recognise Jesus for who He is - the Son of God - and those who call upon His Name shall be saved.

    5. Kate, "Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but HE THAT DOTH THE WILL of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Mt 7.11). That says it all.
      And because Jesus Christ founded His Church on the "rock" of Peter, it follows that His adorable will is for all to believe and practise everything that the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church proposes for our belief and practice. Not what is proposed by the antipope Francis and his 'Ape church, but by the Catholic Church down through the ages.

  11. It's not the Catholic Church but the counterfeit " catholic " Novus Ordo. It's the great apostasy as mentioned by Saint Paul in Scripture. Mystic Anna Catherine Emmeric prophecies about the usurp of the papacy/ church hierarchy at the heretical Vatican II Council. The Church hierarchy was already infiltrated by c immune list agents known as early as 1930. Read AA1025 or testimony of Bella Dodd. The 3rd secret of Fatima they suppressed was about the usurpation of Church hierarchy to build this bogus evil counterfeit Church in Rome right now. Focus on the true Catholic faith.

    1. Michael Marino12 June 2024 at 15:33

      yep….and there is nothing we can do to stop this madness……only God can intervene……its totally out of any human authority to put a stop to all this…..the devil has control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. You mean, I suppose, that the devil has control only for as long as God allows.
      What we MUST do to stop this madness is pray and sacrifice and make reparation. God requires and needs our cooperation in His work of salvation for mankind.

    3. Michael Marino12 June 2024 at 15:57

      and we all have been doing this over 50 years……so how long do we wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Yes, 60 years. Which when compared with eternity is next to nothing, is it not? I suppose we must wait just as long as God wills it.

  12. Wendy Baumann Krzyzanowski

    That’s not a real Catholic Church.

  13. Jacqueline Biggs10 June 2024 at 14:29

    Why such appeasement and to whom? Who're they trying not to offend or do they think standing for nothing will attract more customers.

  14. Christine Blandford10 June 2024 at 14:30

    No tabernacle, that’s heartbreaking 💔
    Our Holy Catholic Church is becoming Protestant

    1. The horrible reality is of course, that it started turning Protestant 60 years ago, when Vatican II rejected Cardinal Ottaviani's Intervention in favour of the Modernist Cardinal Bea's. The Most Holy Eucharist was removed from the sanctuary of Sacred Heart Cathedral years ago and placed in a chapel which as I remember is completely separate from the church (sharing only entrance via the foyer), so that the Real Presence is no longer there for veneration by genuflections, silence and prayer. One may as well be in the Anglican Cathedral down the street.

  15. Kate, "Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Mt 7.11). That says it all.
    And because Jesus Christ founded His Church on the "rock" of Peter, it follows that His adorable will is for all to believe and practise everything that the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church proposes for our belief and practice. Not what is proposed by the antipope Francis and his 'Ape church, but by the Catholic Church down through the ages.

  16. The Catholic Church has been infiltrated by luciferians at the highest level. They are sadly no longer Christ centered, but “woke inclusive” centered.

  17. Justine Vollert10 June 2024 at 15:37

    Good to see all the statues and images gone

    1. Did you read the post, with its reference to the three little children in the front pew at small church across the city on the same night, who gazed for an hour and a half at the rich array of statues, images, burning candles, the crucifix and the Eucharist in the monstrance? In silence and on their own until their Dad turned up beside them for Mass?
      At the cathedral, all those little ones would have had to look at would have been the bishops and priests in their dead-white vestments, and an image of the risen Christ dwarfing the corpus of Christ on the Cross.
      I wonder if many of those who commented on the blurb for this post (far too many to publish) clicked on the link and got the whole story, as it were?

    2. Margaret Jones10 June 2024 at 15:40

      that's what it is at our new church in Paraparaumu too.

    3. "Oh, I KNOW!" (as Sybil Fawlty would say). I've seen images of Our Lady of Kapiti online but I wouldn't want to visit it.

  18. Christine Blandford10 June 2024 at 15:44

    I hope and pray that The Catholic Cathedral that is going to be rebuilt after the earthquake in Christchurch will be Traditionally Catholic and please God let there be a tabernacle

  19. the idols are gone leaving worship to adorn this House of God.

    1. You and Justine Vollert confirm Archbishop Martin and Cardinal Dew's falsely ecumenist motive for renovating the Catholic cathedral in a Protestant idiom, to please non-Catholics.
      They are not idols. They are images to stir the imagination and inspire us to pray for their intercession on our behalf with Almighty God. Please read the post, if you haven't done so, and see the reference to three small children in another church, the same night, enthralled by what you call idols.
      And can it rightfully be called a House of God, when God Himself has been removed to a side chapel?

