This quote is actually an ‘instruction given by Christ Himself to His
favoured daughter, St Teresa:
Yesterday I emailed this quote, taken from a commentary on St John of the Cross, to a friend who's lost two sisters to cancer and a third to advanced Alzheimer's in the last three years. It's 'an instruction given by Christ Himself to His favoured daughter, St Teresa'::
Merit consists in working, suffering and loving. ... St Paul enjoyed
heavenly visions but once, yet innumerable were his sufferings. My entire life
was filled with sufferings, but once on Mr Tabor, I was filled with glory. Do
you think that when My Mother held me in her arms that she experienced joy
exclusive of suffering? From the moment of the prophecy of Simeon she was
enlightened, not only knowing My sufferings but sharing them with Me.
The great saints ... knew long periods without any spiritual
Believe Me, daughter, it is to those most loved by My Father
that He sends His greatest trials, for suffering and love are
inseparable. How can I better show thee My love than by willing for thee what I
have willed for Myself? Behold My wounds; no pain you will ever know will equal
Thy sufferings help Me to weep for the perdition which materialistic
souls are reaping for themselves. Here in patience and joyful acceptance of
suffering wilt thou find thy reward.
After such a revelation, need one wonder that St Teresa chose for her motto
‘To suffer or to die’?’