  20. Cheryl Reid, neither the existence nor the non-existence of external "trappings" have any bearing or effect upon an individuals worship of God. Since this is done in the core being of a person it doesn't matter where that person physically is.

    1. It certainly does matter, to a Catholic, to be in the Real Presence of the Son of God in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.

  21. Close it back down it's still Protestant

  22. Forgive us Lord God !

  23. Shirley Hooton Walker11 June 2024 at 15:20

    Anti christ work it out

  24. The Vatican II Cult is fading. A return to tradition is happening quietly and slowly.

  25. I've been a server for Archbishop Martin SM at multiple Masses and I can say he has a solid, orthodox Catholic faith. Unfortunately the grass skirt processions etc. were bound to happen and probably at least partly out of his control. But of course I agree it's a calamity. Topless dancers shouldn't be in the Holy Mass!

    1. If +Martin celebrates the Novus Ordo, can he be truly described as orthodox? Does he follow the rubrics or is his NO Mass illicit, like almost all are, in failing to follow the rubrics prescribed for the Novus Ordo?
      All NO Masses are compromised in that the NO was inspired by heretical modernists as a weapon to attack the very heart of the Church. Which it does, very successfully as we see from all the stats on attendance and belief in Catholic doctrine.

    2. Julia du Fresne, + Archbishop Martin usually uses the Roman Canon by the way. The Novus ordo is valid and licit. When celebrated properly and with Gregorian chant and Latin etc. it can be very beautiful.

    3. Luke Andrews I’ve never seen a novus ordo mass like that. Every one I’ve ever been to has woman on the altar. Women readers, and extraordinary ministers. I’m sure these beautiful novus ordo masses exist. But I’ve yet to see one.
      As for being out of his control. What is his job then?

    4. Luke Andrews, that chair does appear to be where I would hope to see the tabernacle.
      Where is that?

    5. Luke Andrews, NO Masses are valid, yes, but they are almost always ILLICIT. They do not comply with the rubrics of Vatican II. See my latest post:

    6. Unfortunately in the Archdiocese of Wellington there are few churches with the tabernacle in the centre as it should be. St Mary of the Angels is one. St Thomas More in Wilton is another.

    7. We can put it down to the Freemasonic influence so evident in the Wellington Archdiocese and in its suffragan Diocese of Palmerston North.

  26. Quelindoes Puebla11 June 2024 at 23:40

    Boycott these “modernists” and don’t give them any money!!!!

  27. Richie Steventon12 June 2024 at 00:41


    1. I utterly empathise with your anger at the Catholic Church under the illegally-elected Antipope Francis. Please believe however that his is a faux church, and that the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church still exists and will always survive in its faithful remnant.
      And stats actually prove that more child sex abuse occurs in secular institutions and other religious denominations than in the Catholic Church.

    2. Richie Steventon12 June 2024 at 00:42


    3. I am inside and if you read the post you will realise I'm looking around me.

    4. Richie Steventon12 June 2024 at 00:43


    5. Sounds like you don't pray. I've been warned, seriously, about making the kind of post I did last night
      and I had incredible trouble trying to publish it, but I'm protected by prayer and in the end I succeeded. Although not yet posted to all my FB groups or X.
      And what's more, a gun would be no use whatsoever against these powers of darkness.

  28. Amazing. And all for an imaginary "being"!

    1. Lorraine Erceq12 June 2024 at 15:49

      Michael Lowe bro God is real. Satan has set up a system with God as the face. It's not even hard to see. The RCC is the Beast of Rev 13. Deceive the whole world. Global leaders bow down to the pope/devil as their moral leader. We descending very quickly into hell...

  29. Lorraine, I think you mean, surely, that God "set up the system" and satan rebelled against it. And possibly his most powerful weapon is the hatred he inspires in non-Catholics (especially Protestants) of God's One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, because he hates and fears Christ Whom the Church possesses in the Most Holy Eucharist.

  30. James R Schiller14 June 2024 at 00:43

    an excellant example of Baphometism which is the freemason religion.

  31. Julia, I just wanted to say something about the part in your FB post about the three little children at Adoration? Mass on the Feast of the Sacred Heart. I was there and they were so beautiful. Then Gerard, their father came in, and prostrated himself on the ground beside me before quietly joining his children. It brought tears to my eyes.
    They are a beautiful family. Many just don't understand the glimpse of heaven in adoration and holy mass and how this is reflected in the people present. God bless you.
